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anika21 wrote: I hate her. I can't stand her concept and artist personality. I just can't take her.

Nothing to add...
Definitely nay. Neither her music, nor her image / personality she shows. It's so annoying.
I really liked her older stuff, when she was just starting out, but now her music is starting to sound too 80s pop, or something you would hear on disney.
Lazu02 wrote: oh God .. ! this sounds so bad :p lolzz... but yes Skye i need EDIT EDIT EDIT BUTTON :P

Oh my goodness. I'm sorry, this isn't something I should be laughing at, and I know it was just a typing mistake, but honestly, when I saw this, I could not stop laughing.
Sometimes she has some pretty good vocals, but most of the time I feel like they're just wasted in the songs she sings. She also kind of scares me... but that's my problem:) heheh Has nothing to do with it really (: I think she's trying so hard to be different, she's making a mess. I respect her originality, but just because it's original doesn't make it good.
She's just weird, don't like her. Plus not my kind of music.
QTFolstag wrote: nay or I dont care...

Gaga means "moronic female" in our language" ^.^

*skimming through posts & comes upon comment* HAHAHAHAHA!! :'D too funny~!
Yuki_512 wrote: I don't like the songs "Born this way" or "Judas", but the songs "Bad Romance", "Poker Face", ''Alejandro" are ok.

agree. I saw her first concert online and liked it... but after she became famous, I din't like her new songs esp. the lyrics
i dont like lady gaga because of her mtv's satanic symbolisms! that name GAGA only suits her!
Totally no! What kinda bullshit is this seriously? Musically suck, weird appearance, flat-chested too~ xD Lady gaga was about to perform in my country last month btw, but it was canceled because there were so many people against it. But well, I dont give a shit about it.
Yup same for me. I like her songs Just Dance and Poker Face a few years ago but it seems that as years increase in numbers music gets worse. Well for some of the most famous & top musicians.
KamZ wrote: lol

hee! This just cracks me up...every time.
I can't stand her voice or her look
She's definitely shaken up the North American music scene a lot. Which is never a bad thing. But since kpop, I don't care about her.
I voted "I don't care", 'cause I'm pretty much on the fence. I love some of her songs, mostly her earlier ones, and some of her outrageous outfits and for bringing something different to a starving pop scene, but other times she makes me feel bored with what feels like Madonna rehashes and trying too hard. Especially lately. I fell in love with her with Bad Romance, but have gradually been liking her less and less. So mostly I'm just kinda neutral, atm. She's not a person that particularly interests me.