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The forum for The Advisors Alliance/Growling Tiger, Roaring Dragon would've been popular, that show did very well in China.

I didn't follow him during the M.I.C. days so I missed all of that too, cpop boybands are not my thing. Like, I think Jackson Yee is a really talented young actor, but I could not for the life of me get myself to care about the TFBoys. 

I still need to start those two. They do indeed seem great.

Yeah, boy bands have never been my thing, but then again a lot of things weren’t heheh

Ok, gotta go to sleep! Can’t believe how late it is. I’m NOT on Beijing time :D Good night! 


I still need to start those two. They do indeed seem great.

Yeah, boy bands have never been my thing, but then again a lot of things weren’t heheh

Ok, gotta go to sleep! Can’t believe how late it is. I’m NOT on Beijing time :D Good night! 



It's possible. Weibo Night King and Queen are based on fan voting and he is a rising star with some well-known traffic shows recently like TTEOTM and LYF. There was drama last year over Weibo Night King and Queen because Xiao Zhan and Yang Zi got the most votes (for the 4th year in a row) but the awards were given to Liu Yifei and Hu Ge because it was decided by the organizers not to give it to XZ and YZ again, angering their respective fandoms XFX and 紫米.  I would be a bit surprised if Deng Wei won this year, although he is popular I don't think he's popular enough to win (also, XZ and his monolithic XFX exist...so), but who knows what kind of effort his fandom will put in.

I don't know.  Even if you take out XZ, I mean, there's a bunch of other actors who seem to have a bigger fan following than DW.  Like Dylan, Luo Yun Xi, Cheng Yi, Leo Wu, Xu Kai, Wang Yibo, etc.

I would say the chances of either of them winning are pretty slim, maybe TJC has a slightly better chance (with two big hits back to back in UtS and LYF) but that would be arguing like whether one person has a 2% shot compared to a 1% shot up against a XZ and his fandom (he has won it every year since The Untamed aired). If I were to guess who would get Weibo Night King this year, provided the organizers do the same as last year and give it to someone else because they feel like they can't give it to XZ again (I think he will again win in votes due to his fandom), maybe Cheng Yi? Imo, it's not that important, it's just for fandom bragging rights. You see who the industry power players are as judged by the industry itself (and yes, XZ is one of them) by who gets seated in the front row at Weibo Night and other big awards shows. IIRC at last year's Weibo Night, TJC's seat was two rows behind his LYF co-star Yang Zi, lol I would be interested to see if his seat assignment moves up this year.

Ah, yes.  That makes sense to me, that DW and Tan Jian Ci would have a very, very small chance.

Interesting about the seating arrangements.  I guess that's why the LYF crew, as well as others, got front row seats at TenCent.  I'll definitely keep my eyes open for that at the next event.

TJC isn't and I don't think he ever had that image or persona even when he first came on the cdrama scene -- different trajectories, different time frames, and different resources at the outset of their careers.

Yes.  Until I realized how much backing and management / agencies mattered, I wondered about some of the casting choices, and why it took so long for Tan Jian Ci.  But, I think he said in an interview, that the time he took may be longer, but it was what made him what he is and he's fine with it.  He still feels very lucky.

One of my English-speaking friends recommended MDL to me as English language site similar to Douban -- similar rating system. I've visited the site for a while (pre-LYF), reading forums for various shows to try and gauge international cdrama fans' opinions vs. domestic fans, but MDL is not as active as Douban, but I found the LYF forum pretty active for MDL, especially for a single show. :)

Yes, with a few exceptions, I've found the forums and comments sections to be slow and only popular for the airing time.  LYF is the first one I've really participated regularly in and that has been steadily active.  This site doesn't really seem to encourage actor following, as there's not an actor forum.  The actor pages are in comment format and doesn't really encourage a community or following.

And I'm very pleased to see that TJC has such supportive international fans. I used to feel like I was fangirling into a void for years when it came to following his career, but things have changed a lot in the past couple of years.

I imagine it was a little less crazy back then.  But thank goodness his profile internationally has grown and we can appreciate him too.

 Niki Demonix:

where's everyone?

Working/drawing :)


Working/drawing :)

I am working too and i am not feeling it!!!!! 

Gurls, I‘ve only missing for a couple of days to find that you all found new creative way to roast the fox.  Never LOL so hard in my life reading your posts. I almost choke on my food. Lesson learned not to eat and read this thread at the same time. Choking hazard is real. Thank you so much for the much needed laugh. 


Gurls, I‘ve only missing for a couple of days to find that you all found new creative way to roast the fox.  Never LOL so hard in my life reading your posts. I almost choke on my food. Lesson learned not to eat and read this thread at the same time. Choking hazard is real. Thank you so much for the much needed laugh. 

 Niki Demonix:

I am working too and i am not feeling it!!!!! 

Ahhh yes :(

What I'm working on is sort of related to...all this, so it's like heaven hahahahahaha


Gurls, I‘ve only missing for a couple of days to find that you all found new creative way to roast the fox.  Never LOL so hard in my life reading your posts. I almost choke on my food. Lesson learned not to eat and read this thread at the same time. Choking hazard is real. Thank you so much for the much needed laugh. 

That's why we're here for! Choking, laughing, and Tanning. Not necessarily in that order.

But seriously, be careful with the food. I almost died with some of Niki's gifs.

I'm just gonna leave this here..... (i swear i am not trying to kill you xD)


That's why we're here for! Choking, laughing, and Tanning. Not necessarily in that order.

But seriously, be careful with the food. I almost died with some of Niki's gifs.

That sounds like  I am "Public Hazard No1"....

 Niki Demonix:

I'm just gonna leave this here..... (i swear i am not trying to kill you xD)

LMAO…I‘m crying….

 Niki Demonix:

That sounds like  I am "Public Hazard No1"....

LOL “that” gif from yesterday almost unalived me hahahahahahahah

Keep them coming.