Pretty Little Liars is an American mystery-thriller television series based on the popular series of novels written by Sara Shepard. The show premiered on June 8, 2010 on ABC Family. Set in the fictitious town of Rosewood, Pennsylvania, the series follows the lives of Spencer Hastings, Hanna Marin, Aria Montgomery, and Emily Fields, four girls whose clique falls apart after the disappearance of their queen bee, Alison DiLaurentis. One year later, they begin receiving messages from a mysterious figure using the name "A" who threatens to expose their secrets. At first they think it's Alison herself, but after she is found dead, the girls realize that someone else knows their secrets—including long-hidden ones they thought only Alison knew.

Season 1: June 8, 2010 – March 21, 2011 (22 episodes)
Season 2: June 14, 2011 – March 19, 2012 (25 episodes)
Season 3: June 5, 2012 – present (25 episodes)

Season 1 Trailer

Does anyone watch this/has watched this?
I've watched it. Pretty updated too. Just finished the latest episode yesterday. It's alright I suppose. Not what I'd call one of my favorite television shows but I don't mind watching it to pass the time.
The first season was great. And that's all I have seen. I'm way behind lol
I started watching this a little time ago, I mean I never had the nerve too, thx to the trailers for it, they all just seemed so creepy... I get scared easily, but It's actually not that bad ^^ (I'm only up to ep 8 of season 1 so far :P)
I love it so much! I just done my marathon to the latest episode :D
I'm my opinion, the show used to be good. I got quite bored really fast though. It has a good idea but I think because my stupid friend ruined the story line for me, and I read the books, the show isn't quite as thrilling or entertaining as it would have been.
I'm watching it and I do agree that the 3rd season has some bad episodes, but I'm still watching it and have hopes that the end of the season won't disappoint me.
I watch it but I find it really bad.Actresses are not really good.And why a person would try to destroy other girls that much?Is "A" God or what?She is everywhere,see everything,...Too much things unbelievable and unrealistic.But, well, I still have watched every episodes.But I probably not gonna keep watching it.It isn't fun anymore.
I agree that PLL is not good, but the show is strangely addicting to watch. I always look forward to seeing it with others so that we can giggle and poke fun at certain elements of the show.
Ssshhhhh! I've got a secret to tell.. Is A around?? Love Pretty Little Liars!!!
I like that show, though it's really different from the books. But it's almost always the same with us tv shows, the more it's popular, the longer it lasts and the longer it lasts, the lamer the story line gets, so I'm quite expecting a big disapointment with the second half of the 3rd season. Not that the first half was as interesting as the first 2 seasons.
I love this show! It is very entertaining. I am a big fAn. Hahaha.