Wow.  Did not know that he had left Youhug.  That makes it even tougher for him, with his own studio.  Though it gives him more choice, I imagine.

I think it was the best decision for him. It gives him much more freedom. Yang Zi left H&R Century and formed her own studio because they couldn't find someone to play the FL in Immortal Samsara so they made her do it and she didn't want to do that show, but it was H&R's show and at that time she was one of their biggest female stars on their roster, if not the biggest, and even then she wasn't able to say no.

I think TJC has one of the best-run and most professional studios (not to mention, coordinates and communicates really well with 小檀火). Deng Wei's fandom has been very upset the past few days because they feel his studio is really unprofessional, bad at their job, and doesn't communicate and coordinate well with them. They are especially upset that he won't be attending any of the year-end events that many other celebs are attending, he's not even attending Tencent's Starlight Awards even though LYF was Tencent's flagship show of the year.

And I think I've made my peace with his ending. Xiao Yao is too problematic for him anyway. He deserves better. I just wish he didn't have to die in such a way. It's unfair when all the others remain alive. It's the only thing that bothers me.

Look at it this way.  Every one that stays alive will be unhappy. ;p

Look at it this way.  Every one that stays alive will be unhappy.

I have a friend who said XL may not have dodged all those arrows but he dodged a bullet because he managed to escape all those insufferable, toxic people lol.


I have a friend who said XL may not have dodged all those arrows but he dodged a bullet because he managed to escape all those insufferable, toxic people lol.

Exactly.  hahahahah

Thanks AH! I guess I’ve been converted.

Don’t forget about My Mister. It’s my absolute favorite and it all ends in a perfectly satisfying note :) 


Look at it this way.  Every one that stays alive will be unhappy. ;p

That’s not a bad way of thinking. It’s comforting heheh


I have a friend who said XL may not have dodged all those arrows but he dodged a bullet because he managed to escape all those insufferable, toxic people lol.

Also comforting :)

Don’t forget about My Mister. It’s my absolute favorite and it all ends in a perfectly satisfying note :) 

I legit almost listed that one too, but kept it out since it's not a romance drama in the same way that the others are. But I totally agree, it 100% fits "full of angst but has a mostly happy ending". ^^

AH, help. I’m hating fluff more than those thousands of arrows.

When did I descend into the dark side?


AH, help. I’m hating fluff more than those thousands of arrows.

When did I descend into the dark side?

YaoLiu has way more angst than fluff. When there is fluff, it just makes the subsequent angst that much angstier. So perhaps you were here all along. ^^

I think it was the best decision for him. It gives him much more freedom. Yang Zi left H&R Century and formed her own studio because they couldn't find someone to play the FL in Immortal Samsara so they made her do it and she didn't want to do that show, but it was H&R's show and at that time she was one of their biggest female stars on their roster, if not the biggest, and even then she wasn't able to say no.

Ouch.  Yes, the down side of agencies.  And I think he had a less than good experience with his early music agency Taihe Rye too.  Given he's not a new, inexperienced actor and isn't exactly a standard traffic actor,  I think his own studio is probably the best.  It's more work, but he can chart his own unique course.

I think TJC has one of the best-run and most professional studios (not to mention, coordinates and communicates really well with 小檀火). Deng Wei's fandom has been very upset the past few days because they feel his studio is really unprofessional, bad at their job, and doesn't communicate and coordinate well with them. They are especially upset that he won't be attending any of the year-end events that many other celebs are attending, he's not even attending Tencent's Starlight Awards even though LYF was Tencent's flagship show of the year.

I was wondering about that the studio thing too.  Like I thought it was like a PR thing, not an agency thing, cause I saw something about fans complaining that Wang Yibo and other (Top 95?) didn't have studios provided by their agencies?  And I was like, well, why doesn't he / they just make his / their own, like JC-T?  I think Wang Hong Yi has one too.  But I didn't think Deng Wei or Zhang Wan Yi had one.  But I guess it's sort of both for Tan Jian Ci and may be just a PR studio for others.

I saw that news about Deng Wei's fandom issuing a statement, and Deng Wei issuing a video ... and I thought, "Well, that's going to blow up in someone's face."  Not sure who, but someone. ;p  And I can't believe Deng Wei isn't attending that TenCent Starlight Awards, at the very least.  He also missed LYF's opening presser, IIRC, and they brought that cardboard stand of Jing for him!  Someone definitely dropping the ball, there.  SMH

But yes, I've always admired JC-T Studios' work.  They feed the fans quality extras for all his appearances.  They drop shorts of Tan Jian Ci's life when nothing is going on.  They did those Little Xiang Liu theater things, which they timed the release of perfectly -- I thought they were a great investment for Tan Jian Ci, even if he had to pay for them.  And they do seem to interact with his fandom very well.

 AH :

YaoLiu has way more angst than fluff. When there is fluff, it just makes the subsequent angst that much angstier. So perhaps you were here all along. ^^

That makes sense :)


AH, help. I’m hating fluff more than those thousands of arrows.

When did I descend into the dark side?

I really don't know.  Like I said.  I blame the massive crowds at the convention. ;p


I really don't know.  Like I said.  I blame the massive crowds at the convention. ;p

Kokuto, I’m going full Darth Vader. 

I was wondering about that the studio thing too.  Like I thought it was like a PR thing, not an agency thing, cause I saw something about fans complaining that Wang Yibo and other (Top 95?) didn't have studios provided by their agencies?  And I was like, well, why doesn't he / they just make his / their own, like JC-T?  I think Wang Hong Yi has one too.  But I didn't think Deng Wei or Zhang Wan Yi had one.  But I guess it's sort of both for Tan Jian Ci and may be just a PR studio for others.

A studio is like a combo management/pr team, an agent/agency is something separate although a lot of actors have dedicated studios that only work for them but are funded by their agencies. TJC's studio is completely independent, he pays for them, he has an agent that he has worked with since pretty much the beginning of his acting career. I don't know if she's an independent agent or if she is affiliated with Youhug, but I do know that he is still on good terms with Youhug because he did a show for them recently -- Are You Safe. I don't think Zhang Wanyi has a studio. And I'm not totally sure because I'm not that up on him or his career, but I think Deng Wei's studio is independent.