Wang Churan will be at the TanCent Investment Conference tomorrow too, so maybe we'll FINALLY get some news about Love Has Fireworks!!!

Li Landi will be there too, so we might even be getting some Filter news!

Looking forward to it!


It may depend on whether Tencent runs ZWY's Hidden Charm right after LYF.  Hidden Charm also has Wang Churan in it.

I've seen that rumored date in several melons, so it may be true.  I think we'll get an announcement on the 24th.  Keeping fingers crossed.

Hmm, maybe they would prefer to run a modern series instead of two costume dramas back to back. Nevertheless, fingers crossed that it will be released ASAP.


Wang Churan will be at the TanCent Investment Conference tomorrow too, so maybe we'll FINALLY get some news about Love Has Fireworks!!!

Li Landi will be there too, so we might even be getting some Filter news!

Looking forward to it!

Isn't TJC supposed to be there as well? He has 3 shows scheduled to be aired with Tencent. Not to mention the still filming Under the Skin 2.


Isn't TJC supposed to be there as well? He has 3 shows scheduled to be aired with Tencent. Not to mention the still filming Under the Skin 2.

Yes.  He's there too, definitely for LYF.  But we'll see if he announces anything else with the other two ladies.

Apparently Under the Skin released a bunch of stills, and some had the Tencent logo!

Somewhere I read that they are going to wrap up filming on June 26.


Hmm, maybe they would prefer to run a modern series instead of two costume dramas back to back. Nevertheless, fingers crossed that it will be released ASAP. 

I think they are fine running a contemporary and a costume together at the same time.  But do they want to run two Wang Churan shows at the same time?  I don't know.  I think the costume dramas are a bigger draw in the summer, but I could be wrong about that.

FINALLY, Tan showed up!  2:45

He and WHY and Li Landi were there for Filter.  Two other guys I didn't recognized.  Li Landi had a little stuffed llama and Tan a had big llama toy on wheels!

The four boys and a cardboard cutout are here!!  Clip is here.  I expect fan subs will be up shortly.

Tan stayed after they left, to talk about Under the Skin 2.  That video is also up on the site.

Uhnnnn.  What is this?  Is it an official audio drama?

长相思有声剧超话 #长相思有声剧##长相思#


腾讯音乐娱乐集团-IP开发与合作中心出品,磨铁官方授权@磨铁图书,声之翼文化制作@声之翼文化,改编自桐华同名原著,精品多人有声剧《长相思》,QQ音乐@QQ音乐、酷狗音乐@酷狗音乐、酷我音乐@酷我音乐、懒人听书@懒人听书APP 同步播出,欢迎收听~同名电视剧腾讯视频@腾讯视频 独家热播~

The Filter crew.  Adorable!

And who is Tan Jian Ci raising his eyebrow at and smiling???


The four boys and a cardboard cutout are here!!  Clip is here.  I expect fan subs will be up shortly.

Tan stayed after they left, to talk about Under the Skin 2.  That video is also up on the site.

I want the XL fan TJC was holding 

Hmm. For some reason I've stopped getting notifications for new posts 

OMG.  The trailer!!

And it looks like it is going to be July 8! 

Trigger warning for XL fans.

Twitter link, if the above doesn't work for you.


I want the XL fan TJC was holding 

Hmm. For some reason I've stopped getting notifications for new posts 

That happened to me too yesterday.  Along with triple posts.  Lots of weird things going on here.

But yes!  It's adorable.  And probably not to hard to make.

We got another Filter trailer too!!!

There is some weird stuff going on here ... and I love it.

Poor WHY.  Awkward.  LOL

Dang.  JC-T Studios is GOOD.  They already have a LYF 2 clip posted!


We got another Filter trailer too!!!

There is some weird stuff going on here ... and I love it.

Poor WHY.  Awkward.  LOL

I have no idea what they are saying, but he seems to be getting smack and kick a whole punch :-). And is he dating himself at the end there? O_o

And I'm not watching the LYF trailer. Nope! Just got myself out of the funk I do not need to go back