Sad Love Story
The current poster quality is bad and it's really small...so please use this :)
I think it's because the image doesn't show his full face!
There are many other pic.s you can choose from...please Skye change his current pic even the older one was better...this one is onld and awkward...and thanks in advance ^.^



PS: my favorite is the 1st one put whatever you pic is fine just please change his current pic...please :)
Hessa Volunteer Staff
OutSider wrote: http://mydramalist.com/korean-movie/7055/killer-toon

I agree to changing the poster, I think that one was fan made.
I think this is clearer: http://i.imgur.com/OpdZfY2.jpg
Hessa wrote: I agree to changing the poster, I think that one was fan made, this is the actual poster.
I think this is clearer: http://i.imgur.com/OpdZfY2.jpg

The current poster was not fan made, it was for international promo and it was original. If zoom up close, can see all the details. We can easily differentiate the original from the fan made.
Hessa Volunteer Staff
AllAboutVanness wrote: The current poster was not fan made, it was for international promo and it was original. If zoom up close, can see all the details. We can easily differentiate the original from the fan made.

True I just Zoomed and saw the details.

But, I feel the new picture would be better. Somehow, it feels childish in the old picture. (Just my feelings =P, never mind it )
Over The Rainbow

Please change the bad quality poster to:



Sorry Skye for our many many requests...but we want MDL to be the most perfect drama website ^.^
genger wrote:
Sorry Skye for our many many requests...but we want MDL to be the most perfect drama website ^.^

I think this is what most of us want, including the Cake Man. :) Thanks for the help. ♥