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What do you think of Lady Gaga?
İ don't like her music!
İts not just because of her appearance.
I don't like the songs "Born this way" or "Judas", but the songs "Bad Romance", "Poker Face", ''Alejandro" are ok.
I hate her. I can't stand her concept and artist personality. I just can't take her.
Dojemi10 VIPCommunity Manager
It's a yay for me.
But I admit that I don't like how she shows too much skin on her MVs and also, her album cover(the one where she's born as a half human, half motorbike) just doesn't look good to me. :(
Nayy .. DEF NAY ! ... every time Born this way song is on i change the channel because i dont my child to get scared >_<
i dont WANT my child ** urgh!... hehe
Definitely need an edit button :P
For me, I dislike her music and her whole Lady Gaga persona, but after watching a short interview of her(as a normal human being) I think I admire her as a person. So Both Yay and Nay for me.
rizumamu wrote: i dont WANT my child ** urgh!... hehe

oh God .. ! this sounds so bad :p lolzz... but yes Skye i need EDIT EDIT EDIT BUTTON :P
i like a few of her songs but she's a madonna rip off and madonna did it better. sorry to those who like her but she is over hyped and over done which is sad cuz i think she has a really good voice and is talented but i refuse to buy into that horrible image she has created for herself.
Nay. Her music sounds the same and she's starting to annoy me.

I agree with everyone who criticize her artistic persona, she isn't just a Madonna rip of, she ripped off Grace Jones, Christina Aguilera, Peaches, Kylie Minogue, Janet Jackson and the list goes on. I can't blame her though because that seems to be "in" right now (e.g. Nicki Minaj totally copied Lil Kim). I understand that art constantly recycles concepts and there's nothing new under the sun, but it bothers me when people try to be "original" by doing what other people have already done. However, she seems like a normal person who is tolerant and accepting of everyone which I really appreciate.
Its a Yay for me.

I commend her for her ability to make good music and stay different from the mold, but I'm not a fan of her MVs, lets just say I stick to the listening.
It's I don't care for me.
This is one of those instances in which I recognize the musical quality of an artist (meaning that she can sing, not that I like this type of music) but it doesn't give me the least thrill. Therefore, she could be an astronaut and I'd live happily as ever.
I'm split on Lady Gaga. The fact that she thinks that she's God's gift to the pop music industry is obnoxious as all hell, especially given the fact that she churns out the same nonsensical ear candy as everyone else on the scene. OK, maybe I like that she pisses off the majority of conservatives in my country, but what doesn't piss them off nowadays? They went into a rabid rage when J. Crew published a photo of a little boy with pink nail polish!! [But that's a rant for another day.] I do approve of her pro-love-who-you-are message, even if it is a little trite. But I saw her in concert with my little sister who is a huge fan, and that show kind of swayed me. Say what you want about her RECORDED songs, but this woman LIVE is phenomenal. So, I say nay to her persona, but yea to her musicianship.
Personally, I think her songs are pretty catchy and I think she gets judged too much by her appearance.
When she first became popular I admit I judged her, but it turns out she's actually pretty damn cool.
That being said, I don't listen to her music often unless I happen to catch it on the radio..
Lately I'm too busy with kpop to make time for most American music, to be honest. heh.