

Yea, I know what you are saying and maybe you are right, but personally I am definetely leaning towards the "XY didn't know for sure how XL felt about her" theory. For one, even though she wasn't able to feel him through the bugs connection, she did try / want to.  There must be a reason for that. I am not doubting XL capacity to stop her from feeling anything that he felt, so her being curious about his feelings makes me belive that she was conflicted and didn't know for sure. Also, she did test him about the bugs on at least two ocassions. In chapter 29, after she found out the name of the bugs and in chapter 37, after she spoke with the Voodoo king. Both discussions I interpret as her testing the waters and not really as her trying to convince XL to get rid of the bugs. 

I understand your points. In this regard, if XY understood the extent of XL's feelings for her, it would spoil a part of his plan as understood by Sir Bi: "I will never ever let Xiao Yao know the truth! I will not ruin all that you’ve done for her and carefully arranged.”" 

It reminds me of something. Many time when XY is "in a daze" it seems to be a kind of "writing without writing" technique. If you search in the novel, there's many of occurrences of XY being in a daze and if you pay close attention, many of these occurencies appears in the context of XL/FFB. 

To confuse the reader (or shall I say, to leave the reader in the fog/daze...), the author doesn't explain what is the subject of XY's thoughts nor does XY give any real answer when someone asks her what she is thinking. She either changes the subject, doesn't explain or lies saying something with her mouth, feeling something else in her heart. The "daze" in question can imply that she's thinking about XL/FFB, it can imply that she's thinking about XL's real intentions/feelings, or that she misses him/yearns for him.

Here are a few examples:

“It needs the blood of the King of the Seas the Nine-headed demon. Plus it needs to be blood from a full moon.” Xing Shen chuckled and felt that this requirement really was ridiculous “The only Nine-headed demon I have ever heard of in the vast wilderness is that Nine-lives Xiang Liu. I heard he’s difficult to deal with but you’re a Princess! You’re dad is the Grand Emperor! You guys can find a way!” Xiao Yao’s eyes were in a daze and she couldn’t speak for the longest time.

> may implies that XY understands/suspects that the bow was commissioned by XL.

“I don’t know what kind of bug it is but I do know its name. It’s called a Lover’s Bug and legend says “Lover’s Bug, Heart to Heart.” It sounds a lot like what Princess described.” Xiao Yao was stunned and in a daze.

> may implies that XY understands/suspects that XL is in love with her.

The mountain breeze was quite strong and she started to get cold but Xiao Yao still didn’t want to move. She stared in a daze as the sun set and the leaves continued to fall. Zhuan Xu walked up behind her and draped his own cloak around her “What are you thinking of? An entire afternoon thinking and you still don’t have an answer?” “I thought too much and couldn’t figure it out, so I stopped thinking. Actually, life is really futile, no matter how strong and powerful, there are two things in life that cannot be controlled.” Zhuan Xu raised his eyebrow “Oh? What two things? Do share!” “Life! Death! We can’t control our birth and can’t control our death. Sometimes I think since we can’t control the biggest two things in our lives, why fight for all the little insignificant things? It feels so pointless!”

> may implies that XY thinks about the fate or her and XL's impossible love: her "blood line has already made the choice" for her and XL is loyal to the death to Sheng Nong.

Xiao Yao couldn’t take another step and stood rooted in place staring at him as the door slowly closed and Xiang Liu disappeared from sight. [...] Xiao Yao smiled and said nothing. The two continued to discuss their new outfits and giggled merrily. Xiao Yao laid on her pallet and felt her mind in a daze – these people were her friend and family, so why did she feel so lonely right now? [...] Xiao Yao stopped practicing archery, likely after Zhuan Xu became Emperor the threat was gone so she stopped pushing herself so hard. She became very lazy and seemed uninterested in anything. [...] The Yellow Emperor asked a few times “Xiao Yao, what are you thinking about?” Xiao Yao replied “Nothing, which is why this is called being in a daze.”

> may implies that XY understands that she feels alone without XL, notably because XL is the only one who understands her. Next: XY is depressed after "breaking up" with FFB and thinks about him often.

Xiao Yao still couldn’t sleep well at night so she rose well past noon. After dining she would go to Qi Qing Garden not to swim but just to sit in a daze staring at the water in the pool. One evening the Grand Emperor walked into Qi Qing Garden and saw Xiao Yao sitting in a daze next to the water. It was already dark out and with Xiao Yao’s low powers she couldn’t be able to see in the dark.

> XY is still depressed and insomniac, or shall I say, feeling lovesick. Water and swimming bring back memories of XL. May implies that XY is thinking about him while trying to refrain herself from swimming (refraining herself from swimming became at one point in the novel a metaphor meaning that XY tries to restrain her overflowing feelings for XL).

Every day Xiao Yao woke up after noon and then flipped through her medical books. Only when making poisons did she perk up slightly. The Yellow Emperor saw her so withdrawn and suggested “That boy from the Fang Feng family, his name is Fang Feng Bei, right? I see you guys get along well, how come he hasn’t come play with you these past few years? You can ask him to hang out together.” It was better the Yellow Emperor not mention that because afterwards Xiao Yao got even more uninterested even in making poisons. She spent every day sitting in a daze in the corridor.

> XY is still depressed/lovesick. By mentionning FFB, the YE worsened XY's condition.

The Yellow Emperor walked off but then turned back to see Xiao Yao sitting beside the window staring into the dark night in a daze. He coughed lightly and Xiao Yao appeared to wake from a trance “Grandfather, you haven’t gone to sleep?” The Yellow Emperor suddenly said “I asked Zhuan Xu to find any way possible to get Nine Lives Xiang Liu to turn his allegiance to us.” Xiao Yao bolted upright and stared at the Yellow Emperor. The Yellow Emperor said “All these years, using any method, any persuasion, any means available, he turned it all down.” Xiao Yao looked back out into the dark distance and her face showed no emotion, no joy and no sorrow.

> the YE understands XY well. He knows she is in love with XL. He tries to poach XL in order to reunite the lovebirds, without success.

Because she just cried, Xiao Yao’s eyes were extraordinarily clear and bright. Xiang Liu could clearly see himself reflected in her eyes so he covered her eyes with his hand “I’m off!” Xiao Yao felt a soft coolness brush over her forehead, a brief touch that immediately vanished. Xiao Yao clasped her forehead in shock and opened her eyes to see the room was already empty before her. Mistaken illusion! It was a mistaken illusion! In the cold dark room, Xiao Yao sat there in a daze.

> may implies that XY knows/suspects that XL just kissed her.

Analysis on XY (the soul and her physical body: Compare between the suicide in Chapter 48 and the plum forest assasination in chapter 21-22

Aim: Figure out the possibility that XY could aware of XL's presence in the Shell and his blood feeding

Part 1: From external observation (content in chapter 22 and 48) from XY's point of view and her hidden thought will be discussed in part 2

Plum forest

Suicide with poison

Technical death (life was sustained from external spiritual energy + power to keep heart beating)

Loss of blood and external injuries

No pulse (heart beat lower than doctor's detection limit)

Probably no breath, unconscious

"Not dead not alive"

Loss of breathing and weaken physical strength

10 time dose of Poison. No injury (no pain)

Very weak heart beat (detected by doctor)

No breath, unconscious

From XY's  initial POV

No strength left, heart beat weaken, tried to keep beating under guide from XL's heart to almost nil, then got the endless power to let it overcome the power barrier to turn into "lockup" mode. No sensation.

Just like a flower blooming, the reverse process was to return to being a bud, into a seed, back into the soil, laying in the Winter to wait for the Spring to arrive.

Her mind or spirit is separated from the body, staying awake and was confined in the Darkness

So strength left,  breath was ceased.

Sensation is intact (tasted the sweet, talk with CX

No further information.

Tong Hua didn't mention about her soul this time. 



Spiritual power to body for locking and keep heart alive up and Spiritual energy transfer via the water jade pallet

444 times of essential blood transfusion in 37 years


About first 24 hour didn't receive external treatment (~24h from Shennong to Five Gods Mountain). I wonder how XL knew where XY was taken.

Spiritual energy transfer from the blood spelled shell

Heart kept beating via PLB (the shell might support it partly)

Only 1 time of essential blood transfusion from XL in 5'

Question 1: when her heart got weaker before falling unconscious, she must had felt the heart connection with XL.(but TH did not mention). True or false?

TH didn't mention anything about this.

Base on the previous experience in chapter 22 --> question 1= True. XY could be aware that at least he played some role in extending her life.

Question 2: What is the status of her mind/spirit? After her body fell into unconscious?

It was like sleeping, except in real sleep one couldn’t feel the passing of time, but when one’s body was sleeping but the conscious wasn’t .... Conscious sleeping was so unbearable! (Chapter 22)

Answer: Therefore, in the suicide case, Her mind/soul was likely conscious (confined in the darkness) as in chapter 22

The healing progress during 37 year under the sea. 

Her situation before getting the extra spiritual power and locked up

She could vividly sense her heart slowly weakening, but just as it was about to stop, she heard another heart beating. It was strong and powerful, leading her heart so that it wouldn’t completely stop. It was like a sole flame in the palms of the hand, seemingly about to be extinguished at any moment, but still flickering weakly with life.

She really had no strength left, so that even the weak sole flame that was keeping her heart beating was too much to sustain. Even with another heart guiding her heart, still the heartbeat grew weaker.

This mean, She could feel his heart even when her heart was super week (like a sole flame in the palm)

The recovery followed the reversed process of locking up process. Meaning the sense or body part which was available last would be "waken up" first.

0. Her mind was awake in the darkness, felt miserable. Conscious sleeping was so unbearable!

1. After long time, she felt warmth then after some time, she felt her heart beat gradually stronger. The status of the heart is  

One day Xiao Yao suddenly felt something, like a little bit of warmth entered her body from the outside. It slowly took away the icy cold and Xiao Yao greedily clung onto that warmth....The warmth entered her time and time again. She didn’t know how much time passed but her heart gradually got stronger. "It was like the flickering sole flame had a cover placed over it, so even if the light wasn’t as bright at least the flame was no longer in danger of being extinguished.

One time as the warmth entered her, Xiao Yao felt another heart beating. Her heart soared as if she was encountering an old friend" --> She felt XL's heart and presence nearby

The moment she could felt XL's heart is actually when her heart beat was still relatively weak - like a flickering sole flame (similar to her weak heart beat when he guilded her heart to beat before lockup)

Question 3: This kind of flickering sole flame heart beat compare with the heart beat when XY stayed inside the shell, which one is stronger? [Yin found that the seashell really did work, and had kept the Young Lady's heart beating. (Chapter 48)]

In Jade mountain: Xiao Yao rested inside the sea shell like a precious pearl. After the Royal Mother checked on her, she noted that the blood magic written on the sea shell was a magic to extend Xiao Yao’s life. How did Zhuan Xu get a hold of such priceless treasure? The Royal Mother closed the sea shell and ordered “Have the sea shell tossed in the lake!”

under the pearl light it appeared Xiao Yao was sleeping on white waves, her expression peaceful with a small smile as if she was having a lovely dream] (Chapter 48)

Next during the 37 years:

2. After very long time of feeling the heart beat, she felt sensation. Actually, did she really feel XL embracing her via the sense on her skin? No, that the feeling she got through the PLB since her mind was not merging with her body yet. She even could feel his movement, his thinking concentration

Not sure how much time passed but one day when the warmth was entering her body, Xiao Yao suddenly felt a sensation, she felt someone was embracing her.

It was strange, she couldn’t hear or see, and couldn’t even feel her own body, but perhaps because of the voodoo bug within and their two hearts were as one, she could vaguely sense his movements.

3. Her mind was sleepy and felt into asleep when  XL fell asleep

He seemed to be tenderly caressing her cheek, and then he fell asleep and didn’t move beside her. Xiao Yao was sleepy and fell asleep too.

4. She could hear

5. Once month later it seems that her face showed expression 

The monthly healing day arrived again ....When Xiang Liu came back, he went to check on Xiao Yao’s body and sensed that Xiao Yao was still not stirring and appeared the same as always, but there was this aura around her brows that was different.

Xiang Liu suddenly remembered how Xiao Yao used to be, so sneaky and clever but always so scared of being alone. He said to Xiao Yao “Are you bored from laying under the ocean for so long?”

In chapter 48, we see that when CX dived into the water to check XY, he saw that "her expression was peaceful with a small smile  as if she was having a lovely dream". the last moment XY was alive is when she was in talk with CX. just recalled her bad experiences (imprison by the 9 taled Fox, unrecognition by CX). Therefore, It is hard to believe that her peaceful expression with a smile was formed at that moment and remained for days. The reason for this smile is because she was placed in the water, at the bottom of Yao Pond. She loved water, the water became her home and it could sooth her pain. Did she feel she returned home, thus she was peaceful, smiling.

His blood flowed inside her body. Even now her body clamored for the ocean. In the past she loved water but that feeling was nothing like what she felt now. Back then the ocean was the ocean and she was herself. Now she was a daughter of the sea, she could swim with the fishes and listen to the merpeople’s song. She could dive into the deepest part of the ocean like a demon fish and could swim faster than a dolphin. With just one vault she could jump into the ocean and swim happily. (Chapter 37)

Question 4: Is that her stage in this 48 is equal to point 5 in the treatment in chapter 22. Very muchYES 

6. She could felt the wave, the wind, and external thermal change (the cold snow). These kind of sensation feeling was enabled by the PLB.

Since the peaceful, smiling expression is attributed for her feeling of water, It is likely that her stage in chapter 48 is at least equal to Point 6 of 37 year healing process. 

Therefore, we can see that the PLB was slowly recovered together with her progress.

7. Who knows how many more years passed and Xiao Yao gradually felt her own legs. She tried to wiggle her toes and it wasn’t clear if it moved. She couldn’t ask Xiang Liu to check for her. But regardless of whether it moved or not, she felt that her body was close to awakening.

8. The last treatment after 37 year:

Xiang Liu fed his essential soul blood to Xiao Yao, and different than before where it felt like warm flames that chased away the coldness of death in Xiao Yao’s body, tonight his essential soul blood was a raging inferno that scorched Xiao Yao. It was colliding in her body and appeared to rip her insides to shreds before slowly bonding it back together.

Xiao Yao couldn’t cry out but her body violently shook. Gradually her hands could move, her legs could move, and then she painfully cried out as all the soul essence entered her body and she passed out in the midst of unbearable pain.

When Xiao Yao woke up, she felt the warm sun on her body and she subconsciously turned over to keep on sleeping. Suddenly she opened her eyes in disbelief. She laid there in a daze and then slowly raised her hand up.

Oh! She really could move! (Chapter 22)

Conclude: The situation of XY was well recovered before the last treatment. She (her soul) could hear, feel the touching, temperature change (cold, warm), XL's movement and emotion via the PLB. Her physical properties was fully recovered (body side). However, It seems that XL had to send much substantially more essence blood than the monthly treatment.

How about the only single treatment in chapter 48.

He dived inside the water and realize the protection barrier by Ah and Lie Yang. It was powerful, therefore when he directly attacked it, Ah Bi and Lie Yang noticed right away and got inside the pond very quickly. He just started feeding XY his blood. Then Lie Yang was about to blow him with extreme force. Since they realized life signals got better in XY's body, they let him keep going. They went back to the bank of the point. Treatment session was finished after about 5 minutes (time to drink a half cup of tea)

In term of physical organs, XY in chapter 48 is relative similar or better than the last treatment in chapter 22. However, her heart beat and breath may be weaker than in chapter 22. Anyway, the amount of blood feeding seemed to be less serious.

Question 5. What happened inside her body during the treatment. Did she have the same feeling? The merging of her soul and her body. His blood cell must collide in her body if it did not rip her insides to shreds before slowly bonding it back together, it would active her inside. It is likely she still passed out after the treatment (If her soul was awake before).

Additionally, he planned to lure XY's PLB latter by shedding her palm with a lot of deep cuts. To avoid her become conscious due to the pain he had to cast sleep spell on XY. But it happened after he gave her the blood (no time before the feeding)

Wrapping up question 1 to question 5, we can see that XY's soul was likely to aware of his presence nearby her when he came into the shell and fed her the bloodHer status in chapter 48 was already better than many point in the recovery process of 37 years in which she recognised his presence since step 2 (point 2). XL could had seal the transfer of his pain and emotion via PLB to her but he could not interfere the info/signal transmission between XY's PLB to her soul . Moreover, did he know XY knew what he did during 37 years? He didn't aware of her conscious soul. There is no evidence he has to suppress the transfer of signal from his side when she was in the state of "not dead not alive".  And XY could sense his heart beat via the bug since the bug help her to maintain her heart beat. 

Xiang Liu didn’t want her to know that when she was unconscious the things he did with her, and she didn’t want him to know that she already knew. Their embraces and companionship, just let it be buried deep in the dark ocean depths!

Part 2: Some hints chapter 49 showing XY might know XL saved her life again will be in another post

Xiao Yao didn't know how long she had been in the dark, and she didn't know how much longer she had to be there. She was trapped forever, and Xiao Yao realized for the first time how scary forever was. Just like eating duck necks was a very fun thing to do, but if eating duck necks became something she did forever without end, then it wouldn't be fun at all and would instead become a truly terrifying torture.

Isn't the duck neck Jing?


And when she was with Jing she liked to sleep easily and get drunk.

In Sauvignon Blanc, how double-standard Xiaoyao is?
Xiaoyao has always been a leader in deception literature. She says one thing but does another. Comparing it, you can see many problems.

1. First impression:

Jing: The first time I saw Jing, she had a nose and eyes. Although Mazi Chuanzi felt ashamed, it was not amazing to Wang Ji who was used to seeing children from aristocratic families. The first thing he said was to let him leave after a while, and he was still very dissatisfied with Mazi Chuanzi and felt that he was inferior to him.
She didn't have any fear of the fox's appearance, and there was no disturbance in his heart, which was in sharp contrast to Chuanzi Mazi.

<Xiaoliu crossed his legs, chewed licorice and said:>

Xuanxuan: The first impression xiaoliu gave Xuanxuan was that of a gentle and elegant clan master.

Xiang Liu: Xiaoliu came online and looked at it carefully from top to bottom, left to right, and thought of Chi You. He was curious and infatuated. This is the most primitive attraction.

Fangfeng Bei: I was so surprised that there was no one else in my eyes except him. Could it be Xiang Liu?

2. When encountering danger:

Jing: Yao Jing escaped from Xingxuan’s pursuit. 17 had already said that he couldn’t defeat any of them, so Xiaoliu still left him to escape on his own.

Xiang Liu: Also faced with Xuan Xuan’s roundup, Xiao Liu was very worried about the powerful Xiang Liu and wanted him to come back alive rather than die.

Xuanxuan: Fighting side by side with my brother, even my grandfather is no exception.

Fangfeng Bei: Visit the fragrant boudoir at night and let Bei go to bed.

3. Sense of security:

Jing: When we were going to see Ah Heng, Jing was about to be injured, so Xiaoyao stood in front of Jing regardless.

Xuanxuan: After being assassinated by Yu Jiang, Xiaoyao immediately rushed in front of her brother to block him.

Xiang Liu: "I know nothing and can't do anything." Playing with the albatross demon and the left-eared, two-headed dog, she was not afraid that they would hurt her.

4. Brother’s enemy:

Jing: If Jing chooses to be the opposite of his brother, he will be Xiaoyao’s enemy.

Fangfeng Bei: As long as Fangfeng Bei is not pointing his bow at Xingxuan, he is not her enemy.

Xiang Liu: Even if you are my brother’s enemy, I will protect you.

5. Dealing with people who stand in the way:

Jing: Xiaoyao will not hate Jing’s grandma, Hou, and Yiying, but will even treat her grandma and appreciate Hou and Yiying.

Xiang Liu: She resented Hong Jiang very much.

6. For tragic experiences

Xiang Liu: I have expressed many times that I want to be born hundreds of years earlier and save Xiang Liu who escaped from the death arena. I really don’t want Xiang Liu to meet Hong Jiang. I just want to meet him before Hong Jiang and save him.

Jing: I have never thought about this problem. What she wants is a tattered Ye Shiqi.

7. About jealousy:

Jing: When I first met Yi Ying, I felt pity for them. They are pretty ladies. They behaved calmly and even teased Jing Ye. I didn’t take them to heart at all and I wasn’t jealous.

Xiang Liu: After meeting Nian Liu once, Yao came up with a strange love story and refused to let Xiang Liu flirt with Nian.

Xuanxuan: When my brother married the queen, she thought she had lost her brother, but later found out that was not the case. He was still her brother.

8. About kissing:

Jing: The kiss is sweet, like phoenix nectar. Thinking of my happy childhood, I didn’t notice the person in front of me at all and kept wandering away. Fireworks kiss and Qi crossing at the bottom of the pond are also easy to pick up, like an experienced driver.

Xiang Liu: The old driver turned into a little white rabbit. She dared not kiss outside the keel prison and at the bottom of the sea, for fear of sinking deeper and deeper. The second time I swam under the sea, when I wanted to kiss, I didn’t dare to pull her over and just kiss, so I was cautious.

9.After getting angry

Jing: I don’t dare to be angry.

Xuanxuan: My brother was angry that she didn’t come home after she was resurrected, so he hurriedly coaxed her.

Fangfeng Bei: Xiaoyao let him go because of his brother. He was angry, but Xiaoyao ignored him.

Xiang Liu: Even though I haven’t seen him for a long time, she still carries poison with him to coax him. Doing "Koi Playing in the Lotus Room" to coax, Dawhirlpool apologized desperately.

10. Farewell gift before marrying Feng Long:

Jing: Green plum wine, chicken feet, and duck necks bought on the street.

Xuanxuan: I made a sumptuous dinner.

Xiang Liu: I gave him an ice crystal ball that I have made for 6 years. If you come, this is my confession, if you don't come, this is my farewell.

14. Eat barbecue:

Jing, Xuanxuan: Make barbecue for them, put it into bowls, and get busy.

Fangfengbei: Take her to eat barbecue and cut her favorite meat for her to eat.

15. Give gifts

Jing: Herb sachet, osmanthus sachet, life-saving blood beads.

Xuanxuan: Phoenix flower sachet

Xiang Liu: The poisons are becoming more refined and delicious as they are made, and the containers used to hold the poisons are becoming more and more sophisticated. Undersea flowers, koi carps playing among lotuses, and ice crystal balls.

16. Pharmaceuticals:

Jing: Promised to help Jing’s bodyguard make pills, but forgot.

Xiang Liu: Wherever you go, you should set up a poison dispensary to make poison.

17. When abandoned:

Xuanxuan: When I was young, I was always waiting for my brother in Yushan. During the 300 years of wandering, my brother was my belief in survival.

Jing: I’m sad that I trusted the wrong person. What has happened has happened and everything is irreversible.

Xiang Liu: Heart-piercing pain, vomiting blood.

18. Dreaming:

Jing: Never dreamed about it once

Xiang Liu: I have already fallen asleep in Qingshui Town, but I have been deceiving myself.

19.The person in my eyes

Jing: You don’t have me in your eyes. Even with Jing and friends and family around, she would still be lonely.

Xiang Liu: My heart and eyes are full of you. When I'm around Xiang Liu, I can't think of anyone else at all, and I'm not lonely at all.

20. Facing death

Jing died: her hopes were shattered, she was sad, and she didn’t think about food or food. She could only eat well and sleep well by staying by Xiang Liu’s side. I can't understand my brother but I forgive him.

When Xiang Liu died, his heart also died. No one could comfort him. She only laughed when she saw the big-bellied laughing doll that Xiang Liu gave her. I understand my brother but I can't forgive him.

21. Positioning

Jing: servant

Xuanxuan: relative

Fangfengbei: playmate

Xiang Liu: I am yours

22. Healing

Jing: Sitting in front of Jing in the osmanthus garden, but singing the song ""The smoke from the south wind can relieve my thoughts!" When the south wind blows, it can soothe my memory." Missing Xiangliu in the distance

Xiang Liu: Visiting the boudoir at night, while looking at Xiang Liu, recalling every bit of the past with Bei, smiling involuntarily.

23. Recognize people’s skills

Jing: You can’t recognize me if you wear a curtain hat.<Only then did I see a young man in exquisite clothes and a draped hat sitting in the opposite corner. Although his face could not be seen and he did not have any expensive ornaments, his appearance and well- mannered appearance made people feel attracted to him at first sight. Respect.Xiao Liu was tilting his head and wondering when such a big shot came to Qingshui Town.>

Xiang Liu: After changing his appearance, Xiaoyao was able to recognize the man in brocade clothes in front of him from the crowd and chased him for several streets.

24.Back view

Jing: After the date, Xiaoyao left first, but Jing kept looking at Yao’s back reluctantly.

Xiang Liu: Xiaoyao is always left behind, and Xiaoyao always looks at Liu’s back in a daze.

That’s all I can think of for now, feel free to add more



And when she was with Jing she liked to sleep easily and get drunk.

Interesting, I just check. When XY is drunk, it seems more debatable to affirm that it is because of XL. There's a few instances I put as examples below, but for some, I can understand that it looks more like "Everyone sees it their own way". While trying to find reasons for her drunkness, it doesn't seem as clear cut as when she's "in a daze".  

Thinking and being in a daze can happen anytime and in the examples above, it's strongly implies that XY is lovesick. But it's different from getting drunk. To get really drunk for gods, you have to have a reason. Her drunkness is sometimes related and explained because she's bored, she's sad, she's happy, she's pitying herself...

[on the boat the day after XY met for the first time XL, as a girl] Jing placed the cup of wine under her lips and she grabbed his hand to drink it slowly. The alcohol rushed up and her head was splitting in pain as her stomach roiled. She knew she was really drunk this time so she pushed Jing aside and leaned against the ship to wait for the nausea to pass.


But she didn’t come back just now for Jing, she came back because of Zhuan Xu! Xiao Yao felt this pressure in her heart, was her relationship with Jing also subject to being used? Xiao Yao said “Do you remember promising me not to hurt Xuan?” [...] Xiao Yao sighed “How can you be so certain I won’t let another man into my heart?” [...] Xiao Yao was so exasperated “You….are so stupid!” Jing was taken aback, compared to Fang Feng Bei’s dashing charm, he really was too dull and staid. [...] Xiao Yao sat down and was bored with their chatter so started drinking. Zhuan Xu laughed and patted her on the head “If you get drunk, Feng Long and Xing Yue will think you’re an alcoholic and if word gets out you’ll never hope to get married.: Xiao Yao groused “Who said I wanted to drink all alone. Don’t you know how to play? Play me a tune!”


[during the dinner with the Chisui brother and sister FL and CY and TSJ, after XY kissed TSJ] Xiao Yao drank another cup of wine and smiled before standing up and twirling in a circle “I’ll sing a mountain ballad for you guys!” Before they could answer Xiao Yao start singing. Xiao Yao sang a song about a woman who was missing her beloved and longing for him and wanting only to be together for all of eternity. The final verse she sang three times: together forever, never apart. [...] Xiao Yao sat back down and felt her face was burning hot and her heart was beating fast. Xiao Yao put her head in her hand and laughed “My head is so dizzy, this whole table is wobbly.” [...] Xiao Yao drunkenly picked up her cup and gulped down her wine. Xiao Yao had a high tolerance and even when she was drunk physically her mind remained clear. But today even her mind was addled.


Xiao Yao was certain that if Zhuan Xu stayed in Gao Xing, Xing Yue would never have liked him. Xing Yue wanted a man who shined for the world to shine and gave it to her. Whereas Ah Nian wanted a man who just loved her sincerely. Ah Nian loved the wrong type of man but it was too late for her now. [...] Xiao Yao wanted Ah Nian to get raging drunk but Ah Nian talked about her memories with Zhuan Xu and Xiao Yao thought about Jing and all the sorrow in her heart welled up and she couldn’t help but drink along with her until she groggily passed out asleep.


Xiao Yao wanted to say “I forgot him!” but she couldn’t lie to herself. Since losing Jing she never slept through the night again. She missed him! Her longing for Jing exceeded anything that anyone could have imagined, and it even shocked herself.  [...] Xiao Yao wanted to get raging drunk “Sure!”  [...]  Xiao Yao laughed and then sprawled drunkenly on Zhuan Xu’s lap “My Gege is the most reliable.”


Xiao Yao and Zhuan Xu started gulping bowl after bowl of wine. Their tolerance level was equal and back in Qing Shui Town they never could determine who could drink more because both held back.[...]Tonight they drank and held nothing back, gulping down wine like water until both were roaring drunk. Zhuan Xu grabbed Xiao Yao’s hand and kept saying “Don’t leave me!” Xiao Yao kept hollering “It’s you guys who don’t want me!”


[At XY and TSJ's wedding] But so many more close people were no longer there and everyone had so many bittersweet feelings so drank wine like water. Xiao Yao drank a lot with them but even with her high tolerance she got drunk by the end. She recalled talking about her mom and hugging Lie Yang as the two bawled their eyes out. Finally it was Jing who picked her up and carried her to bed…Xiao Yao suddenly bolted upright “We got married?”Jing rubbed Xiao Yao’s forehead and pretended to be perplexed “I never heard that getting drunk led to memory loss.”Xiao Yao stuttered “Last night…..last night I………we…..”Jing laughed “Last night you were passed out drunk so I let you sleep.

How I wish LYF novel is like Story of Kunning Palace bcoz I heard that you can vote who the Fl will end up with.XL will surely be the Endgame.sigh.....

"Sauvignon Blanc" Xiao Yao learned that Yi Ying was pregnant and vomited blood and guessed: She vomited blood for Xiang Liu

Let’s talk about the conclusion first: She was sad because Tu Shan didn’t keep his promise and let her be stabbed in the back, but she really didn’t go to the point of vomiting blood. Who is she? She has been experiencing life, death, and mental and physical suffering every day for the past 400 years. Would she really vomit blood just for being stabbed?

The synopsis is: Where is the fish playing with the lotus leaves? Xiaoyao asked: Can you teach me archery? Fangfeng Bei replied: Wait for me to come back.

In 37 years, Xiang Liu avoided seeing her, and Xiao Yao rescued Tu Shan Jing. Tu Shan Jing got better in two chapters and about 40 pages, but she never mentioned Xiang Liu. A Nian came to play with his brother and was annoyed at Xinyue's house. She said to Anian: Can't you live without a man? It's not that uncomfortable, it's just a heart-piercing pain. Tushan was always the one she had at her fingertips, and she didn't want him as long as she waved him away. Without Tushan's words, she would have lost her man and had to bear the pain of having her heart ripped out.

Here, Bei introduces her to Zuo Er, holding on to the slim hope. This is not just about her and Tushan. But tell her not to give up on anything easily, even if there is only a little bit of hope, just like you in the cage, as long as you persist, you can see hope. Then she ran to find the old lady. The old lady was dying and Tushan became the clan leader. Fangfeng Bei came out to take her to relax, and Fangfeng Bei told her: Tushan will definitely not break off the engagement as Yiying, the patriarch of the clan. A few days later, Cang Xuan also expressed this once. She knew about Yiying and Tushan's marriage from Qingshui Town!

Tushan became the clan leader, and Xiaoyao went to Gaoxin for a month. The reason was that everyone was somewhat pushed by the current situation. Now at this position, it is time for everyone to sit down and consider the future. With her character and understanding of Tu Shanjing. She actually knows the answer. She was waiting for Tushan to tell her: I'm sorry, I can't. Then Xiaoyao: It’s okay, I understand. She went to Gaoxin just to sort herself out, to accept the fact that Yiying wanted to marry Tu Shanjing, and to wait for Tushan to reject her personally.

In Gaoxin, Xiaoyao got the peerless divine bow. During the entire conversation, her face was expressionless, blank, speechless, and silent. The psychology is like riding a roller coaster!

Tortoiseshell, demon elixir, Jin Chen thought she didn’t understand, she was just remembering! Xiang Liu has already given her some popular science! She recalled every detail of 37 years!

You still need the blood of the nine-headed demon to recognize your master, wouldn't it be possible to find Xiang Liu when the opportunity comes? At a loss, can it be...

It turned out that after drinking the essence and blood, he would use his own blood to identify his master... That means there is no excuse to find Xiang Liu, right? silence……

It doesn't matter. Now that I have a bow, I can still ask Fangfeng Bei to teach me how to shoot arrows... Just shoot arrows together, and I have a reason to get close to him... Just keep him company for a short time...

Continue to scrape the good raw materials of Gaoxin to make poison, make poison...

Returning to the Central Plains, early in the morning, I went to send poison in a hurry and met Fangfeng Bei. Xiaoyao: I know you gave me a good bow. Bei: Let's go, try it and see if it's good for you. The old lady of Tushan's family will not be cured for a while. It doesn't matter. She went to the countryside with Fangfengbei.

Bei said: "The bow is good, you are ready to go." The sentence you said 37 years ago, "Wait for me to come back," is the sentence you said 37 years ago, "Wait for me to come back." What do you mean, you can’t even give me a short companionship? Xiang Liu can no longer see Fang Feng Bei... Can you understand a girl who has waited for 37 years to say "I want to leave you". How do you feel in your heart? Are you worried about the traffic jam?

As a disciple, Bei: Stay with me for another half day. Yao: OK. I think Xiang Liu felt Xiao Yao's heartache at that moment and couldn't bear to say that he would stay with her for a long time. However, I have to say that the author is really good at swordsmanship. Xiaoyao and Fangfengbei were completely blank and nothing was written after this good character. It has been almost 49 years since the Merlin massacre and the underwater rescue. Xiaoyao loves to talk so much, she has already held it back after 37 years of not seeing each other, Bei said again, "You are out of school." This young couple has been suffering for a long, long time. As a reader, it has been a long time since I read about them having fun together, and I am looking forward to it being a lot of fun. I want to read about their fun life in the world, and heal the pain of 37 years of avoiding seeing each other, and Xiaoyao's sudden heartache. . But there is no phrase, no phrase, no phrase! Even as a reader, my heart was suddenly blocked. Can I imagine Xiaoyao's mood?

In the afternoon, Tushan Mansion, are you focusing on making medicine? No, she was sweating profusely, Tushan comforted her. She said: This is much easier than making poison for Xiang Liu. Her thoughts about him have been engraved into her daily life. She only dared to say a word to Tu Shanjing. No matter how much, I have to hide it.

Worked hard for a long time and then got stabbed in the back. It's not that she doesn't accept that Tu Shanjing wants to marry Yiying, it's that she can't accept being told in this way. Then he went home and vomited blood.

She lay there while Cang Xuan comforted her, and said with faint tears: It's okay, I'm just sad that I trusted the wrong person. What does it feel like to shed tears? It’s a little disappointing and a little sad, but it won’t break the bank!

Cang Xuan extinguished all the lights and described the scene: The bright moonlight shone into the window, and Xiao Yao couldn't say anything and burst into tears. She was crying violently here... Why was she crying?

The doctor said: The emotions were hidden too deeply, and the depression was so deep that I suddenly felt heartache and vomited blood. Tu Shanjing is her love that she can proclaim, but who is the person she hides too deeply? You said why she vomited blood, is it the result of repeated hints that vomiting blood will appear, or is it a hidden emotion of love that must never be mentioned in daily life. After waiting for 37 years, the chance to finally be close to the one she loves suddenly disappeared. Vomited blood.

She loves Xiang Liu no less than Xiang Liu loves 


Good point with the daze theory. I'll also add the scene from chapter 49, wearing all white and staring în a daze at the lake. Yea, I know white is the royal mother's color, but still. 

That night by the lake, Xiao Yao wearing all white sat on a beam with her legs dangling over the water as she stared in a daze at her reflection on the surface.


Sir Bi had no choice but to leave her be, but he turned back from the forest as he walked away and saw Xiao Yao still sitting above the water in a daze, her figure all alone, and he sighed deeply thinking that this tableau would continue for hundreds and even thousands more years.


"18. Dreaming:

Jing: Never dreamed about it once" 

Can you elaborate on that? I know she had that dream that the Jingers like to point out, about him kissing her or something and the bitter taste she was left with when she realised it was just a dream. 

@Liddi: I could not find the translation in Vietnamese. So this translation is my attempt with help from some translation tool and Chinese dictionary. You may take a look to correct some possible mistranslation

My apologies... am currently tied up with real life so am unable to spend more time on this...

I did find the following text which explains the gist of the poem:

This poem expresses the poet's regret and desolation about the passing years and the impermanence of the world. The poet lamented that time flies by, obstacles and troubles are often encountered in the journey of life, and the sect also loses the guidance of its leader. In the desolate Taoist temple, former friends are alienated, and it is dusk, and the dark clouds in the sky seem to herald sadness and rain. The poet sat alone, facing the empty guest bed, speechless. Who can he confide his sincerity to, and who can understand his feelings? Finally, the poet waved his sleeves and returned to the mountains and forests, going deep into the depths of the Bixi River. The scenery here was so profound and beautiful, but the sadness of separation could not be fully expressed.

Hope this helps if you need to revise any translations.

Hopefully too this is the correct poem that the chapter title is based on. It certainly is the closest I could find thus far. 

Part 2: XY’s inner thinking after she woke up in Jade Mountain (in chapter 49)

Her first thought when she woke up is:

  1. She was still alive although she took way much amount of extremely poisonous phoenix petal (more than CX).
  2. She knew that her survival was at least related to her bug connection with XL.

"Xiao Yao covered her eyes, if she knew it was this hard to die she would have never planted the Lover’s Bug in Xiang Liu years ago!" 

"Xiao Yao smiled bitterly, such deadly poison couldn’t even kill her. Having the bug connected with Xiang Liu was like giving herself nine lives. But what was the point of living like this?"

There are 2 options from this point:

  • She didn’t know anything who actually treated her
  • She thought that XL had saved her but because of her denial attitude she would like to find another explanation. 

After some time, Xiao Yao sat up and called out “Anyone there? Where is this place?” From the red blossoms a figure in white rushed over and Xiao Yao almost forgot to breathe until she saw his green eyes and released a disappointed breath “Lie Yang, why am I on Jade Mountain?”

She saw a white figure entering the room, she thought of XL immediately. That means in her mind she already had idea that XL had saved her. That is the most likely, reasonable answer in her mind for the question “who had saved her”.

One of her first question is “where is this place?”. Knowing that was Jade Mountain, she still didn’t care for asking who had saved her. That is not the most urging matter for her, she wanted to know the circumstance? Was that because she knew XL had saved her but she ended up in Jade Mountain? If it was XL, it should have been the sea as in the previous time (37 year period).

“You were sick so Zhuan Xu brought you to the Royal Mother for healing.”

Zhuan Xu explained that she was sick? Fine, might as well stick with the story…..Xiao Yao asked “Where is Zhuan Xu?” “Left.”

We’ve known that whenever unexpected thing coming from XL, XY always tried to deny, she deluded herself and regarded that is mistaken sensation/illusion.

Xiao Yao’s face was so red it was like a burning sunset and she forced her eyes wide open to stare at Xiang Liu. His heartbeat quickened a few times and Xiao Yao sensed it. But then it was gone just like that and she wondered if it was her mistaken sensation. (Chapter 26)

Because she just cried, Xiao Yao’s eyes were extraordinarily clear and bright. Xiang Liu could clearly see himself reflected in her eyes so he covered her eyes with his hand “I’m off!”

Xiao Yao felt a soft coolness brush over her forehead, a brief touch that immediately vanished. Xiao Yao clasped her forehead in shock and opened her eyes to see the room was already empty before her. (Chapter 35)

Mistaken illusion! It was a mistaken illusion! ….”In the cold dark room, Xiao Yao sat there in a daze” (Chapter 35)

This time, it’s exactly the same. She accepted and chose to stick with the story. Why is there a pause of her self-thought there? The " …."  implies that she took time thinking. She was a doctor and expert in poison. She understood better than anyone that her physical state when she took such a lot of that deadly poison. People in Jade Mountain was not fool. Maybe they did not care for the cause of her “death” but they should be aware that she was not alive. “Sick” is just to avoid mentioning the serious extend of the situation and her condition. Moreover, after knowing both CX and Yellow Emperor betrayed her to various levels, could she easily trust other people and believe whatever they said? She didn’t ask “who saved her?” – an open question but she asked if the Royal mother saved her. That showed her thought of “sticking” and following this story. That is a simple question, isn’t it? Obviously, Lie Yang just had to say “YES” (if the Royal mother had done so). Lie Yang flied away. Did she ask herself why Lie refused to answer such easy question? Then Ah Bi who was a Fox, a type of animal that is notorious for being cunning, gave her the answer with a smile (typically insidious characteristics of fox).

Ah Bi walked in with a smile “Your body was fine, the Royal Mother saw that you could breathe underwater so sank you into the lake filled with Jade Mountain spiritual essence and that woke you up.”

Is that such simple to save her from her “not alive” condition (I have to emphasize here that XY understood well her health condition when taking such amount of poison). She had previous experience of being rescued from death in 37 year. Although it was not so severe as last time, was that just some Jade Mountain spiritual essence (actually it’s spiritual energy) enough to cure her? It was not even the Royal Mother herself. She was shocked knowing the Royal Mother would die soon. Did she really believe Ah Bi’s story? She smiled bitterly. Both XY and Sir Bi used smile to deceive themselves and each other. She showed “devastated expression”. She knew she could not die before Lie Yang came. So why did she feel devastated when hearing the story from Sir Bi. Certainly, it isn’t because of that the poison could not kill her (due to bug connection with XL). She was devastated for “But what was the point of living like this?”

Sir Bi saw Xiao Yao’s devastated expression and gently said “Why don’t you stay on Jade Mountain for a while! The Royal Mother doesn’t have much time left, even if the Black Emperor didn’t bring you we were going to bring you here.”

Xiao Yao stared in shock at Sir Bi who replied calmly “Don’t feel bad, death is a natural part of life.”

There are many reasons led to her decision of suicide: she had no love left (CX, Jing and XL as well), she had nowhere to go (Dai Huang was ruled by CX, she was Chi You’s daughter), her close friends/relative died or betrayed her. And that moment, maybe she realized that even Sir Bi who lived way from mortal life also lied to her. Is there anyone that she could trust? Royal Mother who she always knew as to be cold and indifferent person suddenly was warm to her. Did it also inline to her doubt?

Anyway, realizing that she could not die, she made the decision to stay in Jade Mountain and succeeded the senior Royal Mother (RM) after RM resonated XY’s desire to cut-off from the rest of the world. “She was tired and wanted only a peaceful spot to putter around for the rest of her life.” It seems that by that moment XY just wanted to shake off all of her anger, worry, disappointment etc and just kept existing for the rest of her life in isolation with the rest of the world. 

The Royal Mother leisurely said “Sometimes the world is so big that anywhere can be home, sometimes the world is so big but nowhere to go and death is a release. Jade Mountain isn’t a good place, but it is cut off from the rest of the world. Xiao Yao, do you want to become the next Royal Mother and govern Jade Mountain?”

The Royal Mother’s expression was as if she already knew everything. Xiao Yao’s eyes teared up, the entire world

However, did she really cut-off all of her concern? Did she have her mind resting and really let go everything while waiting for the ceremony. NO. 

Cang Xuan stepped through the doors of the hall and saw that the far depths of the hall were segregated by three rows of bead curtains. There were eighteen windows on both sides, wide open. On one side, thousands of peach blossoms bloomed against the clouds, while an expanse of blue-green waves stretched to the sky on the other side, vast and beautiful. (Translated by @liddi)


Behind three layers of bead curtains at the end of the great hall, a woman in white leaned against the window, playing with a branch of crimson peach blossoms in her hand. She appeared to be admiring the view of boundless misty waves, vague green mountains and floating white clouds. On the other hand, she seemed to be anxiously, impatiently waiting for someone, her fingers absently plucking the petals of the peach blossoms, which in turn fell endlessly to the ground. (Translated by @Liddi)


Even CX could recognize that she was like waiting for someone .Who was she anxiously and impatiently waiting at that moment?  It can't not be CX, she even didn't want to inform him that she awaked. Jing was very uncertain, almost hopeless. She was looking at the vast water, hoped for someone coming from the water. It implies XL. CX/ZX saw that all the windows were opened. XY must had ordered to open all the windows so that she could look outside, she could see that person coming (if he came).  Why was she anxious, impatient (unintentionally pucking the petals of the branch). She hoped he would come to bring her away. Is that because she knew he saved her, he still cared for her? But he left her in Jade Mountain. She was anxious, wondering if he would come back. For sure she very focused to looking toward the water for long time because the amount of petals on the ground was a lot (fell endlessly)

A gust of wind blew past as the maid lifted the bead curtains and blew up the peach blossom petals on the ground, and in that swirling moment the woman in white turned around.

And staring at the water at night: 

Xiao Yao was dressed in pure white, her hair loosely tied up, her feet dangling as she sat on the railing of the waterside pavilion, staring blankly at the reflection of the moon on the blue-green waves.  (Translated by @Liddi)

Sir Bi had no choice but to leave her be, but he turned back from the forest as he walked away and saw Xiao Yao still sitting above the water in a daze, in clear, cold moonlight* her figure all alone, and he sighed deeply thinking that this tableau would continue for hundreds and even thousands more years.


(*): The orange text was not in Kaola translation which based on 2013 edition but included the Chinese text. Therefore, it is added here

We see again the presence of word daze. A more detail analysis on “daze” used by TH can be found in [1]. In her analysis, @blimarch noticed this word “daze” was used 10 time (excluding these 2 times in chapter 49). All of the previous usage of "deze" linked to her thought of XL. It is highly likely that she was thinking of XL that night (just before the ceremony day). Moreover, other keywords such as the moon, the water both linked to XL.

[1] Xiang Liu and Xiao Yao’s Story and Romance - Page 319 - Lost You Forever - MyDramaList the post by @blimarch.

Her figure this time is very similar to another scene when Ah Niam saw her waiting by the sea (for 7 days) before her marriage with FL. The impression that outsider such as Sir Bi or Ah Niem got from her are identical. Again, it supports the interpretation that she thought of XL and maybe she was waiting for him. But she already said she didn’t want to see him again in life the last time they met in Gourd shaped Lake. It’s her typical contrary, isn’t it? It was not matter how mad she was at him, the next time she saw XL, all her anger, hatred evaporated.  Did she really saw him that night? So her hatred had gone. outsiders' impression of her figure is that she was waiting for someone. 

“When Ah Nian went to get her, she could see the blue horizon, the red rocks on the cliffs, and Xiao Yao dressed all in white sitting bare foot on the black jagged rocks as the waves crested at her feet.

This image was impossible to describe other than Ah Nian felt a sense of utter desolation for her sister. Xiao Yao’s image made her think of the legends of old, of a fisherman’s wife sitting on the rocks waiting for her lover to come back, sitting and waiting for so long she turned into a rock.” (Chapter 31)

Moreover, is there any other reason that she thought of XL? She came to the lake where the shell was placed inside. She stared at the eflection of the moon on the blue-green wave of the lake. Moon on blue-green water in Jade Lake is similar tothe scenery of Gourd lake where they met last time: a clear moon on blue-green water. Thus it could make XY recall XL. The moon reflection on water is reprentative for XL. Does it also look like the white shell inside the water if looking from top view. In addition, Sir Bi told her that she was sunk in the water. What did she really think about? As analyzed in the previous post [2], she was very likely to sense his presence and his blood feeding. Did she recall the scene that she "sensed" when he saved her in the Shell. Her action of going to the lake, staring toward the water in “daze” is a kind of her typical delusionor confusion about what he did for her and it is also the writing technique used by TH (blank writing) [1].

[2]  Xiang Liu and Xiao Yao’s Story and Romance - Page 319 - Lost You Forever - MyDramaList @H19279

Last, the title of this chapter is “Fear that reunion is but a dream” [犹恐相逢是梦中 ]. Litteral meaning of this phrase refers to Jing’s return which happened during the ceremony in the morning.

“Jing didn’t want to anger the Royal Mother so stopped and said softly
“Xiao Yao, don’t become the Royal Mother, you promised to marry me!”

Xiao Yao walked off the altar as if in a dream towards Jing and the servants didn’t stop her after seeing the Royal Mother didn’t object.

Until she was standing before Jing, Xiao Yao still couldn’t believe this was real. She reached out her hand to touch his face “Jing, is it really you?””

However, when we read the content of the poem (The Partridge's Sky) from which this phrase was taken, the poem described a man came to see the girl that he had affection after many years apart at night, and the girl was sleeping”. This scene was what XY saw during “sleeping” inside the water. The poem itself consisted of many keywords liked to XL and XY: willow (Liu – for Xiang Liu), peach blossom (for XY due to the original of her name), the moon. The man held up a silver lamp to shine on the girl which is similar to XL got in the shell seeing XY shone by the pearl light. The couple was soulmate with each other. Who is her soulmate. It's XL. Perhaps it is the image recorded in her mind. She felt it, saw it via the PLB while in coma. Did she recall this "reunion" when she stared at the water. 

However, due to her denial attitude, she probably deceived herself and thought that it was a dream. Not only XY wanted to deceive herself but did the author TH also wants to deceive the readers. As XY was a smart girl, combining all the clues (information and attitude from other people, her own memory, her soul connection with PLB) she could get that XY had save her.

Conclusion: With the evidence and analyses in this post and the previous post [2], it is possible to say that “Xiao Yao knew XL had come to Jade Mountain to recue her” 

鹧鸪天   -                     晏几道

The Partridge's Sky by Yan Jidao 

彩袖殷勤捧玉钟, Colorful sleeves attentively carried a jade goblet;

当年拼却醉颜红。 That time, I didn't mind letting my face be flushed with wine,

舞低杨心月       She danced the moon down below the willows in the mansion

歌尽桃花扇底风。 And sang her peach blossom fan out of air.

从别后,忆相逢,   Since we parted, remembering our meeting,

几回魂梦与君同。   How many times have our souls met in the same dreams?

今宵剩把银釭照       Tonight, I hold up a silver lamp to shine on you,

犹恐相逢是梦中        Fearing still that this meeting is in a dream.

Bonus: About the breaking of the poison lovers’ bug. Did XY fully believe that Royal Mother (RM) broke the bugs on her.

Have XY ever asked herself that the RM didn’t mention about breaking the bugs before? RM had many days and opportunities to tell her that. It’s important issue. It would help her to cut-off her connection to the life outside Jade Mountain completely. Why didn’t she mention it when she talked with XY the day she woke up and accept the RM role? Did she believe that RM forgot to tell her? RM mother just ordered to place her inside the water. Did she realize the contradiction in Sir Bi’s story and RM’s story. XY knew that the PLB lived as a pair of a male and female one. Voodoo King had told the bugs live and die together. What actually happened to her bug when RM broke it? Her bug was gone but they were dead or alive after breaking? What would happen to XL’s bug. Does it mean XL would die? XY and Jing later knew XL died much later on battlefield, not because of the bug.

Jing, a very smart man, could sense something smelly in RM’s story. Anyway, he is a cunning fox, he kept it for himself. Unfortunately, XY didn’t pay attention to detail at all. She felt the loss in her heart but again tried to find a reason to mask, cover her feeling. Maybe later when she settled down in the ocean, thinking of the past, she might realize some illogical points.

Xiao Yao and Sir Bi could not contain their sadness as Xiao Yao said “I want to stay a few more days.”

“Whatever you want! I’m tired and you all…….” The Royal Mother was about to send them away when Sir Bi coughed slightly to remind her, so the Royal Mother suddenly changed topics “You guys know there is a voodoo bug in Xiao Yao’s body?’

Xiao Yao’s expression dimmed so Jing replied “We know.”

The Royal Mother said “When Xiao Yao was unconscious, I discovered the voodoo bug in her and broke the spell. You guys don’t have a problem with that, right?”

Jing was ecstatic and stuttered a bit “You mean, Your Highness got rid of the voodoo bug from Xiao Yao’s body?”

The Royal Mother coldly stared “Are you doubting me?”

Jing quickly said “No! No! I’m just too happy is all!” The Royal Mother was aloof and didn’t say much but whatever she said was always true, so if she said she broke the voodoo spell then clearly it was now broken.

Xiao Yao’s heart was jumbled – when Xiang Liu tried to assassinate Zhuan Xu and killed Feng Long, she already repaid all her debt to Xiang Liu by giving her blood. She severed all ties with him then, but hearing now that the final last bit of connection between them was broken when she wasn’t even aware of it, she couldn’t figure out what this sense of loss meant. She mocked herself “He always saw you as just a chess piece, what’s there to feel bereft about? Are you sad about his cold heartlessness?”

As analyzed in [2], there is high chance that XL cast sleeping spell on XY so that she could not sense his action of luring the bug and kill it.

EDIT: Thank to @Liddi for verification of the more precise translation for some excerpt that I inclueded in this analysis

As a disciple, Bei: Stay with me for another half day. Yao: OK. I think Xiang Liu felt Xiao Yao's heartache at that moment and couldn't bear to say that he would stay with her for a long time. However, I have to say that the author is really good at swordsmanship. Xiaoyao and Fangfengbei were completely blank and nothing was written after this good character.

Yes, TH left a lot of blank time. 

For example FFB came to her bedroom for healing in Xuan Yuan. He came at night, the next day she got up, recalling the memory with FFB and XL. Actually FFB stayed in her room for 2 nights but TH did not mention what did XY do on 2nd day

Xiao Yao slept until it was nearly noon and when she opened her eyes, she immediately looked at Fang Feng Bei. He was still laying there with his eyes closed and she relaxed her worried heart.

Xiao Yao knew he couldn’t move but could hear so she said softly “I’m going out to eat since I’m hungry. No one will come in so you heal in peace.”


She opened the curtains and saw Fang Feng Bei silently laying there still.

Xiao Yao sat cross-legged on the pallet and quietly stared at him. ...


Zhuan Xu didn’t come back until the night of the second day all drunk with two women on each arm. She heard it was an apology gift from Cui Liang. 


Xiao Yao went back to her room and she held Fang Feng Bei’s hand and checked his injuries. His healing would be done soon.

Xiao Yao placed a set of men’s clothes beside him and quietly left. She could face Fang Feng Bei openly and could be all joking with Xiang Liu, but right now she didn’t know how to face both Xiang Liu and Fang Feng Bei at the same time.

Xiao Yao laid on the garden bench and stared at the moon.

What did they do on the 2nd night? It's blank. 


What did they do on the 2nd night? It's blank.

Omo Omo Omo… insert some fanfic here LOL. I guess XL was only lying there unconscious the whole time while he healed ‚cough cough‘…


Very good analysis on chapter 49, you do raise some very good points. I personally don't really feel that she deceived herself on purpose în regards to XL, but rather that she was genuinly confused about his intentions (or if she did, indeed, deceive herself  was mostly as a reaction to XL's actions, since he made it obvious that he doesn't want to commit himself to her), but other than that I agree with your take and it did make me view some things differenly. 

I still am unsure about the poem though, I honestly have no idea if it hints to Jing or to XL. Thing is this poem is very similar to the scene from chapter 20, when XY sang the sad ballad în front of jing. The moon, the willow, her drunken state... Idk, it's very confusing, I am 50/50 on this one.