
Actually, there are some discussion about related characters and story too, for example some about Jing, FFYY or history back ground. Indeed the major content of this topic is about XY-XL relationship and themselves

Thanks! It will take time with the 600 plus pages but I’ve started on a couple of pages already. It’s interesting to read what people think 

I think you'll find plenty of folks here who preferred the novel and found drama XL ... overly emotional and pitiful.


It actually means the 4th month of the following year. Sorry - poorly translated! So in this case, Xiao Yao was born in the 4th month of the year after Cang Xuan's birth.

Oh that makes perfect sense. Thanks for clarifying! ^^

From my understanding, the gestation period for deities is roughly 2 years. However, A Heng kept Xiao Yao in her womb for 4 years before giving birth to her:

Siege of Ze Province (4th month)

A Heng is already pregnant for 12 months from their last rendezvous in Bai Li a year ago
At the time, A Heng has been in Xuan Yuan for a year
Returns to Gao Xin. Shao Hao agrees to give the unborn child his name
6 months later - Chang Pu is pregnant
6 months after that - Shao Hao announces A Heng's pregnancy
More than 2 years later - Cang Xuan is born
4th month of the following year - Xiao Yao is born

A four year pregnancy. Wow. Really gotta feel for Ah Heng on this one. 

The following are descriptions of Xiao Yao and Cang Xuan at different ages, leading up to after her escape from Jade Mountain. I love these anecdotes of them as children - guffawing over their antics, but teared up when she was about to be sent to Jade Mountain.

Love these! Thanks for translating them liddi. ^^

Shao Hao named the child Xiao Yao. From birth, her mother had been in a coma. Shao Hao showed her the utmost care, and took her everywhere with him daily, until everyone within and without the palace knew how much Shao Hao loved the oldest princess. After more than a year had passed, Xiao Yao started to learn how to talk, and A Heng gradually regained consciousness.

When Shao Hao entered the bedroom, Ah Heng was leaning on the pallet and playing with Xiao Yao.

Xiao Yao was playing with a silver bell in her hand. As soon as she saw Shao Hao, she smiled and opened her arms to be held, excitedly waving her chubby, lotus-root-like white arms, making the bell chime with a crisp, tinkling sound. Shao Hao picked her up, and she wrapped her arms around his neck, giggling delightedly. Her laughter was pleasing to the ear, making one forget one's worries.

-- Once Promised Vol 2 Ch7  (originally Chapter 10)

So cute!

And so strange to read this passage and then to read about how Shao Hao chose to slowly poison his father to death.

I think one of the things that makes Tong Hua's writing so compelling is that every character has their flaws and yet every character is shown to have the capacity for love and goodness of some kind (Yi Peng comes to mind, but it applies to pretty much every character). No matter how villainous a character may be at any point, we are always shown another side of them. And often we get to see how one particular trait in a character can be both good and bad (e.g., ruthlessness, a lack of ruthlessness, loyalty, etc.). And we are given an opportunity to understand that we are seeing the story from the perspective of certain characters at certain points in their lives, and if we were viewing the story from the perspective of their enemies at the right time in their enemies' lives, we might view the heroes as villains to root against and the villains as heroes to root for. It makes for very rich and interesting characters and story telling. 

3 years 2-4months - death of the previous Eminent Emperor

The summer heat in Gao Xin was unbearable. Xiao Yao is active and afraid of the heat, so A Heng often took her to Yi Qing Garden to escape the heat and cool down.

The garden was home to many waterfowl which had become very wild due to neglect in recent years. Xiao Yao was naturally brave. While not as tall as a crane, she dared to catch them. When the crane pecked at her, she would cry but stubbornly hold on to the crane's neck without letting go.

A Heng often sat by the side with a book in hand, reading, and paid Xiao Yao no mind. Whether she fell or was chased and pecked by birds, A Heng simply watched, to the extent where though Xiao Yao still could not speak clearly, she already understood that: if she fell, she must pick herself up; if she dared to provoke the birds of prey, she must bear their attacks; she had to face everything on her own.

After being covered with scars from peck wounds all over her arms, Xiao Yao intuitively learnt various coping methods and became the little bully of Yi Qing Garden. Cranesmandarin ducks and egrets fled the moment they saw her, while birds of prey such as ospreys, sparrowhawks, kites and vultures regarded her as a friend and played with her.

-- Once Promised Vol 2 Ch8  (originally Chapter 11)

Poor little XY. Even before her mother abandoned her she was already making XY feel, as a three year-old, that she could only rely on herself. Independence and self-sufficinecy are good aspects to develop in a child. But this lesson, to this degree, at this age seems far too harsh. 

Also, cranes always make me think of TSJ. Mandarin ducks make me think of XL. Can egrets be associated with CX?

Do you think Tong Hua included the references to these birds in this scene intentionally, as if she already had some idea of where things would go in LYF? Or do you think it's just coincidental?  

80 years old or more (after Xiao Yao ran away from Jade Mountain)

Another good data point!

Shao Hao continued to poison his father after forcing him to abdicate. He initially had meant to let his father live the rest of his life in peace, but decided that his father had to die when he met with continued opposition and attempts to bring his father back. So after initially weakening him with A Heng's poison (which should have worn off in a few years), he continued to administer a far more lethal poison that had no antidote. The previous Eminent Emperor was dying but because Shao Hao did not show his face, he summoned A Heng, and forced her to watch as he dispersed his own spiritual powers:

So brutal. 

Qing Yang said, “Father, I’m fine. The poison is not fatal.” Ever since the day he could understand, the Yellow Emperor had held him on his lap, telling him about his own childhood sufferings and grand ambitions. Perhaps no one in the world understood the Yellow Emperor’s dreams better than he did. It was the pursuit that consumed a great man’s entire life.

The word “Father” made the Yellow Emperor’s heart ache sharply. Faint, distant memories flashed through his mind. Among all his sons, only Qing Yang and Yun Ze called him “Father.” Those tender and clear calls of “Father” were the purest love between father and son he had ever received. The Yellow Emperor’s temples throbbed violently inside his helmet as he said heavily, “Son, live!”

Qing Yang smiled through his tears. With one word “son”, both father and son reconciled, as if they had returned to when he was a child.

-- Once Promised Vol 2 Ch3 (originally Chapter 6)


Does the Yellow Emperor find out that Qing Yang did not survive before the end of Once Promised?

I am more of the opinion that any kindness on Hong Jiang's part had more to do with his own nature than anything else, and he very likely felt compassion for the young demon who had suffered so much, seeing beyond the boy's animosity, distrust and kneejerk self-preservation instincts.

I have to say it makes me think highly of Gong Gong.

When you think about it, I imagine Hong Jiang's powers to be constrained somewhat, since they were holed up in the mountains, and not necessarily near a ready source of water. Xiang Liu too.

True. QS town had a river, but up in the mountains there would probably only be small streams and pools like the one that WXL bathed in. 

When XL trained his water powers in the far north, he used a technique developed from Gong Gong's technique and specialized in snow / ice powers. Perhaps the highest parts of the mountains outside of QS town would have snow for most or even all of the year?

But I agree he'd likely be way more in his element if the fighting occurred near or (even better) in the ocean. Gong Gong too. 

I guess that's why it was predictable that, after the remanant army was burned out of the mountains that gave them a geogrphic advantage, they next went to the ocean. 

We once discussed whether even in his true form, would his powers be less effective on land as opposed to the ocean. Did we ever get a consensus? I can't remember suddenly...

I don't remember if we analyzed any special evidence or came to a consesnsus in that discussion. But it seems pretty intuitive that that would be the case. 

XL is the King of the Seas. Not the King of the Mountains. 


I know XY love was not one sided in both novel and drama XL love XY for a fact, im just saying that in the novel it shows less of XL POv so it felt like she love him one sided (to her), and when he died the pain she expressed was way heartbreaking than drama, and plus as we can see XL’s pov in drama, it hurts me to see him hurting and sufferring suppressing his feelings. Though they cut some elements they did replace other elements which still show us who XY love which is still good, and I love that the producers also show us the bad side of Jing as well , he is perfect for XY in her sense but he isn’t the perfect man after all :)



I know XY love was not one sided in both novel and drama XL love XY for a fact, im just saying that in the novel it shows less of XL POv so it felt like she love him one sided (to her), and when he died the pain she expressed was way heartbreaking than drama, and plus as we can see XL’s pov in drama, it hurts me to see him hurting and sufferring suppressing his feelings. Though they cut some elements they did replace other elements which still show us who XY love which is still good, and I love that the producers also show us the bad side of Jing as well , he is perfect for XY in her sense but he isn’t the perfect man after all :)

Ah, I understand now.  Thank you.

Yes, to me, it's abundantly clear in the drama that they love each other.  In the novel, like you said, not seeing XL's pov it is can be more unclear.  But that's also why the epilog just kicks you in the stomach in the novel.  You see what XL was thinking and everything is made clear.

Jing.  Don't get me started.  grrr

 AH :
I don't remember if we analyzed any special evidence or came to a consesnsus in that discussion. But it seems pretty intuitive that that would be the case.

XL is the King of the Seas. Not the King of the Mountains.

I think it was Gong Gong who was the sea deity in mythology, but they seems to have ceded that to Xiang Liu -- which actually makes sense to me, with him being a demon.

Regardless, I think they are both personifications of flooding, but definitely Xiang Liu, so I tend to think even on land they are devastating.  I would think there powers would include summoning waters, for flooding.  And in many places, there's plenty of water underground, or any river would be dangerous.

 AH :
I think you'll find plenty of folks here who preferred the novel and found drama XL ... overly emotional and pitiful.

LOL!  Yes, WHO could I have been thinking of?

love the GiFs

Finally came across what appeared to be a more comprehensive description of the rumoured 2nd epilogue on Weibo. While cannot be substantiated, I find it interesting that the title of the LYF prequel appeared to refer to the name of the ice mask of the Guifang clan leader 千方相 "Thousands of Directions".

Anyway this is the translation - as always, take it with a massive ladle of salt:

Lost You Forever Epilogue 2 - Staying Together Forever

Xiao Yao and Tushan Jing lived in seclusion on an island with many fisherfolk who fished for a living.

After that time on Jade Mountain, Xiao Yao was pregnant and gave birth to a son. The boy had black hair, with a personality like Xiang Liu's, loved lying on trees, and was very good looking. Although he was often despised for being half deity, half demon, neither he nor Xiao Yao cared. The child also often helped the fishermen to drive schools of fish, and was exceedingly kind. Xiao Yao knew the big-bellied doll was Xiang Liu's gift to her and often took it out, staring at it in a daze. The child would then ask if she was missing him again. The boy once asked Tushan Jing whether he was the great devil that everyone was talking of, and Tushan Jing told him that it was he who saved their lives. From childhood, the boy knew a mother's love, and an adoptive father's guidance, so he never suffered from displacement. Xiao Yao and Tushan Jing never consummated their marriage in those three hundred years. He knew that the child was Xiang Liu's, but he did not mind. Tushan Jing would mend the fishing nets at home while Left Ear would go out to the ocean to fish. After three hundred years, Tushan Jing passed away, and Xiao Yao and her son lived their lives, relying on each other.

Xiao Yao had met Gong Gong before and held him in great esteem. Gong Gong told Xiao Yao that she was the only friend Xiang Liu made over the centuries, but he never realised that she was a female. In the end, Zhuan Xu gave orders to kill Gong Gong, and he was being pursued until, cornered at the snowy mountain with no way out, Gong Gong chose to die rather than surrender, and killed himself by slamming himself against the mountain. Zhuan Xu finally united the Great Wilderness.

Xiang Liu was the clan leader of the descendants of the King of the Underworld. Before the final battle, Xiang Liu went to the Guifang clan to settle his affairs. Several hundred people knelt in the Great Hall to plead with him, using Xiao Yao's life to threaten him, and Xiang Liu left behind his demon core and a copy of himself Fangfeng Bei. In the end, he was resurrected as Guifang Bei but Xiao Yao had no idea as the Guifang clan kept it a secret. The resurrected Guifang Bei lost his memories as the Guifang clan gave him something to wipe out his memories. The Guifang clan arranged for two maids/concubines to keep a strict watch over him, but Guifang Bei had no interest in pursuing sexual relationships, caring more about emotional resonance. He kept calling the two women "Jiejie", and they were his close aides, extremely clever and resourceful.

The ice mask he wore was 千方相 "Thousands of Directions". As long as the mask existed, he would have to shoulder all kinds of responsibilities for the rest of his life, and could never be free. The Guifang clan hated Xiao Yao, believing that she was heartless and ungrateful. They were afraid of losing Bei, so they were on their guard against Xiao Yao. However, as time went on, they no longer kept such a close eye anymore.

After Tushan Jing's death, Xiao Yao brought her son and returned back to Qingshui Town, fulfilling the promise she made back then never to leave Qingshui Town.

Xiang Liu never came back but Guifang Bei lived. Hopefully they would meet again.

Finally came across what appeared to be a more comprehensive description of the rumoured 2nd epilogue on Weibo. While cannot be substantiated, I find it interesting that the title of the LYF prequel appeared to refer to the name of the ice mask of the Guifang clan leader 千方相 "Thousands of Directions".

Anyway this is the translation - as always, take it with a massive ladle of salt:

Thank you, as always, for the translation, liddi.

Yeah, I'm sorry, but I think there's way too much salt with this one.  It reads more like fanfic to me.

I was just talking about the Guifang elsewhere.  Some said, as this story states, that XL as the Guifang clan leader.  I find this hard to believe, as why would he have no money and be scrounging for provisions for the army then?  As Guifang clan leader, he'd be on par with Jing and Feng Long.  It doesn't really make sense, to me.

In this discussion, they also said that whenever XL wore the whole face, silver mask, that he was acting as Guifang.  And that those guys in white with the silver masks, weren't with the army, but were Guifang.  I'm not sure I agree with this.  But  I was wondering why they were wearing white, when we know that XL was the only one in the army who wore white?  So, why would XL only bring Guifang to fight CX in that last battle at Qing Shui Town, when he used XY as bait?

Oh, wait.  Even Ru Shou appears to know about this rumored Guifang resurrection though.  Ding Jia Wen posted this in his farewell to LYF, which was written entirely in Ru Shou's character.

"Xiangliu, you are my extremely respected opponent, with strong martial arts and extraordinary alertness. If the difference in military strength between the two sides was not so great, I really would have no choice but to rely on "one force defeats ten skills". I am ashamed. I heard a rumor that you are still alive and have returned to the Guifang clan. If it is true, you must come to me. I think we will become close friends and drink and talk happily. How happy! " -- Lord Ru Shou


Sorry I don't know how to quote, been wondering how to do it since yesterday, but it won't allow me to quote a long post. 

Anyway, when I said XL was a nobody, I meant it if we look at each character as an individual. CX, XY, TSJ were all born in prominent families, but XL was just a sea demon who was born from an egg, had no parents and belonged to no kingdom/clan. I would consider him a nobody. He has no resposibilities and thus can lead a carefree life if he wanted to. But after he met HJ, he became who he was. XL himself also wondered why he was doing these stupid things and refered HJ and the troops as stupid fools doing stupid things. It showed that he actually couldn't be bothered, but he was already in the mess before XY came along and so he couldn't stop halfway. He was indebted to HJ and so for him to leave is just impossible. But if he could, he fits the criteria XY was looking for. That's why XY said, if she could, she wished to live like this forever after their short trip in the ocean and how she hoped he can be FFB forever. She yearns a life that XL can give. XL without HJ was simply a demon without responsibilities. 

But this nobody is the opposite when we talk about YSQ. He seemed to be a nobody when in fact it was the opposite. He was somebody. And given her own status, if she wanted to live a peaceful life in the kingdom, her best choice was TSJ. But every single time there were problems in her life, XY always seemed to yearn for XL. And everytime she made poisons or went with him to the ocean, all her problems just seemed to disappear and she could be herself again, that carefree WXL. I think in a way, XY tested him with that mermaid globe she made, hoping to know how important she was in his life and can he give up his army for her. XY is a smart person, I don't believe she didn't know about XL's feelings. But because XL made XY seemed like she didn't matter, she also had to make herself clear that he didn't matter to her. 

Regarding the bug, XL accepted it before he knew her real identity. But after he found out, he  knew there was no chance between them and XY delivered the final blow by rejecting him too. I think given XL's decisive personality, he already accepted it. His courage came from silently loving XY the way he knew how, but he was afraid to step beyond the line because he knew there wouldn't be a happy ending between them. He was actually hesitant when he probed her mind before, it showed that he was afraid of making things complicated for XY. I think he was just looking for a closure so he can die knowing her true feelings. The novel didn't seem to show that XL ever said something about regrets, correct me if I'm wrong. I don't think he ever thought of fighting for her, even up until the point where TSJ died. He was just worried that with TSJ's death and his own death nearing, no one would be there for XY. 


Wow, if that epilogue is true, then my heart is content. Lol. May I know where I can read the 1st epilogue?

Sorry I don't know how to quote, been wondering how to do it since yesterday, but it won't allow me to quote a long post.

You have to quote in smaller sections.  You highlight the section you want to quote, a pop up tab that says 'quote' should appear at the top, left of the highlighted section.  Click on that.  If the pop up tab doesn't appear, right click on the highlighted part.

Then you can answer the quoted section and then repeat the above.

The novel didn't seem to show that XL ever said something about regrets, correct me if I'm wrong. I don't think he ever thought of fighting for her, even up until the point where TSJ died. He was just worried that with TSJ's death and his own death nearing, no one would be there for XY.

I don't think it said anything about regrets either.

There has been much debate in this topic about whether or not XL ever planned on a life with XY, if so, when he stopped planning on that.  Just as there's been much discussion about whether he always planned to die with the army or not.

I'm of the opinion that he DID plan on having a life with XY, and that he wasn't 'doomed' from the start, as no decision had been made for certain about fighting to the death ... well, maybe Hong Jiang, but the situation with the army was changing throughout the book.  Some think he believed, from what WXL said, that a temporary relationship was acceptable for her, where temporary could mean anywhere from hundreds to a thousand years, before the situation went bad with the army.

But once XY revealed who she was, and once CX entered the equation, things changed for XL's plans for a future with XY.

More later.  Things to do today. :)

Xiao Yao and Tushan Jing lived in seclusion on an island with many fisherfolk who fished for a living.

A familiar concept. ^^

After that time on Jade Mountain, Xiao Yao was pregnant and gave birth to a son. The boy had black hair, with a personality like Xiang Liu's, loved lying on trees, and was very good looking. Although he was often despised for being half deity, half demon, neither he nor Xiao Yao cared.

... so in this scenrio... when exactly did XY get pregnant? When XL pushed XY to cut ties with him and broke the bug connection? Because... when on earth was there a moment in that whole interaction in the drama where consensual intercourse could have occurred between them??

The child also often helped the fishermen to drive schools of fish, and was exceedingly kind.

That's a cute detail. Little prince of the sea. 

Xiao Yao knew the big-bellied doll was Xiang Liu's gift to her and often took it out, staring at it in a daze. The child would then ask if she was missing him again.

If she knew from the beginning that this doll was from XL, I would've liked to see a different reaction from XY when she received it from Ah Nian. But maybe she figured it out later. 

One thing I'm really not liking about this possible epilogue is that it undermines so much of what XL did to make XY think he didn't love her and to do things for her secretly... all to help her avoid a long and difficult period of mourning and missing him, to the extent possible. 

Xiao Yao and Tushan Jing never consummated their marriage in those three hundred years.

An interesting choice. Something that would delight some YaoLiu fans and infuriate many YaoJing fans. But it seems rather sad for both of them that they didn't have a proper marriage. And it seems rather inconsistent for XY, especially drama!XY, who was so insistent on marrying TSJ and was the one who asked TSJ to marry her (quite different from the novel).  

After three hundred years, Tushan Jing passed away, and Xiao Yao and her son lived their lives, relying on each other.

Another familiar concept. ^^

Xiao Yao had met Gong Gong before and held him in great esteem.


Gong Gong told Xiao Yao that she was the only friend Xiang Liu made over the centuries, but he never realised that she was a female.

I know they've erased Sir Bi's existence (which remains super frustrating), but even in the drama Lirong Ji was canonically XL's friend!

Ironically, it feels like they took one of Lirong Ji's lines from the novel (about XL making hundreds of visits to the resaurant without bringing a friend, and the first time he brought one (XY), the friend was surprisingly a woman) and twisted it here. 

XY may have been XL's closest "friend" in many ways, and the person he could be the most honest and vulnerable with (about certain things - definitely not everything). But I cannot believe that in 400+ years he never made another friend. That's too out of character and too contrived - they just want to make XL seem pitiful again for the sake of trying to pull at our heartstrings a bit more, even if it undermines XL's character and diginity, and that always annoys me. 

In the end, Zhuan Xu gave orders to kill Gong Gong, and he was being pursued until, cornered at the snowy mountain with no way out, Gong Gong chose to die rather than surrender, and killed himself by slamming himself against the mountain. Zhuan Xu finally united the Great Wilderness.

What an underwhemling ending for him. 

Xiang Liu was the clan leader of the descendants of the King of the Underworld.

The ice mask he wore was 千方相 "Thousands of Directions". As long as the mask existed, he would have to shoulder all kinds of responsibilities for the rest of his life, and could never be free.



After Tushan Jing's death, Xiao Yao brought her son and returned back to Qingshui Town, fulfilling the promise she made back then never to leave Qingshui Town.

Not a fan. The novel was so clear that the ocean was where she belonged. And she should stay away from CX's reach. 

Plus she never promised XL that she would never leave QS Town. After she was whipped in S1 Ep3, WXL's one condition (which she was willing to die for if XL refused to agree to it) for her agreeing to work for XL was that he would never order her to leave QS Town (e.g., to go assassinate the King of Xiyan or the King of Haoling). XL agreed (and later added that if he summoned her, she must obey). But that didn't in any way mean that WXL had promised XL that she would never leave QS Town for any other reason. 

Xiang Liu never came back but Guifang Bei lived. Hopefully they would meet again.

As a clan leader held captive by responsiblities that he didn't want, never getting to be free??? Is this supposed to be a happy ending?!!?

Thank you, as always, for the translation, liddi.


Yeah, I'm sorry, but I think there's way too much salt with this one.  It reads more like fanfic to me.


I heard a rumor that you are still alive and have returned to the Guifang clan.

If XL survived, so much (SO MUCH) of what he did to / for XY (so much cruelty to himself and to her!) would be rendered completely unnecessary. 

If it is true, you must come to me. I think we will become close friends and drink and talk happily. How happy! " -- Lord Ru Shou

Mutual respect for a worthy opponent is one thing. But the notion that XL would be close friends with the general that led the troops that slaughtered and wiped out the last of his remnant army comrades, whom he could never forget... That just feels insulting. Like it's assuming that their deaths are not that important to XL.

Sorry I don't know how to quote, been wondering how to do it since yesterday, but it won't allow me to quote a long post. 

It doesn't work on mobile. If you are on desktop, highlight the text you want to quote and wait for a floating "quote" button to appear near the top of the text (different from static the quote button at the bottom of the comment you are trying to quote). When it appears, click on the floating "quote" button.

Edit: Basically what Kokuto said. ^^

XL himself also wondered why he was doing these stupid things and refered HJ and the troops as stupid fools doing stupid things. It showed that he actually couldn't be bothered, but he was already in the mess before XY came along and so he couldn't stop halfway. He was indebted to HJ and so for him to leave is just impossible.

XL paid his debt to Gong Gong back a long time ago. If it was only a matter of debt, XL could leave at any time. The reason he continued to fight with Gong Gong and the remnant army was not due to his debt, but due to his genuine affection and loyalty. 

When XL called Gong Gong and the remnant army idiots, he was expressing frustration. IMO, he was frustrated that people he cared about were so determined to fight for a hopeless cause until their deaths. But does he actually view them as idiots, and nothing else? I personally don't think so. WXL later comes to respect Gong Gong and the remnant army, despite the choices that also make her think that they are foolish and pitiable. CX also expresses his respect for Gong Gong and XL's fight. 

XY called XL an idiot after he died. But again, I think that was an expression of her frustration and sorrow. Not XY actually thinking that XL was an idiot. 

"He actually couldn't be bothered"? XL?? It seemed like the complete opposite to me. For 400+ years he went against his demon nature to help lead a regimented army.  He worked so hard and gave so much to his comrades. Medicine. Supplies. Protection. Comfort. So many victories on the battlefield. His unending loyalty. All of his remaning lives. He was offered so many opportunities to leave the remnant army. To surrender or switch sides. He rejected them all. With his many extra lives and strategic mind, if he wanted to he likely could have survived the last battle and escaped. But he didn't want to. He chose to die with his comrades on the battlefield. 


Chapter 4:

Xiang Liu closed his eyes and there was exhaustion in his brows. Xiao Liu asked “Why are you in a bad mood?”

Xiang Liu ignored him so Xiao Liu just spoke out loud, “Since Little Zhu Rong took over running the Middle Plains, I hear the Middle Plains are starting to be well managed. The Yellow Emperor will eventually deal with General Gong Gong. The power structure in this world can’t be reversed, and definitely not by the will of one person. I suggest you take off sooner rather than later. Actually, you’re just a demon, and a loathsome nine-headed one at that. With those snobbish Gods of the Sheng Nong tribe, in their eyes you are……you are less than nothing. Why do you have to worry about the Sheng Nong rebel army. What can you get by following General Gong Gong? Do you like power? Then why don’t you betray Gong Gong and cast your lot with the Yellow Emperor……….”

Xiang Liu opened his eyes and they were blood red with a demon glare. Xiao Liu was shaken by his glance like his entire body was paralyzed and blood began to drop from his nostrils and his fingertips. “I… wrong! - wrong!” Xiang Liu closed his eyes and Xiao Liu’s body toppled forward onto the condor’s back like a used rag.


Chapter 5:

In the morning, Xiang Liu left. So Xiao Liu climbed on the pallet and kept on sleeping. There was the sound of organized chants and hollers from outside, initially it was interesting but after some time Xiao Liu wished he were deaf. Day after day, year after year, these repetitive army exercises were boring but needed to keep the blade sharp and morale high. But was their determination worth it? The soldiers wanted to protect their homeland, to protect their people, but they were now hiding in the mountains without either a homeland or people to protect.

Xiao Liu was suddenly rather impressed with Xiang Liu. Demons were by nature wild and untamed, refusing to follow rules and authority, and definitely no desire for status. But Xiang Liu reined in his rebellious streak to live a mundane daily life doing what might be something he utterly despised. When Xiang Liu finished training the soldiers, he returned to the hut.


The soldier reported from outside. “General Xiang Liu, two more soldiers died.” Xiang Liu’s laughter stopped and he immediately stood up and walked out. Xiao Liu hesitated and walked to the door. There were two bodies on top of a pyre. Xiang Liu walked over where there were hundreds of soldiers lined up. He poured three cups of wine and then lit the pyre. Within the flames of the fire, the faces of the men showed their familiarity with death, but in the mournful sounds of the song they sang it conveyed their deep sorrow. Their singing wasn’t in unison, flitting in and out, as they wondered about their cause and what it all meant in the long run.

It was true that the Yellow Emperor forcibly took over the lands of Sheng Nong. But the Sheng Nong Kingdom was now no more and the people living there only wanted a peaceful life to live. They don’t care who the Emperor is, and even began to speak warmly of the Yellow Emperor’s intelligence and generosity. The people don’t care about the remaining Sheng Nong soldiers who refuse to surrender. Thousands of years later, their determination won’t be remembered.

Only by giving up and bowing low could they get a sweet wife, a cute kid, perhaps even wealth given by the Emperor. But they still persisted to cling on to their belief. To hold onto something most people no longer cared about. To risk their lives for it.

The wheels of history were already turning but they remained stubbornly rooted in place, with their arms outstretched trying to turn the wheels back. But they were people that time has forgotten, they are going against the tide, and they were destined to be obliterated. Xiao Liu knew they were foolish, and felt pity for them, but he also couldn’t help but feel respect towards them.

In this moment, Xiao Liu suddenly realized why his last mocking question to Xiang Liu about why he worked for Gong Gong doing pointless things, to suggest that he betray Gong Gong and throw his lot with the Yellow Emperor, that question would cause Xiang Liu to fly into a dark rage. In this world, there was a determination that may be destroyed, may be annihilated, but can never be mocked!

Xiang Liu slowly walked back with the sorrowful song lingering behind him. Xiao Liu leaned against the door and watched him walk in the blood red sunset, his white hair and white robe still pristine and untouched. Xiang Liu stopped in front of Xiao Liu, his cold gaze containing a measure of disdain, but it wasn’t clear if it was meant for the world or for himself.

Xiao Liu suddenly bowed. “I wanted to apologize for what I said last time.” Xiang Liu was expressionless as he entered the house. “If the medicine comes sooner, they can live a bit longer. They are warriors. If they are to die, it ought to be in front of the Yellow Emperor’s army.”

Xiao Liu silently sat in the corner and genuinely started to pray that Jing would hurry up with the medicine. 


Chapter 7:

Xiao Liu was silent and looked up at the crescent moon like a biscuit with a bite taken out of it. After a long time, he asked, “What is General Gong Gong like? To lead to a demon like you giving him your allegiance?”

“He’s an idiot!” Xiang Liu quieted down for a while and then said, “He is a pathetic idiot. He leads a bunch of idiots, doing something pathetic.”

Xiao Liu said, “The most pathetic one is you! They are all willing to do it, they don’t think they are idiots. They think they are doing something they would be proud of to tell their family in the grave. To let their descendants be proud. They are happy to go down in a blaze of glory. But you – you mock it yet you do it.

“Who let me have nine-heads? Of course it gets complicated and contradictory.”

Xiao Liu couldn’t help but laugh out loud and almost swallowed water and quickly grabbed Xiang Liu’s arm.


Chapter 22: 

Xiang Liu stopped talking and Xiao Yao was so anxious inside. She thought that he must’ve decided to leave the North Pole after meeting Fang Feng Bei there. But by then the Sheng Nong Kingdom had fallen and General Gong Gong was leading a paltry resistance army with all his family and friends abandoning him. Yet a certain Nine-headed demon actually willingly went to him, perhaps initially it was to repay a debt, but then Gong Gong truly bonded with him so adopted him as a son. One could repay a debt, but the bonds of love and affection are impossible to ever fully repay.


Chapter 35:

Xiao Yao was silent before suddenly asking, “Xiang Liu, why did you pick Gong Gong? Because he’s your adoptive father?” Xiao Yao didn’t know how she had the guts to ask him this question, probably because Xiang Liu didn’t seem like Xiang Liu tonight.

Not just because he’s my adoptive father, there are also all those soldiers I fought along with and watched them die. We drank together, we went to battle together, we picked up our fallen brethren’s bodies…” Xiang Liu looked over at the altar. “For hundreds of years, do you know how many of my fellow soldiers I’ve had to personally cremate?”

Xiao Yao couldn’t imagine, but she understood what Xiang Liu felt. Her Fourth Uncle could have survived that day, and he did love Fourth Aunt and Zhuan Xu, but he chose to die alongside his soldiers. In this world there was camaraderie so strong that one would die rather than abandon it.

Xiang Liu laughed and pointed at his head. “I’ve lost count, but they are all here.”

Xiao Yao buried her head in her lap and grew silent. She felt her heart all jumbled and she didn’t know if it was for Xiang Liu or for herself.


Chapter 51:

“It’s because he’s so sneaky that he doesn’t want to stay alive! One time he told me, “Actually, to a General, the best ending is dying on the battlefield.So he chose for himself the best ending! 

But what a bullshit best ending! He’s the stupidest idiot in this world! He stayed loyal and true to Gong Gong and all his soldier comrades but did he do himself right? 

I’m the idiot actually. He never cared, so why do I have to be so hurt? I don’t want to be feeling so much hurt…”


XL's Epilogue:

The mountain ridges were tightly nestled together as the forest trees undulated in layers.

At a canyon near the water source, rows and rows of tents fanned out. At this time it was near dark and normally the encampment fires were roaring and each tent would be lit by lamps. But to stay concealed, there was not a sliver of light and not one sound. Only squads of mud-splattered weary soldiers patrolling.

Xiang Liu quietly walked past a row of tents, his snow white robe like a small breeze softly rustling through the camp, becoming the sole light in the heavy darkness of the moment. Every soldier who saw him unwittingly felt a tiny bit of ease and their mood a little lifted.

Many years ago, new recruits would complain to the old veteran soldiers, “That Nine Headed Demon, why does he have to be flashy? We’re going to battle, not to a matchmaking meeting. Does he need to dress so eye-catching?”

Those who experienced life and death before their eyes and carried home the bodies of their comrades would smile with resignation. “After you’ve been to a few battles, you will understand why.”

Only when those rookies slowly felt the weight of those life experiences did they start to understand what the old soldiers meant. On the battlefield, when that all-white figure appeared, he would capture the attention of every enemy and all the strongest attacks would be aimed at him. That would help save more of their troops as Xiang Liu took the brunt of all the enemy attacks. So at night in the camp, when the all-white figure was spotted, no matter how near the enemy was, all the soldiers could still sleep soundly.

After burning one deceased comrade’s body after another, the remaining soldiers finally understood even more why Xiang Liu wore all-white – perhaps he really was that brash and arrogant, wanting the enemy to see him. Perhaps he was the wisest General who wanted his troops to always be able to see him no matter how dark. No matter the real reason, no soldier dared to ask Xiang Liu directly. So why he always wore white became a topic that was forever debated but never concluded.

Xiang Liu surveyed the camp and walked up to the top of the mountain to look down from the summit.

In the distance he could see fires burning, that was Ru So burning the entire mountain to force them to come out and battle. The final battle was about to arrive. All the soldiers knew their fate and they willingly chose this path in life. The world was at peace and the people were safe and secure, these Sheng Nong resistance army soldiers were now discarded in the passage of time and had become pointless. So death was the best release for them, and the most comforting final destination.


I’m still unable to quote, but I’m replying from my phone. Not sure if it’s due to that.

I agree with him initially planning a life with WXL, but fate is just so cruel to him. There is one scene where I suspect XL slipped and did a gesture  of affection towards XY. It was when he comforted her after she knew her father was Qi Yo. He could see himself reflected in XY’s eyes and he covered her eyes with his hand, and XY felt something on her forehead. I think he might have kissed her?  


Thanks for putting all those in your reply, it refreshed my mind. I initially only thought of that exact interaction between XY and XL. But yes, I forgot all those details when I wrote mine. XL’s highly sarcastic, I was lost in his sarcasm lol