I found that it's probably better to keep discussion about the novel in one place so people who are curious about the characters and certain plot points can talk and nobody have to repeat themselves to explain. As a disclaimer, by the nature of the discussion, of course, this thread is going to be rife with SPOILERS.

Some basic information:

Original Title: "Jiao Cang" (娇藏)

Author: Kuang Shang Jia Kuang (狂上加狂)

Chapters: 179 + 2 epilogues

Basic Premise of the Story:

Story started with our heroine LIU MIANTANG waking up in an unfamiliar place, remembering that she was about to get married to a certain CUI JIU. Naturally, like a freshly hatched chick, the first male she met that fits the description will then be regarded as such. The male lead, King of the State of Zhen with the title King Huaiyang, just happen to have the birth name CUI XINGZHOU, and was called by the nickname Cui Jiu by his friend who was also a doctor, ZHAO QUAN. That's how the misunderstanding started.

Cui Xingzhou has been holding quite a long standing feud against the bandit group led by certain LU WEN from the Mountain of Yang. Miantang herself ended up in the care of Cui XIngzhou during this anti-bandit operation. He found her floating unconsciously down the river, badly injured. He thought Miantang was part of Lu Wen's group, so he took her in the hope to turn her into a bait.

From then on, they live a quasi-fake marriage life and so many shenanigans ensued.

Drama Changes from the Novel:

  • Right from the credit list, we see HE ZHEN being put pretty high in the list. In the novel, she doesn't really have many appearances. She's just the daughter of a rich merchant who has a crush on Cui Xingzhou because they happened to be in the same place, once. So her background and characteristics would probably changed from the novel.
  • In the trailers, we see that Zhao Quan would be paired with He Zhen. In the novel, Zhao Quan already has wife and concubines, and he even has a crush on Miantang. Zhao Quan and He Zhen don't actually have that many interaction in the novel. He Zhen just ended up married with a random guy she met on a blind date after she got over her crush on Cui Xingzhou.
  • LIU YU used to live together with Miantang in the Mountain Yang during her bandit days. They got into a misunderstanding because of a third person. He can't quite get over her even after he find her living a married life with another guy. However, during his quest to gain back his legacy as an Emperor, he ended up marrying the daughter of his ally. His marriage with Shi Xue Ji wasn't exactly a poster image of a loving spouses, more like a respectful alliance I suppose. But this drama being marketed with three couples, I think, would portray their relationship in a more romantic way.

One of my favorite parts in the novel is when Mian Tang, after regaining her memory finally comes face to face with Lui Yu:

"Liu Mian Tang slowly shook her head, a hint of regret in her voice as she said, "When I hit my head on the bandit island and he saved me, I really thought about finding you again and letting you explain the misunderstanding. But... later, that thought disappeared..."

Hearing this, Liu Yu clenched his fists. As an emperor, he relied heavily on Cui Xingzhou. But as a man, he found it hard to let go of the fact that Cui Xingzhou had stolen his love.

"What did he do to make you unwilling to leave?" Liu Yu asked each word with emphasis.

Mian Tang smiled, "He did nothing. He simply knew that I couldn't remember the love and affection between us and only remembered that we were mortal enemies. Yet every night, when he shared the bed with me, he slept soundly and defenselessly, like a child..."

Liu Yu's face darkened, but he understood what Mian Tang meant.

Even though Cui Xingzhou knew that Liu Mian Tang had lost her memory and possessed lethal martial skills, he never avoided or tested her.

What Liu Mian Tang wanted was never mountains of gold and silver or dominion over the land. She desired a person who truly loved her, who would stand by her side and give her the trust that comes with standing back-to-back.

This one thing, Liu Yu could never provide, no matter how hard he tried!"

Cui Xingzhou's character really has been through quite a development throughout the story. In fact, I dare to say that this story's main focus is his journey from being a frigid, unsympathetic general, into a softer, much more considerate person. From considering Miantang as a mere tool, to literally marching across the country just to chase away her suitors XD. Miantang herself has been awesome through and through. Since the beginning of the story, not even losing her memory and her whole fighting skill could dampen her indomitable spirit. In the end, Miantang's second amnesia really is a culmination of both of their journey, of building a relationship based on trust, respect, and loyalty.

Honestly, in any other story, double amnesia could totally be an overkill. Also, a child usually would just be a bonus arc in a chinese drama, slipped in an epilogue as a fanservice. But here, both of those point are important part of our main characters growth, and I think that's what makes this story different, at least from other stories i've read so far.

Talking about the child though, we haven't seen any hints of him in the teaser so I'm wondering if they're just being discreet about it or that he would really not make it into the drama. Our cute little meatball! I really hope we could see this whole chaotic little family on screen!

What I love about this love story is that Cui Xingzhou fell deeply in love with both sides of Miantang: the nurturing housewife and savvy businesswoman, as well as the fierce bandit unafraid to decapitate her enemies. Cui fell in love with different versions of the same woman, each bearing him a child. Meanwhile, Miantang fell for both the idealized and flawed aspects of Cui Xingzhou.

They're both head over heels for each other, there's just not enough place for anyone else! Except for the child of course hehe.

On another note, seems like big sister Cui would also not make it into the drama, cause looking at the cast list, there doesn't seem to be any indication. It's a shame because her and Li Guangcai's courting was a really cute part that I enjoy. I hope the made up romance between He Zhen and Zhao Quan could make up for the loss.


They're both head over heels for each other, there's just not enough place for anyone else! Except for the child of course hehe.

On another note, seems like big sister Cui would also not make it into the drama, cause looking at the cast list, there doesn't seem to be any indication. It's a shame because her and Li Guangcai's courting was a really cute part that I enjoy. I hope the made up romance between He Zhen and Zhao Quan could make up for the loss.

No Big Sister Cui? That's disappointing. She played a crucial role in Mian Tang's life after her marriage to the prince. The He Zhen and Zhao Quan romance is an intriguing choice. I think they included it because, in the novel, the marquis spent an excessive amount of time pursuing his friend's fake wife, which made me start to dislike him. I think they figured they'd give him a less irritating role. It's a good change imo.

If done properly, this could be one of the hottest scenes in C-Drama history.

Context: This confrontation happened after Mian Tang regained her old memory as a bandit and lost her memory of her life with Cui Xingzhou. (Yes, double amnesia lol)

"Mian Tang certainly knew as the dozens of books about the geography of Beihai on her home bookshelf had been meticulously annotated in delicate handwriting. The section about local women luring foreign lovers into their villages was especially marked with red circles, alongside a line of small, blood-red characters: "Degenerate customs! When delivering food and drink to the military camp, prevent promiscuous women from getting close!"

Now Mian Tang also knew that these were her writings. Highlighting such points, if left unchecked, made Mian Tang, who always pursued things to the end, feel like her previous efforts would be in vain.

So when Cui Fu mentioned yesterday that more and more women were gathering by the stream outside the military camp, Mian Tang realized it was because she hadn't been bringing her maids to the camp to make herbal tea as a show of strength.

Seeing the situation today, it was indeed so. If she hadn’t shot that arrow, Prince Huaiyang might have ended up becoming the son-in-law of the Azhai chieftain! Thinking of this made Mian Tang furious.

She thought about how she bore the title of Prince Huaiyang’s wife, yet she couldn't even see his shadow. Meanwhile, he was by the stream, wearing thin clothes and showing off his chest, attracting people.

What was she thinking when she chose to marry such a flamboyant peacock?

Thinking of this, she calmly said to Cui Xingzhou, “Although I don’t know how we got married, you are now carrying the name of Liu Mian Tang’s husband. How can I let you cuckold me like this? Unless you sign a divorce agreement with me first, then you can flirt with all the girls you want!”

Cui Xingzhou, in his youth, had been full of vigor and spirit. He never imagined that after marriage, he would have to deal with the same woman frequently threatening divorce.

Now, seeing Mian Tang’s cold expression, he found it amusing. He looked her up and down and said, “Your grandfather once told you that only with strength can one speak strongly. Have you forgotten? You always lose in our battles, and your martial skills are inferior to mine. What gives you the confidence to keep demanding a divorce?”

These words sounded like they came from a bratty teenager begging for a fight.

Mian Tang, enraged, grabbed his collar and retorted, “Nonsense! Was it some other ghost I defeated by striking their acupoints on the island? What skills do you have? You haven’t even managed to defeat a few Japanese pirates! If you can’t do it, I’ll help you out. After all, since you’ve lost to me several times, compensating you is the least I can do…”

Cui Xingzhou laughed, glaring at the defiant woman in front of him. “Still not convinced? Do you dare to go into the woods with me, one-on-one?”

Mian Tang also laughed, tearing her skirt shorter with one hand, and raising her chin towards Cui Xingzhou, “Let’s go, who’s afraid of whom?”

In an instant, the two headed into the woods for a duel, leaving a few maids and guards staring at each other in disbelief.

What happened in the woods that day, no one knew, but it was sunset by the time they came out.

Prince Huaiyang's handsome face was covered in injuries, while most of the lipstick on the princess's lips was gone.

However, the two of them walked out of the woods holding hands. Despite the princess's clear reluctance and her attempts to shake off his hand, Prince Huaiyang's grip was strong, and he wouldn't let go.

Their intense physical battle ultimately ended with him pinning Mian Tang to the ground, which transitioned into a heated kiss.

The somewhat inexperienced reaction of the young princess reminded the prince of their first time together, giving him the same thrilling feeling of having won over a pure maiden, making it hard for him to stop.

Unfortunately, he still remembered people waiting outside the woods and military affairs in the camp that needed his attention. So, in the end, he gently coaxed the tearful Mian Tang as he led her out.

He helped Mian Tang onto the carriage and used a handkerchief to wipe the dirt off her face. "We agreed beforehand: the loser accepts the outcome. Tonight, the big ship is being launched for testing, so I can't return to the residence. Can you bring me some food at the camp tomorrow?"

Mian Tang didn't respond, her mouth and tongue still numb from their earlier encounter.

Hadn't this man avoided drinking that fire snake grass wine? Then why did he act like a raging bull in heat, with such overpowering strength?"


No Big Sister Cui? That's disappointing. She played a crucial role in Mian Tang's life after her marriage to the prince. The He Zhen and Zhao Quan romance is an intriguing choice. I think they included it because, in the novel, the marquis spent an excessive amount of time pursuing his friend's fake wife, which made me start to dislike him. I think they figured they'd give him a less irritating role. It's a good change imo. 

Ikr? I love the part where Miantang kinda 'tricks' big sister into handling the situation with Lian Family lol. They're like pesky colony of mosquitos, super annoying at best, could also be deadly at worst XD

And Zhao Quan remains shallow typical bloke that usually exist within that passage of time period, but the way he settles to 'waiting until she becomes CXZ's widow in case he didn't make it during the war' was funny, in a morbid-guy-jokes kinda way.

If done properly, this could be one of the hottest scenes in C-Drama history.

I mean, if there's anything that this story lacks of, hot interactions between the leads are definitely NOT part of them. If they decide to adopt the story purely from the novel, it would not pass the censorship at all lol

CXZ knows how to conquer his adversaries.  What I appreciate about this novel is how it doesn't hide the fact that women can also be controlled by lust. Both of them were thirsty for each other. Please drama, do not be too heavy-handed with the censorship. lol

Context: This takes place after Mian Tang discovered CXZ's deception and left him. He pursued her to reconcile and remarry her. (Ch. 72)

"Lord Li hurried along the road, so anxious that his back was drenched with sweat. Upon entering the courtyard, he didn't rush to see the Prince. Instead, he took a neatly folded white robe from the bag on the donkey's back, changed into it, and only then went to the hall to wait for the Prince and Miss Liu to sign the marriage contract.

After all, as the witness to the marriage, he had to dress neatly.

Mian Tang originally thought that Cui Xingzhou was joking, but to her surprise, he had invited Lord Li to deliver the marriage contract. She hurriedly groomed herself to meet Lord Li and complained, "Did I agree to sign the marriage contract? Aren’t you pushing me into a corner by calling him here?"

Cui Xingzhou, while inserting a golden hairpin into her hair, drawled, "Didn't you agree last night...?"

Mian Tang blinked in confusion, not remembering having agreed to anything. Cui Xingzhou then brought his lips close to her ear and whispered a few words.

Mian Tang's cheeks instantly turned red as if she had been steamed. Indeed, during their playful antics last night, Cui Xingzhou had used some means to make her agree to sign the marriage contract while she was in a daze.

"Does what was said then count?" Mian Tang turned her head and pursed her lips, refusing to admit it. But Cui Xingzhou held her tightly and said, "If you want to avoid any distractions, right now I vow to marry only you. Would you be willing to marry only me?"

Mian Tang was silent. Yes, if she only thought about the present moment, she was willing to be with him..."

Hi, thank you so much for this. Really helpful for me who don't mind novel's spoilers!

So, let me ask this... How many children do they have at the end of novel? Girl or Boy? When do each children come? tia


Hi, thank you so much for this. Really helpful for me who don't mind novel's spoilers!

So, let me ask this... How many children do they have at the end of novel? Girl or Boy? When do each children come? tia

Around the middle of the story, they had a boy. By the end of the story, they also had a girl, so that makes two children in total. Funny snippet during the epilog, was that the girl kinda got involved in a puppy love situation with the emperor's son (Liu Yu/Zi Yu's son). I guess that's one way to tie up loose ends.


Around the middle of the story, they had a boy. By the end of the story, they also had a girl, so that makes two children in total. Funny snippet during the epilog, was that the girl kinda got involved in a puppy love situation with the emperor's son (Liu Yu/Zi Yu's son). I guess that's one way to tie up loose ends.

Thank you. Sounds good that a boy come in the middle of the story. Wish he could make it to the drama.


Around the middle of the story, they had a boy. By the end of the story, they also had a girl, so that makes two children in total. Funny snippet during the epilog, was that the girl kinda got involved in a puppy love situation with the emperor's son (Liu Yu/Zi Yu's son). I guess that's one way to tie up loose ends.

In a way, the boy is Mian Tang's child, while the girl is Lu Wen's. lol

 I wish the novel spent more time on CXZ's and Lu Wen's love story. To me, that's the more interesting dynamic. But it was overshadowed by the political events at the end.

Context: This confrontation happened after Mian Tang regained her old memory as a bandit and lost her memory of her life with Cui Xingzhou. (Yes, double amnesia lol)

What chapter does this occur in again? I forgot. 

Edit: Found it again, chp. 167

how far into the novel did FL regain her past memory? Before consummation or after consummation?