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I looked her up just now and apparently people didn't like her character in Fireworks of My Heart. They thought her character was annoying. SMH, people couldn't differentiate between the actress and the character she was playing. She got cyberbullied for it.


Oh, that’s sad. But hardly surprising, unfortunately. And a bit unfair to single her out considering those FLs are usually annoying in varying degrees. It must literally be in the job description, especially in modern cdramas. 


Guys, do you have the link to that interview where he says he prefers tragic/sad endings? Was it in one of the Lost You Forever interviews? I’m going through The List but I can’t find it :(

I'm pretty sure it's the interview where he's dressed up as Xiang Liu and that interviewer suffers a brain fart and asks him to hold an imaginary hamster.  SMH    I'll see if I can find the link.


I'm pretty sure it's the interview where he's dressed up as Xiang Liu and that interviewer suffers a brain fart and asks him to hold an imaginary hamster.  SMH    I'll see if I can find the link.

Ahhh ok. I’ll look it up here as well. No rush, though. Thanks <3


Same! I need some conflict. This sugar rush of fluffiness is getting old sooner than I thought lol

This is me watching the majority of you guys enjoy LMLMV:

I can't get into this show at all and you know why T_T It's too bizarre.

That's not entirely true about Wang Churan. I have nothing against her and cnetizens do have a tendency to bully, but her behavior has merited some scrutiny. Her character was not merely annoying, it was a doctor who did extremely unprofessional things like steal medications and a scalpel from her workplace -- when cnetizens criticized the production and scriptwriters for that, Wang Churan, more than once, defended her character and dismissed her character's actions as not being a big deal which offended cnetizens including people in the medical profession. Also she was caught on tape mocking a staff member/passerby around the filming set of one of her shows for wearing all black saying the woman looked bad and "like a witch." The lady in question didn't realize she was being mocked by Wang Churan until the recording was released -- of course, she was embarrassed and offended. Wang Churan is very beautiful and a talented actress, but she is in the spotlight and I hope in the future she is more mindful of that and the privileges and responsibilities she has.

I think fans of TJC, Zhang Wanyi, and Deng Wei (rumored project) are rightfully concerned that having shows with Wang Churan may cause some negative blowback or ripple effect on them. I don't think it's as simplistic black and white of a situation as jealous mean cnetizens bullying a poor helpless actress. IMO Wang Churan is a strong personality, who speaks her mind and doesn't moderate her behavior much even when that behavior isn't very pleasant, and certainly she has a right to do that -- it's not illegal to defend the bad actions of your characters or make fun of random strangers, but it's not going to endear you to people.

Ahhh atmospheres! Always love your inputs! I think you were the one who first said something about her, weren’t you? I didn’t know about that part of the staff mocking. Yikes. Seems like a troublemaker :(

It’s just like you and HeadInTheClouds said. I hope he doesn’t get typecast in these rom-com fluffy dramas because they’re in all honesty boring as heck, and he’s way too talented to be in such productions :/

Suddenly Xiang Liu’s ending doesn’t seem so bad anymore.


It’s just like you and HeadInTheClouds said. I hope he doesn’t get typecast in these rom-com fluffy dramas because they’re in all honesty boring as heck, and he’s way too talented to be in such productions :/

Suddenly Xiang Liu’s ending doesn’t seem so bad anymore.


I think I’m finally cured.



This is me watching the majority of you guys enjoy LMLMV:

I can't get into this show at all and you know why T_T It's too bizarre. 


Enjoying is such a strong word :D

And I don’t even have a ZY doppelgänger sister :P

My condolences to you. I’m here if you need to vent lmao

I think you were the one who first said something about her, weren’t you?

I think I did mention before that I was a bit concerned that her negative publicity might negatively impact her shows with TJC and Zhang Wanyi. With that said, I'm still slightly more interested in her show with TJC than I am LMLMV because that one looks a bit more mature and less fluffy and I think Wang Churan is marginally a better actress than Zhou Ye (neither are very good, imo, but most idol actors aren't -- honestly surprised both of them attended a big 3 theater school, I personally can't tell by their performances).


I think I did mention before that I was a bit concerned that her negative publicity might negatively impact her shows with TJC and Zhang Wanyi. With that said, I'm still slightly more interested in her show with TJC than I am LMLMV because that one looks a bit more mature and less fluffy and I think Wang Churan is marginally a better actress than Zhou Ye (neither are very good, imo, but most idol actors aren't).

Yeah I usually take what you say to heart because it always turn out to be my exact same experience. I hope her issues don’t rub on their dramas. 

The only reason LMLMV is watchable at all is because of Tan. I’m going to be honest. I’m having trouble with it. And 33 episodes \O/ 

Odd, I usually like fluffy stuff. Extraordinary Attorney Woo is one of my favorite dramas ever. But this one. Welp. You know what they say. Too much of a good thing :/

The only reason LMLMV is watchable at all is because of Tan. I’m going to be honest. I’m having trouble with it. And 33 episodes \O/

Odd, I usually like fluffy stuff. Extraordinary Attorney Woo is one of my favorite dramas ever. But this one. Welp. You know what they say. Too much of a good thing :/

I'm waiting until it all finishes airing so I can watch through it and FF all the extraneous stuff which I'm sure there will be a ton of screentime for all the supporting characters because, although I haven't read the novel the show is based on, it doesn't seem like there's enough plot and material for the 2 main leads to cover 33 full-length episodes.

I don't really think of Extraordinary Attorney Woo as fluffy, it's more feel-good, and I don't equate the two to be the same although there can be overlap. The romance storyline was a bit fluffy and idealized, but the actual meat of the show which was her working/learning how to function as a working adult and the cases they had were pretty topical and societally relevant. LMLMV seems pretty different.

but she is in the spotlight and I hope in the future she is more mindful of that and the privileges and responsibilities she has.

This is one of those cultural differences, I think.  There IS such a thing as bad publicity, but for the most part, in the West, I don't think the public thinks celebrities have any responsibilities to them.  Of course, the government doesn't contribute to TV either, so it's not like they have a public tax payer investment.

I didn't watch Fireworks of the Heart, but I heard there was multiple ... outrage / pushback from the fans over a variety of things.  Like cnetizens stayed constantly agitated about it and several of it's stars for a variety of reasons.  It's one of the reasons why I wish they had changed the title of this drama and gotten rid of 'Fireworks' from it.  O_O

IMO Wang Churan is a strong personality, who speaks her mind and doesn't moderate her behavior much even when that behavior isn't very pleasant, and certainly she has a right to do that -- it's not illegal to defend the bad actions of your characters or make fun of random strangers, but it's not going to endear you to people.

In an environment where popularity means so much, maybe even more than the work, and your fans are a huge part of your success, yes, you'd think she'd understand she has to play the game and try to be pleasant.

The romance storyline was a bit fluffy and idealized, but the actual meat of the show which was her working/learning how to function as a working adult and the cases they had were pretty topical and societally relevant.

Yes, I agree. The romance was only a small part of the plot. It was a very wholesome drama in every other aspect.

Which is why I'm struggling with LMLMV. There's not much of anything except for the romance. The supporting characters will probably get a lot of screen time indeed, but they're not that interesting, at least from what I've seen so far :" The family stuff is getting on my nerves too.

Ugh, the dilemma is real. I can't drop this so soon.

I'm waiting until it all finishes airing so I can watch through it

It may be a wise choice. I think I'll start watching something a bit heavier. Or finally finish LYF.

As I said, I think LMLMV finally cured me :D


It’s just like you and HeadInTheClouds said. I hope he doesn’t get typecast in these rom-com fluffy dramas because they’re in all honesty boring as heck, and he’s way too talented to be in such productions :/

Suddenly Xiang Liu’s ending doesn’t seem so bad anymore.

WUT?!?!  The ending of Xiang Liu ...



I think I’m finally cured.


POD PERSON!!!!  What did you do with nathsketch???

I don't think Tan Jian Ci will allow himself to be typecast and he likes roles with something he can sink his teeth into.  He chooses a variety of roles.  He's got Go East, Under the Skin 2 and SF Filter and LYF 2 coming up after these two contemporary romances.  But he's never done a contemporary romance where he's the lead, so these were good to have on his resume, and maybe a bit of vindication for him.;p  LMLMV has the hook of the voice dubbing and singing, which is perfect for him, as well as the introvert role -- all of which is different for him.  FIREWORKS will be a different type of romance, I think.

Plus, he's not like a young actor starting out.  He's can be a more choosy about what he appears in.