
Thanks for the translation of the characters description and relationships.  Loves and adores are very strong words. While I don't interpret  these things as being  the  official intention/cannon, (unless Tong Hua herself have explicitly stated so???), we can  probably say that she doesn't object to it. It could all be the work of publishers and/or marketers. Do we know if Tong Hua's have a hand or any say in these things?

What's clear is that XY/YL mutual love and affection isn't just something that  "delusional" XY/XL shippers made up - as a contingent of fan keep on insisting. This love-line is hugely popular and acknowledged by others.  Surely we can't all be delusional or that bad at reading cocomphrension. 

Interesting  too, that there's no mention of love between XY and Jing. Only that they have a romantic relationship and she married him (and yes, you can have a romantic relationship and married without love and adoration). The write up makes it seems like she ended up marrying Jing because her life long wish is to have someone be with her for life. Maybe Jing/XY write up is different. 


Thank you so much for the links to the much clearer images!

 有情 is an interesting term - basically it means to have feelings or love. In this case, I would translate it as have love.

Another thing to note. Jing's character description uses the word 喜欢 for his feeling towards Xiao Yao. The word can mean like or love. I would translate it as love. So by the same token, Xiao Yao's feelings for Xiang Liu 有情 should be considered to be love, not just feelings.


Actually the Xiao Yao/Jing relationship says 爱情 which means love relationship. I initially translated it as romantic since I thought it was clear there is love, but seeing your comment, I have amended my translation accordingly.

The problem about the relationships in the chart is that it does not specifically indicate whether it is bi-directional or one sided, and there is only one symbol per relationship. However, now that I have a clearer chart to refer to, the filled out heart symbol means that there is a love relationship OR married couple. Also, the same 爱慕 (love and adore) relationship is seen between Cang Xuan and A Nian, and between Cang Xuan and Xiao Yao. So it could mean that there is love, but no relationship came out of it.

This is Tushan Jing's description:

Tushan Jing (爱情/夫妻 in a love relationship with, or marries Xiao Yao)

Ye Shiqi and Master Qingqiu. Tushan clan leader, good friends with Chishui Feng Long. Gravely harmed by his half brother on his father's side Tushan Hou and later was saved by Xiao Yao. He loves 喜欢 Xiao Yao, and follows her/be with her 相随 for the rest of his life. After going through many difficulties, they both finally marry each other.


I need to read the fanfic that AH wrote, and I really want to because I'm already sure it's a work of art as you've all mentioned before, and she put so much effort into it, but I'm staring at it and I can't do it.

I'm such a coward.

AH, I promise I'll read it. I really will.

lol, don't worry. It's not homework! Better to skip fanfics that aren't your cup of tea. 


You might like the other one Liddi linked because she ditched the fox and he  died (without her)... And she also had babies with XL.

Less poetic but hit the spot if you need to see her ditch the fox!

This does sound more up her alley. ^^


I may have to. I just feel bad because AH wrote it and I never go back on my promises. It won't take me 15 years, though. That I'm sure of. ?

Don't feel bad!

The text is not very clear, but this is what I can make out for Xiao Yao and Xiang Liu's descriptions, as well as their corresponding relationship symbols:

This is Tushan Jing's description:

Thanks for the translations! ^^

Huangdi and Alei have the filled heart symbol which means there is a love relationship OR a husband and wife couple.
But after reading "Zeng Xunuo", you will know what kind of relationship between Huangdi and Alei. Alei liked Huangdi, but Huangdi's feelings for her were not pure. But they have been together through thick and thin, and they have built the Xuanyuan Kingdom together. Even if it is not love, after all, the husband and wife still have a deep and complicated friendship when they work together.


Thanks for the translation and clarification liddi. 

As fun as some of these little titbits are, I think its important not to get too caught up in them. It can be tempting to look for prove to support our stance with these sort of things (or to disapprove those with different opinions then ours), but at the end of the day, it's really isn't that important. It doesn't change my interpretation or enjoyment of the work and getting caught up in the tit-for-tat with the other side is meaningless and futile. 

I'm saying this after taking a peek at the main board. Some people really takes their fiction and entertainment personally. Personal attacks against other posters are really something else. 


Huangdi and Alei have the filled heart symbol which means there is a love relationship OR a husband and wife couple.
But after reading "Zeng Xunuo", you will know what kind of relationship between Huangdi and Alei. Alei liked Huangdi, but Huangdi's feelings for her were not pure. But they have been together through thick and thin, and they have built the Xuanyuan Kingdom together. Even if it is not love, after all, the husband and wife still have a deep and complicated friendship when they work together.

The filled out heart means in a love relationship or husband and wife. It is used for

Chi Chen and A Heng

Xuan Yuan king and Lei Zhu (Xiao Yao's grandmother)

Xuan Yuan king and his beloved consort

Cang Xuan's parents

Xiao Yao and Jing

As such, that symbol means love relationship AND/OR marriage. The character description details should further indicate whether it is "and" or "or".

I'm saying this after taking a peek at the main board. Some people really takes their fiction and entertainment personally. Personal attacks against other posters are really something else.

That was a complete mess yesterday. There are a bunch of ladies next door who seem to have completely lost it.

And Kokuto went there with a gallon of gasoline so the meltdown was even more epic lol


Yes, it is interpretative. As I mentioned to @H19279, even the words used for Jing's feelings towards Xiao Yao 喜欢 literally means "like", but can be taken to mean "love". Similarly Xiao Yao's 有情 for Xiang Liu literally means "have feelings" but is also another way of saying "have love". It does not even say on her description that she loves Jing, but we know that their relationship symbol is love relationship/marriage, and we know from the novel that she does love Jing.

At the end of the day, we have the right to interpret it as we see fit, within reasonable contexts of the source material of course. This is a fictional world with fictional characters so there is really no need to launch attacks of a personal nature just because one person sees it differently from another.

Interesting too, that there's no mention of love between XY and Jing. Only that they have a romantic relationship and she married him (and yes, you can have a romantic relationship and married without love and adoration). The write up makes it seems like she ended up marrying Jing because her life long wish is to have someone be with her for life. Maybe Jing/XY write up is different.

Exactly. Xiao Yao and Xiang Liu are soulmates while the other dude is the companion/husband. I'm dying on this hill.

As fun as some of these little titbits are, I think its important not to get too caught up in them. It can be tempting to look for prove to support our stance with these sort of things (or to disapprove those with different opinions then ours), but at the end of the day, it's really isn't that important. It doesn't change my interpretation or enjoyment of the work and getting caught up in the tit-for-tat with the other side is meaningless and futile.

I'm saying this after taking a peek at the main board. Some people really takes their fiction and entertainment personally. Personal attacks against other posters are really something else.

I'm really tempted to take a peek at the other thread. Are they copying word for word what we're saying on here and refuting it in their forum?


Exactly. Xiao Yao and Xiang Liu are soulmates while the other dude is the companion/husband. I'm dying on this hill.

That's the hill to die on.


I'm really tempted to take a peek at the other thread. Are they copying word for word what we're saying on here and refuting it in their forum?

Not really. Refuting is not what they do. They just insult. There's also the one who posted a screenshot of Kokuto's comment on her Twitter. X.

So I think we really touched a nerve hahaha


Not really. Refuting is not what they do. They just insult. There's also the one who posted a screenshot of Kokuto's comment on her Twitter. X.

So I think we really touched a nerve hahaha

I think they need to step away from the computer and go outside and touch grass. They're taking these fictional characters too seriously especially since they're going after real people now for just stating their opinions.

Was it Tina who screenshot Kokuto's comment?

Because i just saw it. 

They calling us childish...when they are too.. *shake head