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These are gorgeous! Tq for sharing them with us!

Did you manage to add a nod to Xiang Liu in your latest work?

Thank you!

Yes, I did! It’s not finished yet, it was only the initial layout that still have to be approved before I can start painting it.

But once it’s all done, I’ll let you know! Ahhhhh I can’t wait hahahah


Umm... what happens if you start seeing Ru Shou in Lurtz during Boromir's death scene?

Howard Shore's score is perfection.

My daughter watched the Hobbit trilogy first and was so traumatised by all the deaths at the end, fully expecting all of them to return safely. Then she saw Boromir die, and refused to watch Two Towers and ROTK. And now she's digging her heels about watching Lost You Forever after seeing my reaction and I can't say I blame her.

Yeah, I really don’t want to think too much about Boromir, much less his death scene lol

Oh, I’m sorry :( Is she very young? I was traumatized back in 2001 when the first movie came out. Then when Thorin, Fili and Kili died, I was already older, but still got traumatized. I guess it’s becoming a ritual for me, every ten years or so lol


Yes, we get a rather callous response to  Xiang Liu and his death, which had me throwing my arms in the air, saying Xiao Yao doesn't deserve him in the drama.  Gah.

This can’t be happening, can it? What sort of cursed script is this?


So given all the changes made from the novel, who was this show actually made for? Like, who is its target audience? It's not a show for the Chinese general public -- it's a web series xianxia. It doesn't seem to be for fans of the novel because if Chinese fandom is to be believed the majority of those people are not happy with the changes made in the leaked script. If Chinese fandom is also to be believed the people who read the novel who care enough to watch the show are by majority XL and/or XL/XY CP fans. I'm just confused as to who this show or at least season 2 was made to appeal to? 

It's made for me!  MEEEEEEE!!!

I haven't read the novel.  I'm not part of the Chinese public.  I came to this show a complete blank slate.  Though, I'll be honest.  When I saw the trailer, I vaguely remember thinking that the white haired sea dude should be more striking.  I know, I know.  Don't throw oranges!  I could barely see him in the trailer!

I may be ready to burn it all down in season 2, but season 1 was amazing to me.  And XL / FFB was the be all and end all for me.  I don't care what anyone else says, once they got the PLB, every time XL / FFB looks at XY I know, deep in my bones, that his love is vaster than the oceans.  And every time XY looks at XL / FBB, that love is reflected in her eyes, and beneath her confusion and fear and idiocy, she loves him and wants to spend the rest of her life with him.

Even before the PLB, their scenes were electric.  I loved their banter, their 'dates,' their arguments, their partnerships, their firey attraction, and how their relationship grew.  They made me sweat and cry and laugh and scream in frustration and smile sappily.

I also enjoyed the other characters.


Thank you!

Yes, I did! It’s not finished yet, it was only the initial layout that still have to be approved before I can start painting it.

But once it’s all done, I’ll let you know! Ahhhhh I can’t wait hahahah

Can't wait to see the finished product! 


Yeah, I really don’t want to think too much about Boromir, much less his death scene lol

Oh, I’m sorry :( Is she very young? I was traumatized back in 2001 when the first movie came out. Then when Thorin, Fili and Kili died, I was already older, but still got traumatized. I guess it’s becoming a ritual for me, every ten years or so lol

She was in her early teens when she watched both the Hobbit and FOTR. I kept trying to convince her to continue over the past two years but she still refuses to budge. Then I started telling her to watch LYF with me but no luck yet - her question was "Fox or snake?" which I won't answer as I want to see who she picks if any. Ah well.


Love everything you said about S1. It is funny because after all the trauma over the past few days, I really wanted to see the POV of someone who watched with a blank slate, which you totally answered, so thank you! May your hair and mine be intact when S2 comes!

 AH :

Lol, perfect!

Can't wait to see the finished product!

One more thing waiting for a 2024 release :D

She was in her early teens when she watched both the Hobbit and FOTR. I kept trying to convince her to continue over the past two years but she still refuses to budge. Then I started telling her to watch LYF with me but no luck yet - her question was "Fox or snake?" which I won't answer as I want to see who she picks if any. Ah well.

Ah, I see. Basically the same age I was when I watched The Fellowship of The Ring. I was somehow braver when I was younger. I'm curious to know who your daughter would choose :)

My mom keeps asking me when we will watch LYF together but the answer still is never. She loved Under the Skin and we have pretty much the same tastes, so I can't do this to her 😅

I may be ready to burn it all down in season 2, but season 1 was amazing to me. And XL / FFB was the be all and end all for me. I don't care what anyone else says, once they got the PLB, every time XL / FFB looks at XY I know, deep in my bones, that his love is vaster than the oceans. And every time XY looks at XL / FBB, that love is reflected in her eyes, and beneath her confusion and fear and idiocy, she loves him and wants to spend the rest of her life with him.

Are you trying to make me cry at 2 a.m.?

I didn't know anything about LYF either, I was just looking for something to watch after tteftm and I came across lyf on YouTube, while browsing for fans MVs. There werent that many, because the drama was still ongoing, but most (if not all) of them were XL-XY related, so I didn't even doubt that  they are the main leads. Imagine my disappointment...  I honestly wouldn't have picked it up if I knew they are not the end game. The 3 mins trailer I saw was also missleading, tbh, so I can't really blame myself. 


Are you trying to make me cry at 2 a.m.?

Only in a good way!  XL / XY make me emotional!

Here!  Have a scene from the novel ... I think.  It came with the passage about XY crying over finding out her dad's the Demon General and XL giving her a cool kiss before leaving.



I didn't know anything about LYF either, I was just looking for something to watch after tteftm and I came across lyf on YouTube, while browsing for fans MVs. There werent that many, because the drama was still ongoing, but most (if not all) of them were XL-XY related, so I didn't even doubt that  they are the main leads. Imagine my disappointment...  I honestly wouldn't have picked it up if I knew they are not the end game. The 3 mins trailer I saw was also missleading, tbh, so I can't really blame myself. 

But did you enjoy XL / XY while watching them?


I think I am going to answer this question after S2 airs, I need the whole picture first. The novel I did enjoy though, în my mind there is no doubt that XL was as important or I dare to say even more important to XY than Jing. 

Ah, I see. Basically the same age I was when I watched The Fellowship of The Ring. I was somehow braver when I was younger. I'm curious to know who your daughter would choose :)

My mom keeps asking me when we will watch LYF together but the answer still is never. She loved Under the Skin and we have pretty much the same tastes, so I can't do this to her 😅

Will let you know if she ever watches. She figured out reading my translations that Xiang Liu will die, so yeah. We'll see if she still picks him despite knowing that.

I was the opposite - my mum started watching LYF first while I was dragging my feet because I wasn't very keen on the cast and afraid of being burnt by another poorly made adaptation, though I did fall in love with the opening theme already each time I heard it play. Thanks to her glowing recommendations, I finally did and promptly fell down the rabbit hole. She has been asking when S2 would air, and I refused to spoil things for her so she has no idea what is in store. Oh, she has been a YaoLiu shipper even earlier than me, and noted Xiao Yao's conflicting feelings about Xiang Liu even from the start.

I need Under the Skin S2 to drag me out of this rut, but that is not going to happen anytime soon. Sigh.


I didn't know anything about LYF either, I was just looking for something to watch after tteftm and I came across lyf on YouTube, while browsing for fans MVs. There werent that many, because the drama was still ongoing, but most (if not all) of them were XL-XY related, so I didn't even doubt that  they are the main leads. Imagine my disappointment...  I honestly wouldn't have picked it up if I knew they are not the end game. The 3 mins trailer I saw was also missleading, tbh, so I can't really blame myself. 

Knowing what you know now, do you still regret watching, or are you going down the bitter end with us?


I am still going to watch S2 because once I start something I have to finish, doesn't matter if I like it or not, I just have. I know deep down a lot of people know that this is the legit script for S2 but they are just hoping that on screen it's going to play differenly. I don't, I am already prepared, I know it's going to be a mess. 



I am still going to watch S2 because once I start something I have to finish, doesn't matter if I like it or not, I just have. I know deep down a lot of people know that this is the legit script for S2 but they are just hoping that on screen it's going to play differenly. I don't, I am already prepared, I know it's going to be a mess. 

Prepare for the worst and hope for the best. Think that's all I can really do. And hopefully there are enough well made scenes for me to focus on even if the rest of the journey is a disaster.