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“If you continue to throw useless things at me and dirty my clothes, I’m going to kill you,” Maoqiu threatens, shaking his sleeve and patting his robe.

Of all the lines to make me feel nostalgic. ^^

Out from the shadows of the main building emerged the young man from the gambling den, his hands clasped behind his back. He looked nothing like the Fang Feng Bei he remembered; however, he was incredibly beautiful, with big round innocent eyes, sauntering flirtatiously towards Maoqiu. His hair was neatly in a bun, with a silver butterfly perched on the side of it, its wings fluttering. He wasn't very tall but smiled mischievously, exuding an aura of regality.

The description of a handsome, arrogant, audacious, mischievous and flirtatious man with butterfly accessories is making me think of a certain K-drama protagonist. 

I'm picturing someone a bit like Park Jae-eon as the face of Huayu's male form. ^^

“I have no qualms with you, but your existence is a danger to my plans,” he said, tilting his head, his eyes examining Maoqiu. “It's a pity I must kill you because, if I'm not mistaken, I am quite smitten with you already! Tsk..tsk.” He shook his head. “Such a waste of beauty!”

And this is making me think of The Princess Bride.

Is Huayu Xiao Yao's daughter? All the references to butterflies seem to indicate it. If so, how could she be a demon? Hmm.

If one's father was 100% demon and one's mother was born half deity, half something unknown but then was altered, later in life, by blood transfusions that gave her certain demon traits, would one mathematically be more demon than not demon? It's a little early to hope too much, but perhaps Huayu's father was a white-haired demon who, unbeknownst to Maoqiu, survived or was resurrected somehow? 

This is a familiar line. Too bad Maoqiu did not have anyone beside him to say, "I have told you many times that the hearts of men are devious. It should stick in your mind this time round." 

More bittersweet nostalgia </3

That is such an achingly beautiful song - thank you for sharing! I never properly watched TTEOTM so I have no context - based on the lyrics, the reference to 玄鸟 seems metaphorical, or was there actually a 玄鸟 in the drama as well?

There was a flock of birds (black with red-tipped wings) in the drama.

But I gather that the reference is alluding more to the concept of migration, which would make sense. The drama includes migration between times, lives, and worlds. 

And for the full line ("归是谁" / "The xuan bird returns, who is it?")... each time there is a migration and the characters meet again in new circumstances, there are changes to their identities or memories (or they pretend that there were). So the singer asking "who is this xuan bird / person who has returned (from migration)?" would make sense in that context. 

The lyric video version that I linked included these notes:

Hi, here are some references and elaborations :) 

00:00 (Xuan Niao) is a divine bird in ancient Chinese myths and legends. From 《山海经》The Classic of Mountains and Seas, a classic text on geography and mythic beings. The initial image of Xuan Niao resembles a swallow and may be used as another name for swallows in literature. 

00:45 樊笼 refers to a cage for animals and may also be used as a metaphor for a situation in which someone loses their freedom. 

02:33 归 refers to the swallows returning to the south. According to the traditional Chinese calendar, there are 24 solar terms a year (due to there being four seasons, three months per season and two solar terms per month) one of which is called 白露 White Dew, which starts when the Sun reaches the celestial longitude of 165° on September 7-8 on the Gregorian calendar, and ends around September 23 when the Sun reaches the celestial longitude of 180°. 

白露 is divided into three parts, one of which is 归. The other two are 鸿雁来 the wild geese come (referring to southward migration), and 群养羞 birds stockpile food for winter. 


This page from the Beijing Municipal Forestry and Parks Bureau elaborates on the concept: 



一候鸿鴈来,《月令七十二候集解》:“鸿大鴈小,自而来也,不谓南乡,非其居耳,详见雨水节下。” 鸿为大,雁为小,是不同的两种。鸿雁二月飞,八月飞。


三候羣养羞,《月令七十二候集解》:“叁人以上为众,叁兽以上为羣,羣,众也。《礼记》注曰:羞者,所羹之食。养羞者,藏之以备冬月之养也。”这个 “羞” 同 “馐”,是美食。“武藏木荫,丹还养羞”,养羞是指诸感知到肃杀之气,纷纷储食以备冬,如藏珍馔。


In ancient China, Bailu was divided into three parts:

First, the migratory geese come. Second, the migratory Yuan birds (pheasants) return. Third, the migratory flocks of birds show self-consciousness. 

About the first part when the wild geese arrive, "The Collection of the Seventy-Two Hours of the Moon Order" says: "The wild geese are small and come from the north to the south. They are not called Nanxiang and do not live there. For details, please see the section below." The swans are big and the geese are small. They are two different species. The swans fly north in February and south in August.

About the second part when the migratory Yuan bird (pheasant) returns, "The Collection of the Seventy-Two Hours of the Moon Order" says: "For Yuan birds (pheasants), it is understood that at the spring equinox "at the beginning of the spring equinox, the Yuan bird (pheasant) arrives; the swallow also comes" - there is migration between north and south at this time. The swallow is a bird from the south, so the migration is called a return." The black bird is a swallow. The swallow comes at the spring equinox and leaves at the autumnal equinox. It is a bird from the north. It flies south to bring life. Now it is time to fly north, and the red flowers have half fallen and the swallows are returning. The autumn wind is bleak, and the mountains are about to be covered with white dew and the leaves are flying down.

About the third part when migratory flocks of birds show self-consciousness, "The Collection of the Seventy-Two Hours of the Moon Order" says: "Three or more people are called a crowd, and three or more beasts are called a flock, a group, a flock also." "Book of Rites" notes: "Those with no self-consciousness will eat their food. Those with self-consciousness will hide their food for nourishment in the winter months." This "羞 / xiū / self-consciousness" is the same as "馐 / xiū / delicacy", as in delicious food. "Xuanwu (the black tortoise / the black warrior of the north / the personification of winter and hibernation) hides in the shade of trees, and the vermillion bird (the vermillion bird of the south / the personification of summer) is still self-conscious." Being self-conscious means that birds sense the chilling atmosphere and store food for winter, just like hiding precious delicacies.


Tbh, I don't really understand how both "方之" and "它是方之" can be true. Unless the idea that's being captured is that when the swallows are in the north, they have arrived from the south, and when the swallows are in the south, they have arrived from the north. But I'm assuming something has been lost in translation there. 

Tatai Jin can talk to crows so maybe it has something to do with this? I've yet to finish this drama....haha...so close yet so far. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

That too!

Chapter 4: Fang Feng Wuming
“Ah Ming…didn't I tell you not to cause trouble?” A weak voice, punctured by several coughs, emerged from a side building. A sickly old woman opened the door a tad, wearing a robe of pink and burgundy hues. Her hair, mostly black, had two streaks down her side as white as snow. In the moonlight, Maoqiu could tell she was once very beautiful, enough to catch the attention and pity of Fang Feng Bei. No wonder she often danced for him; it was probably the only time she didn't have to service any man in bed. Just as the old woman began to open the door, the young woman summoned a silver butterfly. It flew and sat on her hair. Instantaneously, the young and rambunctious man was again in front of Maoqiu.

The young man hurried over to the old woman. “Mother, I wasn't causing trouble. I was merely testing Master…” He looked at Maoqiu and gestured for him to introduce himself. Mouthing, “If you reveal me, I will haunt you to the end of time and kill you.”

Maoqiu, calmed, recalled his sword, and it dissipated. He then straightened up and bowed towards the old woman, saying, “Madam, I am Master Yin. It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance.”

Assisting the old woman back into her bed, the young man embraced her tenderly. Maoqiu didn't know what to do, so he slowly stepped up to the door and peeped in. Despite the deterioration of the rest of the home, this side chamber was intact; there was no rot, and the chamber was pleasantly decorated.

“Ah Ming, don't be rude. Go fetch some tea for your guest,” the woman managed to say before bursting into a coughing frenzy. The young man summoned a bee to fly to her nose, and with a buzzing kiss, the bee evaporated, and the old woman stopped coughing. She then laid back down, fell asleep, resting her head on the young man's shoulder.

“Who are you?” Maoqiu inquired.

“Who do you think I am?” The young man answered as he positioned her back on the bed, and neatly covered her.

After a short silence, he laughed, “Fang Feng Wuming at your service.” He ambled over to a small counter by the window and grabbed a delicate tea set, motioning Maoqiu to join him. He opened the window to reveal the moonlight, now peeking through a thin layer of clouds. The courtyard was covered in fireflies and butterflies dancing under the moonbeams.

Maoqiu accepted his offer, sat down across from Fang Feng Wuming, and observed him as he poured tea, using spiritual power to warm up the water. They drank the tea in silence, observing the courtyard. Fang Feng Wuming leaned against the window pane, slowly relishing the taste of the tea and the nice jasmine fragrance.

“I found her abandoned,” he said, looking at the crescent moon, still holding his tea cup. “I was cultivating when I found her.”

“Why Fang Feng Bei’s son?” Maoqiu inquired, ignoring his cup of tea, attentively looking at Wuming.

“I need a way into the clan families,” he replied, still looking at the moon, as the vapor from his tea danced in midair.


“Our duel. It's a stalemate.” He glanced at Maoqiu, a beautiful seductive smile. “Forgive me, but we won't be able to continue until my mother passes.” Fang Feng Wuming set his tea cup on the table, and a moment of silence followed. “She doesn't have much longer. I would appreciate it if you kept my identity a secret.” He laid lazily, his left arm propped him up from the windowsill, and his gaze fixated at his mother. Wuming lifted his finger and summoned brightly colored butterflies. They swarmed and danced around the old woman. In that instant, Maoqiu was certain that if a rainbow could leave the heavens, it would look exactly like this.

“Whatever your plans are, it's not my problem. I won't interfere.” Maoqiu broke the silence, taking a sip from his tea. “The great clans and whatever shady business they have are not of my concern.”

Wuming smirked, motioned for a purple butterfly to his hands, and playfully watched it dance on his knuckles, its wings flapping rhythmically. “Your jewelry is sought by them, but you don't keep any of your payments. You give it all away. Why?”

“Many good men and demons perished during the last great war, leaving behind women and children," Maoqiu remarked as he finished his tea. Just when he was about to ask how Wuming would know such details, Wuming answered in jest, “The butterflies…they tell me things that even gods only wish they would know.” The purple butterfly gently took off and quivered back to join the kaleidoscope of butterflies.

Standing up, Maoqiu nodded his head slightly and said, "Our duel... I will look forward to the next time we meet. I bid you farewell. If you ever need me, you can find me at the Northern Tavern." As Maoqiu exited the chamber, he glanced back to see Fang Feng Wuming still looking at him. With a slight smile and raised eyebrow, Fang Feng Wuming took another sip of his tea and saluted Maoqiu farewell. Maoqiu nodded slightly in acknowledgment before continuing on his way.

As Maoqiu stepped across the threshold, the doors closed with a thud. He turned around only to find that the thick doors he had just seen were no longer there, but only two rotted slabs. He could see through the courtyard, and all the life from the flying insects was no longer there; even the side chamber had turned into a pile of shambles. Maoqiu took a step back and realized with an eerie feeling that he had stepped into a powerful maze formation, one even Master Xiang Liu couldn't conjure, for the very first time. It was seamless, like an alternative reality.

Maoqiu also could not shake off the realization of Fang Feng Wuming's real identity. Maoqiu knew that Xiang Liu, even as Fang Feng Bei, absolutely did not leave an heir. Yet, Fang Feng Wuming's mannerisms were all too familiar to him. Unable to shake off his curiosity, he left in hesitation, with his mind still lingering—Who was this young woman?

“Madam, I am Master Yin. It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance.”

Oh! A question answered. 

“Who are you?” Maoqiu inquired.

“Who do you think I am?” The young man answered as he positioned her back on the bed, and neatly covered her.

I half expected her to say, "Who do you want me to be?"

“I found her abandoned,” he said, looking at the crescent moon, still holding his tea cup. “I was cultivating when I found her.”

“Why Fang Feng Bei’s son?” Maoqiu inquired, ignoring his cup of tea, attentively looking at Wuming.

“I need a way into the clan families,” he replied, still looking at the moon, as the vapor from his tea danced in midair.


So I take it that Fang Feng Wuming's "mother" is not actually "his" mother... and both Huayu and the old lady are aware of that? It's not a situation like XL pretending to be FFB and caring for FFB's dying mother?

The young man summoned a bee to fly to her nose, and with a buzzing kiss, the bee evaporated, and the old woman stopped coughing.

Yet, Fang Feng Wuming's mannerisms were all too familiar to him.

My curiosity remains piqued! 

 AH :
I'm picturing someone a bit like Park Jae-eon as the face of Huayu's male form. ^^

Omy! Perfect. LOL. XD

 AH :
And this is making me think of The Princess Bride.

One of absolute favorite movies. Beautiful and great dialogue. 

 AH :
There was a flock of birds (black with red-tipped wings) in the drama.

I wish the drama wasn't so plot driven, but it is evitable. Most "try to stop the end of the world" set up are always leaning this way. I do; however, loved thier chemistry. 

 AH :
I half expected her to say, "Who do you want me to be?"

TH's use of this line, in it repetition, was just so beautiful and of course delivered perfectly by the lovely and smexy JC.

 AH :
So I take it that Fang Feng Wuming's "mother" is not actually "his" mother... and both Huayu and the old lady are aware of that? It's not a situation like XL pretending to be FFB and caring for FFB's dying mother?

I wanted to draw a not so perfect parallel and make it believable for the clan to accept her.

One of absolute favorite movies. Beautiful and great dialogue.

It's always such a nostalgic watch. 

I wish the drama wasn't so plot driven, but it is evitable. Most "try to stop the end of the world" set up are always leaning this way. I do; however, loved thier chemistry.

Great chemistry. Although I wish they'd had the opportunity to tap into that chemistry in a few more happy moments than what we got. And I say that as a fan of angst. 

TH's use of this line, in it repetition, was just so beautiful and of course delivered perfectly by the lovely and smexy JC.

A beautiful and poignant way to dodge the question. 

I wanted to draw a not so perfect parallel and make it believable for the clan to accept her.

That makes sense. The fact that she's aware that Huayu is not her son / daughter is quite interesting though. It makes me want to know more about this elderly lady!

 AH :
Tbh, I don't really understand how both "燕乃南方之鸟" and "它是北方之鸟" can be true. Unless the idea that's being captured is that when the swallows are in the north, they have arrived from the south, and when the swallows are in the south, they have arrived from the north. But I'm assuming something has been lost in translation there. 

My interpretation is this:

燕乃南方之鸟 means that the swallows are birds of the south. Hence when they fly south in Spring, they are actually flying home.

它是北方之鸟 indicate that the swallows fly from the north, headed towards the south, bringing life with them.

It does sound rather confusing. I read other Chinese government articles, and they just state that the swallows are birds of the south, and that their migration to the south in Spring is considered to be returning home, which I think covers the gist of what it actually means.

 AH :
And for the full line ("玄鸟归是谁" / "The xuan bird returns, who is it?")... each time there is a migration and the characters meet again in new circumstances, there are changes to their identities or memories (or they pretend that there were). So the singer asking "who is this xuan bird / person who has returned (from migration)?" would make sense in that context. 

Thank you for the context. I totally missed the link you shared until you mentioned it - certainly, great minds think alike seeing both you and @nathsketch shared the same song! The use of 玄鸟归 would allude to the homecoming of the one who had left, and the interpretation based on the context you described does make poignant sense, especially if it refers to a person one has been longing for, but may no longer be the same person who came back. Am not sure if I'm reading too much into it since I don't really know TTEOTM well at all.


Most definitely, ya'll ladies are very inspiring. I am so glad to have found each and one of you. I have been very shy about my writing, and have hit an artist block, so I had no creative outlet. And this has been a godsend.

You're writing a novel too? What is it about? Please don't feel shy about sharing your work - it's beautifully written and takes us down a different path, seeing it's Maoqiu-centric. Thank you very much!

Tatai Jin can talk to crows so maybe it has something to do with this? I've yet to finish this drama....haha...so close yet so far. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Ahh... crows. Not exactly swallows or xuan birds, but the colour does match! 

I did watch one or two episodes of TTEOTM, after which I never continued. My daughter was telling me about what she read from the translated novel, and to be honest, it sounds like Tantai Jin was far more abusive than Xiang Liu ever was. Wonder whether there was outrage over that character too, seeing Xiang Liu got so much grief and disapproval.

 AH :
About XL's soul surviving in my fic, I'm open to your thoughts. My thinking, for the purposes of the fic, was that XL's spirit would have survived similarly to how Chi You's soul survived.

 AH :
So when XY died on the island where XL had died, why shouldn't her body slowly vanish and then turn into pink light that joined the spirit-manifestation-clam-shell in the ocean just off the shore of the island? And then why shouldn't XY's granddaughter see XY's spirit and XL's spirit in human form as they had been millennia earlier before XL's body died (along with the spirit-manifestation-clam-shell) on the surface of the ocean? And why shouldn't those two spirits finally get a chance to embrace before slowly disappearing together, along with the spirit-manifestation-clam-shell?

Now you got me choked up all over again with the manifestation of the sea shell as a resting place for his fragmented soul, while he waited alone for her for so many years. What would he have done if she never found out the secret of the laughing doll? Would he have waited for an eternity? Unlike Chi Chen and A Heng, those hundreds of years were spent apart, for a sliver of hope that one day, she would come. A Heng felt Chi Chen's presence with her, but he... had nothing.

I need another makjang drama after this.

Chapter 4: Fang Feng Wuming

Yay! A new chapter! Incidentally, what is the title of the fanfic? 

In the moonlight, Maoqiu could tell she was once very beautiful, enough to catch the attention and pity of Fang Feng Bei. No wonder she often danced for him; it was probably the only time she didn't have to service any man in bed.

Interesting. So Fangfeng Bei never touched all the women he was associated with. But why her specifically, out of so many others? 

“I found her abandoned,” he said, looking at the crescent moon, still holding his tea cup. “I was cultivating when I found her.”

Why did Huayu target her specifically? Was it out of convenience because her patron was known to be Fangfeng Bei? And why in the guise of a young man, even to the old dancer? Because men had more privileges and could move about more freely in their society, and could more easily lay claim to Fangfeng Bei's estate?

Maoqiu took a step back and realized with an eerie feeling that he had stepped into a powerful maze formation, one even Master Xiang Liu couldn't conjure, for the very first time. It was seamless, like an alternative reality.

So she is supposed to be more powerful than even Xiang Liu, but with Xiang Liu's mannerisms. Did a remnant of Xiang Liu's soul remain within her? Yet her power appears to revolve predominantly around nature, insects. Intriguing to say the least. 

Thank you for sharing!

Incidentally, what is the title of the fanfic? 

hahaha...I have not thought of title...it is simply saved in my storage as Maoqiu. XD

But why her specifically, out of so many others? 

I've been thinking about this one even now. And the way I wrote the story with the beginning and ending first, a few middle chapters are still in progress...so the next chapter is still not finish and will probably not be posted until the end of next week.

Why did Huayu target her specifically? Was it out of convenience because her patron was known to be Fangfeng Bei? And why in the guise of a young man, even to the old dancer? Because men had more privileges and could move about more freely in their society, and could more easily lay claim to Fangfeng Bei's estate?

Most definitely out of convenience because of her ulterior motive. And yes, because men in DaHuang does have more privileges' even illegitimate sons as you can see the power difference and dynamics between FFB and FFYY.

So she is supposed to be more powerful than even Xiang Liu, but with Xiang Liu's mannerisms. Did a remnant of Xiang Liu's soul remain within her? Yet her power appears to revolve predominantly around nature, insects. Intriguing to say the least. 

I finished the chapter that explains Huayu's existence and originally had it as a middle chapter, and the other day, I felt it would be more interesting as a epilogue. 

You're writing a novel too? What is it about? Please don't feel shy about sharing your work - it's beautifully written and takes us down a different path, seeing it's Maoqui-centric. Thank you very much!

You're welcome. I am happy you are enjoying it. I am writing a novel that is mostly Hmong/Miao-centric with elements of our folklore and history, interweaving it with some elements I love from western fantasy and wuxia genres. I didn't think it was possible because my only writing experience has been writing animated shorts in grad school. So I have been tweaking my screenwriting skills (which leans heavily on descriptors of environment, characters, and actions) for a narrative that will help build a world as beautiful as DaHaung. The world I am building is called Pajhuam Tebchaws (The land of poetry). I am also using the Hmong language as an extinct language that can conjure up magic. So far the tentative title is called 'The General's Concubine.' The themes I am exploring will be around the institutions of patriarchy, marriage, friendship, and love (but mostly what men will do to lay claim to what they believe they are entitled to). Just recently, I have come to a realization about the structure after tackling it for almost half a year now, so I finally have an outline in my head of how to plot out the story. The chapters I have started mostly have been character-building, and I need to add some sort of plot soon.

Sorry guys, it took so long to update part two... I've been quite busy recently and can only find time to write, but because of you I feel very motivated, busy but happy! :-)

Can I Give Each of Your Heads a Name?

part 2

"Come here." She held out her hand to him. She suddenly wanted to touch him.

Xiang Liu didn't seem to be sure what she meant, and his two cute little heads tilted.

Xiao Yao tried her best to hold back her smile and waved to him, "Come here. You lie on my arm and I will hide you in my sleeve and take you back, okay?"

She wasn't sure whether Xiang Liu trusted her enough to go to Chenrong Mountain with her, but she wanted to give it a try. Even if he doesn't want to, she can understand it. In that case, just find a place in the city to take care of him for a few days. It's just not convenient.

To Xiao Yao's surprise, when Xiang Liu heard this, he just paused and then crawled over. But when he crawled to her hand, he seemed to hesitate, staring at her hand, wondering something she couldn't know. Xiao Yao finally couldn't help but reached out and touched his one pair of small horns. The touch was a bit strange, like a piece of warm and extremely hard bone.

Xiang Liu was caught off guard by her touch. The little head that was touched was stunned for a moment with its big eyes open, but the other two heads suddenly became alert and made an attack gesture towards her hand with hissing sounds, then were immediately bitten by another two heads...

Xiao Yao didn't know that Xiang Liu's white scales were very hard, as long as he didn't bite with murderous intentions, this kind of daily fighting between heads would not hurt him, and it was very common. She was just startled by the sudden violence and wanted to reach out to pull them apart, but she was a little afraid.

"Xiang Liu!" she scolded.

The four heads already fought into a ball were interrupted by her scolding and came to their senses at the same time. Xiang Liu's tail rolled up, and the nine heads looked at her nervously.

"Quickly, climb up." Xiao Yao stretched out her hand to him, "Before I ask you to come out, you must hide quietly and not come out, okay?"

The nine little heads looked at her and then moved cautiously. Like climbing a tree, he wrapped around her arm and climbed up lightly.

Snakes are temperature-changing animals. Xiao Yao's skin felt cool and a little itchy when Xiang Liu crawled over it. Although she knew Xiang Liu would not hurt her, the touch of the scales still made her feel a little instinctively afraid. She tried hard not to show any nervousness.

Xiang Liu is very smart, Xiao Yao didn’t need to elaborate. Soon, he twisted himself into a spiral white jade armlet and lay obediently on Xiao Yao's forearm. After finding the right position, he contracted his muscles and tightened his body. All nine heads lay there quietly and motionless, absorbing the warmth of her skin, seemingly satisfied and enjoying it.

The intimate touch of skin-to-skin suddenly made Xiao Yao feel a little shy. She glanced briefly at the small shell-colored snake on her arm, and then carefully covered it with her sleeve. Inexplicably, she thought that a snake-shaped armlet must be beautiful. Maybe she will ask Jintian family to make one for her in the future, but of course, she won't wear it in front of Fang Feng Bei.

When she suddenly arrived at her palace at Qingluan Peak, the maids and guards on duty there were startled. The last time she came back was a year ago. She moved a bunch of unused gifts from various people from Zijin Peak where she lived with Cang Xuan.

When she stepped into the courtyard in front of the palace, a group of palace maids were surrounding two guards, eating watermelons and watching the two men fight with crickets. No one even saw her coming in. According to Xiao Yao's usual personality, she would definitely walk over quietly to secretly watch it for a while, but unfortunately, it was not suitable for her to get close to anyone today. So, she stood at the gate and knocked symbolically, people in the yard immediately knelt on the ground.

"Today I will move here to live for some days. During this period, no one else will serve me except Shan Hu and Miao Pu. The guards will be guarding outside the palace, and no one is allowed to enter without my permission. Also, I'm going back to Zijin Peak later, and everyone must wait outside the palace during this time, otherwise don't blame me if you get poisoned." She quickly finished her instructions, and then hurried into her residence amidst a chorus of "yes"s.

When she arrived at Zijin Palace, Cang Xuan was busy with official duties as usual. Seeing that she had come back so early this time, before she even stepped through the door, he happily ordered Miao Pu to prepare an extra portion for dinner, but Xiao Yao quickly stopped him.

"Ge Ge," Xiao Yao said straight to the point, "I want to discuss something with you. I plan to go back to Tianyi Palace to live for a while. During this time I will do some medical experiments. Because there may be toxic gases escaping, it's not suitable to do it here where people come and go. I will move back when the experiment is completed, okay? I promise to protect myself."

Cang Xuan put down his pen, a little confused by her series of sudden thoughts. While he was digesting Xiao Yao's words, he looked at her with surprise:

"What did you do? How did you end up like this?"

Xiao Yao wanted to pinch herself. The journey was so hurried that she forgot to freshen up and change clothes before meeting Cang Xuan. Although she had roughly combed her hair and pinned it with a hairpin before she came back, and the tear on her skirt had been temporarily repaired by Xiang Liu using spiritual power, she still looked completely different from herself in the morning when she said goodbye to Cang Xuan. Her hair was down, only wore a hairpin. Her dress was wrinkled and dirty. If you look carefully, there were two leaves hanging on it that hadn't been noticed...

"Uh...It's okay, it's just I fell down before...today's dress is a bit long." She smiled awkwardly. She had always told Cang Xuan everything she knew, and she wasn't good at lying to him yet.

Xiao Yao watched Cang Xuan's eyes change several times in one breath, and suddenly had a bad feeling: Could it be that her brother is suspecting her date with Fang Feng Bei?

Just when she was about to explain a few more words, Cang Xuan suddenly smiled and said as if he didn't notice anything: "Of course. But, why don't you wait until after dinner before moving? You haven't lived there for a long time. Just send Shan Hu and Miao Pu to clean it up for you first, so you will feel more comfortable living in it."

"No!" Xiao Yao blurted out. Cang Xuan raised his eyes in surprise.

Realizing her gaffe, Xiao Yao quickly said: "I... put a bunch of bottles and cans there. I'm afraid they won't understand and mess them up, so I have to watch them do it...”

Cang Xuan stared at her for a moment, and then smiled sadly, "Okay, then let them go back with you. But you do can accompany me to eat before moving, right? Surely letting your 'bottles and jars' wait for a while wouldn't cause too much damage to them?"

Xiao Yao wanted to say I think it's best for me to go back as soon as possible, but now she really didn't dare to speak anymore.

An ordinary meal almost gave her stomach cramps. Finally, when the clepsydra showed the Xu time was almost over, Cang Xuan ended the torture of her and let her go back with great mercy. When saying goodbye he said something weird like "You are a big girl now, and I can't restrict you too much, but you have to know it yourself", and also "Be careful to protect yourself, but you are a doctor yourself, so I don't need to worry too much", which made Xiao Yao keep thinking about how she could have answered just now all the way back to Tianyi Palace.

Finally, Xiao Yao tiredly opened her bed curtain, sat down on the bed, reached for the storage box beside the pillow, and pulled it open angrily—

"Come out!"

Xiang Liu, who was sleeping soundly in the box, straightened his heads. Then he slowly crawled out with a little confusion when waking up, and crawled to Xiao Yao's hand on the bed. He dexterously wrapped one of Xiao Yao's fingers with his tail, put her hand right, and then began to scribble on the back of her hand with the tip of his tail...

It took Xiao Yao a second to realize that Xiang Liu was actually writing, so she leaned down to see—

Xiang Liu used the tip of his tail to write the word "water" neatly on her hand.

Nine pairs of bright little eyes looked at her expectantly from different angles.

The resentment in Xiao Yao's heart was not yet gone, but her legs stood up immediately and went to pour tea.

What else could she do? Now she is Baby Snake's only support here. She must be strong! And calm!

(To be continued)


This update made me start to like this character Fangfeng Wuming. Her character is indeed a bit like Xiang Liu, and she has a temperament of vicissitudes of life. I'm so interested in her relationship with Master Xiang Liu... Will she and Mao Qiu be a couple? The writing is very beautiful as always :-)

My interpretation is this:

燕乃南方之鸟 means that the swallows are birds of the south. Hence when they fly south in Spring, they are actually flying home.

它是北方之鸟 indicate that the swallows fly from the north, headed towards the south, bringing life with them.

It does sound rather confusing. I read other Chinese government articles, and they just state that the swallows are birds of the south, and that their migration to the south in Spring is considered to be returning home, which I think covers the gist of what it actually means.

That makes sense. 

Thank you for the context. I totally missed the link you shared until you mentioned it - certainly, great minds think alike seeing both you and @nathsketch shared the same song! The use of 玄鸟归 would allude to the homecoming of the one who had left, and the interpretation based on the context you described does make poignant sense, especially if it refers to a person one has been longing for, but may no longer be the same person who came back. Am not sure if I'm reading too much into it since I don't really know TTEOTM well at all.

I'm not sure if my speculation about the lyrics is right based on that context, but I hope it is. Happy to provide it! ^^

The female lead travels from her present back in time 500 years and takes on a different identity. From the ML's perspective, he first meets her with that identity. Later in the story, she appears to die but actually returns to her present (like returning home from a migration) and her original identity. The ML lives through the 500 years separating them searching for her soul in the underworld. When he meets the FL again, she pretends to only be her original identity and not the woman he knew 500 years earlier, and he questions whether she really isn't the woman he knew. Later on, the ML becomes the devil god that the FL first encountered - who made her travel back 500 years to stop him. 

While they are in the past, the ML and FL have a falling out, but then enter the lucid dreams of a dragon, where they live out the love story of two other people. When they emerge, they return to their previous identities, but retain the memories of the love story they shared. 

It's all rather complicated, but I do think "especially if it refers to a person one has been longing for, but may no longer be the same person who came back" could apply to some of those circumstances. 

Now you got me choked up all over again with the manifestation of the sea shell as a resting place for his fragmented soul, while he waited alone for her for so many years. What would he have done if she never found out the secret of the laughing doll? Would he have waited for an eternity? Unlike Chi Chen and A Heng, those hundreds of years were spent apart, for a sliver of hope that one day, she would come. A Heng felt Chi Chen's presence with her, but he... had nothing.

I need another makjang drama after this.

Sorry liddi!

My feeling is that XL's soul would have passed on when XY's soul passed on, even if she never found the laughing doll. So his soul would not have remained where it was for eternity. 

You're right that his soul was not with XY the way Chi You's soul was with Ah Heng. Which is why I like to think that his soul waited long enough to see XY come to the island after his death, and then slept in the clam shell for 2,000 years instead of waiting for her awake all that time. 

she still looked completely different from herself in the morning when she said goodbye to Cang Xuan. Her hair was down, only wore a hairpin. Her dress was wrinkled and dirty. If you look carefully, there were two leaves hanging on it that hadn't been noticed...

"Uh...It's okay, it's just I fell down before...today's dress is a bit long." She smiled awkwardly. She had always told Cang Xuan everything she knew, and she wasn't good at lying to him yet.

Xiao Yao watched Cang Xuan's eyes change several times in one breath, and suddenly had a bad feeling: Could it be that her brother had misunderstood her date with Fang Feng Bei?

Just when she was about to explain a few more words, Cang Xuan suddenly smiled and said as if he didn't notice anything: "Of course. But, why don't you wait until after dinner before moving?

Finally, when the clepsydra showed the Xu time was almost over, Cang Xuan ended the torture of her and let her go back with great mercy. When saying goodbye he said something weird like "You are a big girl now, and I can't restrict you too much, but you have to know it yourself", and also "Be careful to protect yourself, but you are a doctor yourself, so I don't need to worry too much", which made Xiao Yao keep thinking about how she could have answered just now all the way back to Tianyi Palace.

CX seems like he's being surprisingly cool about this, despite seemingly inferring that XY has secretly brought FFB back to her place for multiple days' worth of adult activities. 

Xiang Liu didn't seem to be sure what she meant, and his two cute little heads tilted.

Xiang Liu, who was sleeping soundly in the box, straightened his heads. Then he slowly crawled out with a little confusion when waking up, and crawled to Xiao Yao's hand on the bed. He dexterously wrapped one of Xiao Yao's fingers with his tail, put her hand right, and then began to scribble on the back of her hand with the tip of his tail...

It took Xiao Yao a second to realize that Xiang Liu was actually writing, so she leaned down to see—

Xiang Liu used the tip of his tail to write the word "water" neatly on her hand.

Nine pairs of bright little eyes looked at her expectantly from different angles.

So cute! Loving all these descriptions of little snake XL and his nine little heads. 



This update made me start to like this character Fangfeng Wuming. Her character is indeed a bit like Xiang Liu, and she has a temperament of vicissitudes of life. I'm so interested in her relationship with Master Xiang Liu... Will she and Mao Qiu be a couple? The writing is very beautiful as always :-)

I am actually having fun writing FF Wuming. Thank you.

Thank you for your second chapter. Baby XL is so adorable and I much like how you have written XY. She is always so carefree when she's with XL.