Last Non Asian TV show you watched?

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Robin Hood Season 1 Episode 10
a random rerun episode of Friends...gotta love that show~ :)
newest episode of The Big Bang Theory :) S06E09
Robin Hood Season 1 Episode 11
NONE....i am stuck with ASIAN TV SHOW 24/7. What can i do.... iam truly Asian @_@
how i met your mother....s7 e3 :D its been a while since i saw any non asian shows.
Doctor Who (2005) Season 3 Episode 1
Doctor Who Season 3 Episode 2
Glee season 4 episode 3-4
Downton Abbey season 3, episode 2 (Love it so much still)
supernatural season 1 episode 20
Doctor Who Season 3 Episode 3
Family Guy Season 11 Ep. 6
Doctor Who Season 3 Episodes 4-6