Hessa Volunteer Staff
catnip wrote: In addition to Skye's comment about overusage of requests to change the pictures, I also don't understand why is it necessary to post the picture itself instead of a link - the pages get really long, they load longer [that's especially troublesome for those with slow internet connection], and in the end it makes to view the thread much less convenient, both for staff and general members.

MDL members, please just post the link to the image.
The main couple poster for 'Prime Minister and I' is out. I uploaded it into the album, but can't add it as the main poster.
Skye-N-Rain wrote: Changed :)

Thanks. :)
Hessa Volunteer Staff
Thanks Syke.

Hessa wrote:
Lee Sang Hee
To (Only picture found): http://www.urinews.co.kr/data/urinews_co_kr/mainimages/201012/2010121758094846.jpg

^^^^Skye, you uploaded a wrong picture.