We really be living with just crumbles ?

Would you like some more morsels from the novel ^^?


In the unending darkness, every time Xiang Liu came to heal her became the only time she felt like she was still alive, because she felt another heart beating.

Not sure how much time passed but one day when the warmth was entering her body, Xiao Yao suddenly felt a sensation, she felt someone was embracing her.

It was strange, she couldn’t hear or see, and couldn’t even feel her own body, but perhaps because of the voodoo bug within and their two hearts were as one, she could vaguely sense his movements.

He seemed to be tenderly caressing her cheek, and then he fell asleep and didn’t move beside her. Xiao Yao was sleepy and fell asleep too.

When Xiao Yao woke up, Xiang Liu was no longer there

Xiao Yao didn’t know how long she waited, perhaps just a few hours, but when she felt Xiang Liu again it was like he was coming home. He first touched her forehead and greeted her, and then later he laid down next to her.

He fell asleep again so Xiao Yao fell asleep again.

Because of Xiang Liu’s daily coming and going, Xiao Yao no longer felt frightened. Because it was no longer unending forever, she could sense time passing through him and could feel the changes.

Every twenty or thirty days Xiang Liu would heal her. When he was healing her, they ought to be very intimate because Xiao Yao could feel he was tightly embracing her. She could feel him from top to bottom. But during normal days Xiang Liu wouldn’t hold her, at most he could caress her forehead and cheeks.

More time passed and Xiao Yao guessed it was many years because Xiang Liu healed her so many times she lost count.

Gradually Xiao Yao felt more and more alert. When Xiang Liu was embracing her, she could feel his body heat, and could also clearly feel what the warmth was that was flowing into her body. It was Xiang Liu’s blood, and it was different than normal blood. It was scalding hot, and every drop felt like a little flame. Xiao Yao guessed it was Xiang Liu’s essential soul blood.

Xiang Liu fed her his essential soul blood, but because he was poisonous all over, even his blood was poisonous, so he needed to suck the poison out of Xiao Yao afterwards.

Xiao Yao had heard of a voodoo spell where a person could use their life in exchange for another. If Xiang Liu used his life to save hers, she hoped that he really had nine-lives because then if he gave her one it wouldn’t be too detrimental for him.

One day Xiao Yao suddenly heard a noise. It was a dull soft thud. She anxiously wanted to confirm she could hear now but Xiang Liu was such a silent person that for the entire night he made no noise.

Xiao Yao was so furious she couldn’t even sleep, hollering inside but it was no use. The person next to her lay there quietly without even the sound of breathing.

 AH :
, I thought maybe XY moved the pillow under his head to make him more comfortable.

Oh, that makes more sense. I forgot about that. That's so sweet. I wish we could have seen her doing that but I have a great imagination so I guess it's okay. 

I'm also wondering when XL woke up/finished healing because after XY basically tells him to leave and then leaves, he opens his eyes. So he was probably awake for some time. I'm also wondering if he was some how able to "feel" the emotions she was experiencing while staring at him...Lol more wishful thinking 


We really be living with just crumbles ?

Lmao, I have a Twitter thread with some close-ups of them holding hands. I'm really living on crumbs ?

 AH :
Xiao Yao was so furious she couldn’t even sleep, hollering inside but it was no use. The person next to her lay there quietly without even the sound of breathing.

I wanted to see this so badly in the drama...I like the additions but I was slightly disappointed ngl. 


Before he closes his eyes to start self-healing, XL scoots to the far edge of the bed so his head isn't on XY's very long pillow at all. The next time we see him XY is awake and XL's head is on the pillow. Since XL can't move while he's self-healing apart from opening and closing his eyes (as the drama reminds us, by showing us XY's memory of her charcoal-drawing shenanigans) and since XY is awake, I thought maybe XY moved the pillow under his head to make him more comfortable.

I'd forgotten the self-healing.  But wasn't he also fake sleeping, at some point?

 Sirry Usly:

Oh, that makes more sense. I forgot about that. That's so sweet. I wish we could have seen her doing that but I have a great imagination so I guess it's okay. 

I'm also wondering when XL woke up/finished healing because after XY basically tells him to leave and then leaves, he opens his eyes. So he was probably awake for some time. I'm also wondering if he was some how able to "feel" the emotions she was experiencing while staring at him...Lol more wishful thinking 

Yeah, that's why I said fake sleeping.  He DID wake up immediately.

I would think he could feel her emotions then through the bug, but the question is does he want to?

 Sirry Usly:
I'm also wondering when XL woke up/finished healing because after XY basically tells him to leave and then leaves, he opens his eyes.

In the charcoal shenanigans scene XL is able to open his eyes in the middle of self-healing, so I assume he could've still been self-healing when he opened his eyes after XY left. I think self-healing is like a meditative state, not quite sleeping. So he might've been in that state (not fully asleep) all night?

 Sirry Usly:
I'm also wondering if he was some how able to "feel" the emotions she was experiencing while staring at him...Lol more wishful thinking 

My theory for how XL senses XY's emotions through the connection is that he can feel any emotion that would cause a phantom sensation in the heart. Maybe along with an echo of the emotion / feeling. 

Fear = her heart clenched tightly in fear

Joy = her heart soared

Extreme heartache = her heart felt like it was being stabbed / ripped to pieces

 Sirry Usly:

Lmao, I have a Twitter thread with some close-ups of them holding hands. I'm really living on crumbs ?

Fans are photoshopping their lips actually touching in the last undersea adventure.  We're beyond crumbs and are now surviving on molecules.

How can ANY author write all of this and still think they can get away with that lame ending calling it bittersweet is beyond me. This has got to be the most infuriating piece of literature I have ever seen. And I have seen a lot. *rant over* hahaha

How can ANY author write all of this and still think they can get away with that lame ending calling it bittersweet is beyond me. This has got to be the most infuriating piece of literature I have ever seen. And I have seen a lot. *rant over* hahaha

Koala said Tong Hua considers it her best work ^^


Fans are photoshopping their lips actually touching in the last undersea adventure.  We're beyond crumbs and are now surviving on molecules.

Omg, I need to see these photos immediately ?? have you seen the edit someone made of her carrying his kid and him patting her stomach? People are so creative. 

 AH :

Koala said Tong Hua considers it her best work ^^

Even more than Scarlet Heart? Wow 

 AH :
Joy = her heart soared

I like this theory. I wonder if that might be part of the reason he takes her on dates a lot because in those moments she seems truly happy. I wonder how he felt during the scene where Left Ear gained his freedom. His eyes seemed to express so much joy as well as her eyes. 

Although I hate their heart-aching scenes I also kind of really enjoy when the two of them look at each other with deep longing. It's been awhile since I've watched a drama/show where the actors could convey so much unspoken words through their eyes. 


Never thought the day would come when I'd want a pet snake for my birthday. Yet here we are.

When I was married, we had a big Burmese Python.  You don't want them roaming around your house freely, especially if you have other pets.  But occasionally Yama would get out of his aquarium and sometimes we found him (or more accurately, he found us) when we were sleeping.  But it wasn't a pleasant slither up, and curl up next to you.  Noooooo.  This f'ker would climb up on something, like a shelf or the top of the couch, and then drop / fall with his full dead weight on you.  The screaming would then commence.  Because there's nothing like being sound asleep and then suddenly being jolted awake by a 6ft long python dropping onto your neck and head.   O_O

Good times!

But back on topic ... I could totally see XL doing something like that.  I mean, it's snake behavior, but I bet he'd also think it was funny.

I really love Xiang Liu, All he has to do is open his mouth and let Xiao his true feelings and they could have a thing going but that's what happens Lack of communication causes huge misunderstandings.  I love the story and I just really wish they could be together and live a happy life together and have a happy ending. But it is what it is !