Have to say, if they are pushing the 'official' CP, it took a hit tonight and they didn't give the cast that memo.  Deng Wei didn't make it, and on the red carpet, Yang Zi was wearing a fabulous ocean dress :) and she mainly stood next to Tan Jian Ci.

Yang Zi's dress


Some translation of what was said.


Okay, I have no idea what is going on but they appear to having some folks change their clothes and come back on the red carpet by themselves, including Tan Jian Ci and Zhang Wan Yi ... and Yang Zi.


Who did this hahahahahahahahaha



OMG.  Too funny!  Chubby is even amused.

We just can't escape LYF and XL.

I have to watch LMLMV and see if that's what really happened.

Okay, apparently that hair malfunction did happen in the show.



Okay, I have no idea what is going on but they appear to having some folks change their clothes and come back on the red carpet by themselves, including Tan Jian Ci and Zhang Wan Yi ... and Yang Zi.

Do keep the pics coming!!!


Do keep the pics coming!!!

Will try! :)

Here's pics of the two outfits he wore.


And here's his second appearance.  I finally figured out what all the confusion at the entry to the red carpet was about.  No, it wasn't just Tan Jian Ci getting lost again.  Lots of the stars did some dodging around there.  The big E and I at the entrance stand for Extrovert and Introvert and the stars were supposed to walk on the side that represented them.


Here's Yang Zi's second dress.


And Zhang Wan Yi's second appearance.



His first outfit is giving....."come to my penthouse"

The second one is definitely giving " let's go meet your parents" 




His first outfit is giving....."come to my penthouse"

The second one is definitely giving " let's go meet your parents" 



I waffled on the looks, but now it's penthouse for the win!

Backstage footage of our lovely cast...  half way through I'm betting Tan Jian Ci said something admiring about the embroidery on the skirt of Yang Zi's dress. ;p


Tan Jian Ci giving Yang Zi a very familiar look.



Ooops.. show just started.  Playing the theme from LYF.

Tan Jian Ci is sitting next to Jackson Wang.  Apparently he told him there was free ice cream back in the waiting room.


Yang Zi is sitting between him and Zhang Wan Yi.  heh.


Wang Hong Yi just won an award!  LYF cast in the stands applauding him.  He's adorable.

One of the New Drama Faces of the Year.



Wang Hong Yi just won an award!  Cast in the stands applauding him.  He's adorable.

He's absolutely just adorable.....I love his smile


Wang Hong Yi just won an award!  LYF cast in the stands applauding him.  He's adorable.

One of the New Drama Faces of the Year.


Did you see how the LYF costars looked at him with pride?

Awww my heart ❤️


He's absolutely just adorable.....I love his smile

Beaming!  He was so excited.  He was waaaay ahead of the rest of them.  lol


Did you see how the LYF costars looked at him with pride?

Awww my heart ❤️

YES!   Yang Zi giving him the thumbs up!

Tan Jian Ci also has his movie co-star, Zhang Jing Yi, sitting behind him.  But Jackson Wang is chatting away, when they aren't rocking out.  He appears to be having a great time!


I always love the interactions between Jackson Wang and Tan Jianci!!! ♥ TJC looks like Jackson's cousin!!! so wholesome!!!!!