Xiang Liu's Letter to Xiao Yao
Letter with montages from drama:
Letter only:
海上又升起明月,尽管没有我们共赏的那次好看,今天我终于集齐了铸造弓箭所需的物件,海妖狡猾,鲛人凶残,但海妖丹,鲛人骨组合到一起,却能成就一把真正的好弓,你若是想用好这一把好弓,需要勤勉练习箭术,方可有力自保,届时我会托人将弓交给你,因为不想让你觉得亏欠,因为我知道你什么都想还,若真的被你还完了,你我之间怕是真的再无牵连,小 夭,我会让你有力自保,有人可依,有处可去,即使此力伤我,此人非我,此处无我,但若你能代替我好好体会这人间,足矣。
Xiao Yao,
I hope this letter finds you well.
The moon has risen again over the sea. Although it’s not as beautiful as the time we watched it together, today I finally gathered all the materials needed to forge the bow and arrows. The sea demons are cunning, and the mermen are fierce, but the combination of sea demon elixir and merman bones can create a truly fine bow. If you want to make good use of this fine bow, you need to diligently practice archery so that you can protect yourself. When the time comes, I will have someone deliver the bow to you. I don’t want you to feel indebted, because I know you always want to repay everything. If you truly repaid it all, I fear there would be no connection left between us.
Xiao Yao, I will ensure you have the strength to protect yourself, someone to rely on, and a place to go. Even if this strength hurts me, this person is not me, and this place has no me, but if you can experience this world on my behalf, it will be enough.
— Xiang Liu