There's a clip of them hugging & YQ is standing in front of Lamu's house? So people think they regrew the flower to revive her. I heard in the novel he was buried at Lamu's place where he had felt closest to her? So it seems kinda fitting for him to wait there if she revives. I just pray they give us more than 2 min of HE if this is the real ending (CLJ I'm looking at you)

 Sirry Usly:

Oh, I also forgot to add that while all of this is going on CF is actively looking for a way to revive QK up until number 10. of the predictions. 

I think we saw the same video probably heh

 Xiaolu H:

I think we saw the same video probably heh

We did! 

Also that CLJ ending left me feeling...hungry? I was happy they were together and then once the happiness wore off I was like ??? wait a that it? And then they tricked us and made us think they filmed more! If TSL does that... Idk maybe I'll happily eat the crumb they gave us ?

 Sirry Usly:

We did! 

Also that CLJ ending left me feeling...hungry? I was happy they were together and then once the happiness wared off I was like ??? wait a that it? And then they tricked us and made us think they filmed more! If TSL does that... Idk maybe I'll happily eat the crumb they gave us ?

I made peace with it over time but I definitely want more if possible for this drama. Even if we can get a special ep of 5-10 min of happiness that'd be great. No spliced together outtakes pls (well maybe the cut kiss scenes I'll accept)

I’ll be okay if we get an afterlife ending as long as they stay together with CF And QK are being they’re too. 

I’m starting to think that maybe YQ is not going to lose his memories . His talk with YT’S father gave me another theory. Her father basically tells him that sometimes we have to do bad things to protect those we love. His method may have not being the correct one but it kept Yetan safe from those who wanted to kill her. That coupled with the mortal king telling Youqin that he’s the only one who can really protect ther, I can see him going back to the Heavenly Realm  with a plan. Use the realm to protect her while making everyone believe that he’s now his wife’s enemy. Could be why he does the sword dance with her instead of outright fighting her. I’d prefer this than him losing his memories. Just as long as the audience knows why he’s doing it and YT also knows his reasons soon. And a plan like this is very Youkin so-


I’m starting to think that maybe YQ is not going to lose his memories . His talk with YT’S father gave me another theory. Her father basically tells him that sometimes we have to do bad things to protect those we love. His method may have not being the correct one but it kept Yetan safe from those who wanted to kill her. That coupled with the mortal king telling Youqin that he’s the only one who can really protect ther, I can see him going back to the Heavenly Realm  with a plan. Use the realm to protect her while making everyone believe that he’s now his wife’s enemy. Could be why he does the sword dance with her instead of outright fighting her. I’d prefer this than him losing his memories. Just as long as the audience knows why he’s doing it and YT also knows his reasons soon. And a plan like this is very Youkin so-

I don't want memory loss but the lying to your loved one to protect them & making decisions in their place "for their own good" trope is even worse to me so I'll take forced memory loss due to emperor over that lol


I’m starting to think that maybe YQ is not going to lose his memories . His talk with YT’S father gave me another theory. Her father basically tells him that sometimes we have to do bad things to protect those we love. His method may have not being the correct one but it kept Yetan safe from those who wanted to kill her. That coupled with the mortal king telling Youqin that he’s the only one who can really protect ther, I can see him going back to the Heavenly Realm  with a plan. Use the realm to protect her while making everyone believe that he’s now his wife’s enemy. Could be why he does the sword dance with her instead of outright fighting her. I’d prefer this than him losing his memories. Just as long as the audience knows why he’s doing it and YT also knows his reasons soon. And a plan like this is very Youkin so-

The only reason I don't know if they will or won't with the memory loss thing is this clip: at time 0:08. I can't tell what the face he's making means. Is he recalling their past? Or he's just sad about the overall situation?

Yetan lowkey foreshadowing in today's episodes. She said she is willing to die for Youqin... also on C-forums there are rumors that it will be an open ending with YQ and CF nursing the twin flowers until the twins become humans again but a lot of people don't believe that is the ending. 

 Sirry Usly:

Ohh okay thanks! Honestly... I really think she's going to end up being the bad guy. At this point, it's too late for them to introduce anyone else. I think she'll probably get discovered around ep 38. Because she's still with YT when YT fights against YQ and when YT goes to the heavenly realm. 

Sorry, my mistake. I think the evil bob hair guy is still alive. So he tells the void tyrant and empress about the twins. That's how everyone finds out. I forgot there is a scene where that bob hair tortures Chao Feng ?

@Sirry Usly. I can’t exactly decipher that facial expression either. It can go either way. I guess we’ll find out after tomorrow’s esp what fate awaits Youqin after that awful night. 

About the open ending it would be okay if The Starry Love was a two parter but since it’s not. It would be awful for it to end with BOTH Youqin and Chaofeng losing the women they love and both girls dead. Not fair. I’d rather them get the endings they deserve. So I hope the open ending is just that a rumor or it may ruin this drama for me. 

I hope it's not a open ending. Some dramas started out promising then went down hill or rush ending. Pray both girls get their happy ending with their men. 

I'm not against open endings in general because sometimes they work. Not here tho. So yes, I'll be praying for both Yetan and Qingkui  get their happy endings. 

There are also some screenshots I saw of Youqin in white robe and Yetan in whitish robe too near the stone house where La Mu stayed at and Youqin ran to hug her. I feel like that might be the actual ending? Not sure though. 


I hope it's not a open ending. Some dramas started out promising then went down hill or rush ending. Pray both girls get their happy ending with their men. 

How this drama ends will severely impact the amount of love that was shown to it. A bad ending can ruin the entire drama (like Game of Thrones lol).