The MDL chat has the same date i.e. Sat Nov 10, 12:51:11pm It's probably because the client creates a static date/time div. It lacks a date/time update function. I don't know if this is intentional or if it is bug. ciao !
Hi EtiosDrake, I never get a chance to finish the date function.
I cannot write a recommendation. When I clicked on Make a Recommendation button, nothing happens!
1) There is no article tab. You can only see articles by clicking on them in the front page. There should be a tab somewhere, preferably on the top menu.

2) Clicking on the 'Home' tab up there leads to this:


An empty page with a button to enable the news feed.
I have 14 drama/movies in my plan to watch list, but for some reason my profile shows that there is only 6.
aroon wrote: I have 14 drama/movies in my plan to watch list, but for some reason my profile shows that there is only 6.

When I go to your list I see 14.
Edit profile setting

Am I the only one who can't change her profile info? I have tried a dozen times but it always goes back to the previous info, I can't even get rid of those. :(
amrita828 wrote: Edit profile setting

Am I the only one who can't change her profile info? I have tried a dozen times but it always goes back to the previous info, I can't even get rid of those. :(

are you sure you're scrolling down and clicking 'save changes' at the very bottom of the page? if you are, then i don't know. I'm able to edit mine just fine.
asliceofkate wrote: are you sure you're scrolling down and clicking 'save changes' at the very bottom of the page? if you are, then i don't know. I'm able to edit mine just fine.

Yes, I have saved the changes, but nothing changes. I am going to try again, as it seems I'm the only one with the problem.
Thanks for your reply, kate. :)
amrita828 wrote: Edit profile setting

Am I the only one who can't change her profile info? I have tried a dozen times but it always goes back to the previous info, I can't even get rid of those. :(

What browser are you using?
:o really? like in my profile profile ? ofc my list shows that there is 14, but my profilepage shows differently.
GisaengTales wrote: When I go to your list I see 14.

: O really? That's odd, my profile homepages shows only 6 for me....
aroon wrote: : O really? That's odd, my profile homepages shows only 6 for me....

I see 6 in the dramas section and 7 in the movies section, which make 13. The 14th one on your list is a special.
asliceofkate wrote: I see 6 in the dramas section and 7 in the movies section, which make 13. The 14th one on your list is a special.

lmao im stupid, i looked only the drama selection... thanks for making me smarter!
the 'add cast' button on the extended cast page (e.g. http://mydramalist.com/japanese-drama/86/yukan-club/cast ) leads to 'file not found' when you click on it.