Falling slowly, like Autumn leaves

Through every season you've been here right next to me.

You've met my mother

And she told me

You bring out sides of me she couldn't even see

And I still lose my mind, knowing you are mine

Forget what they teach you in school

All the symbols and signs we don't use.

If our life were 3 letters and I had to choose

There'd only be I N U

Thanks, Kokuto. Hmm, it sounds more like a love song to me. I think the song for his Little Charcoal Fires is supposed to be another one. Which begs the question. Who is this one for?


I can't see it!!!! You cannot use the word NAKED and TAN in the same sentence and give me a broken link. That's cruel, Ko!!!!

Bahahahaha she often does that


Thanks, Kokuto. Hmm, it sounds more like a love song to me. I think the song for his Little Charcoal Fires is supposed to be another one. Which begs the question. Who is this one for?

The XTH song is the one that ends at precisely 3:20 as he said in the Palladium live :)


The video works, but the picture doesn't. It doesn't like me :-)

The picture doesn't exist for me too hahahah X is such a mess.


The XTH song is the one that ends at precisely 3:20 as he said in the Palladium live :)

No wait. That's a different one lololol


The video works, but the picture doesn't. It doesn't like me :-)

What the heck?!  It was working.  hnnnnnnn


Bahahahaha she often does that 


sniff   But it WAS working.


Thanks, Kokuto. Hmm, it sounds more like a love song to me. I think the song for his Little Charcoal Fires is supposed to be another one. Which begs the question. Who is this one for?

Well, Tan Jian Ci does love his fans. ;p

You guys don't remember that fan livestream where he called his mom in?   I can't remember if he introduced her as mother in law, or if he introduced the fans as his wives...  it was an old livestream.


The XTH song is the one that ends at precisely 3:20 as he said in the Palladium live :)


No wait. That's a different one lololol

My understanding is that the song that is 3:20 long, is the one for XTH.  And I'm pretty sure it's INU.

Some useless trivia regarding TJC's newest album 焕.

The lyrics and music for Track 2 炙暗时刻  Moments of Searing Darkness, and Track 7 一把烟花放完 Setting off A Set of Fireworks are all composed by 严艺丹 Yan Yidan. 

She was also the composer, lyricist and singer of  三寸天堂 "Three Inches of Heaven", the ending song for Tong Hua's 2011 cdrama adaptation of 步步惊心 Scarlet Heart.  

She is seen here at 3:27min of the 2nd album BTS discussing Track 2 with TJC.


Some useless trivia regarding TJC's newest album 焕.

The lyrics and music for Track 2 炙暗时刻  Moments of Searing Darkness, and Track 7 一把烟花放完 Setting off A Set of Fireworks are all composed by 严艺丹 Yan Yidan. 

She was also the composer, lyricist and singer of  三寸天堂 "Three Inches of Heaven", the ending song for Tong Hua's 2011 cdrama adaptation of 步步惊心 Scarlet Heart.  

She is seen here at 3:27min of the 2nd album BTS discussing Track 2 with TJC.

Oh cool!  He can't get away from Tong Hua and LYF.  lol

Tan Jian Ci was interviewed at the Prada Fashion Week in Milan by Tencent, and answered the important question, with the question we all have.


Where are our Tan dramas, Tencent????


This is a cute cartoon music video with the dogs.


Adorable. Love the part Power Ball stepped on Little Clueless tail:-)


Tan Jian Ci was interviewed at the Prada Fashion Week in Milan by Tencent, and answered the important question, with the question we all have.


Where are our Tan dramas, Tencent????

LYF should be out 8-10 of July if the rumours are true 

I'm hoping we'll get Love Has Fireworks soon after 


LYF should be out 8-10 of July if the rumours are true 

I'm hoping we'll get Love Has Fireworks soon after 

It may depend on whether Tencent runs ZWY's Hidden Charm right after LYF.  Hidden Charm also has Wang Churan in it.

I've seen that rumored date in several melons, so it may be true.  I think we'll get an announcement on the 24th.  Keeping fingers crossed.


Adorable. Love the part Power Ball stepped on Little Clueless tail:-)

Yes!  And then they are snapping at each other.  lol