For me Ye Hua is a flawed character who was not in control of his life, was not allowed to love the person he wanted to love, also all the trouble with his mother leaving him with trauma he coped with very well. He sadly had to hurt the love of his life, the biggest flaw, really. What sold him for me was his passion for our FL and their crazy chemestry on screen. For me not the writing but the actor and the voice actor carried the character. I am in love with his this voice actor ever since <3
I actually (as a writen character) prefer Jiu Chen from 'Love and Destiny.' It seemed like the Director wanted to make everything right in L&D that went wrong Peach Blossom. The main lead is in full control over his life and takes every step that is needed to pursue his love, no matter how hard and never ends up harming her.
However, I am sorry for the two of them, bc I think I am loving SiFeng the most and that is all thanks to their amazing chemestry on screne (after all that is the most important thing to me). I am glad we got a happy ending, anything else and I would have died spitting liters of blood.