As someone who has killed food to eat before, this video still kind of disturbs me. I'm not sure why, but somehow, wringing a chickens neck does not seem as bad as that. Maybe it's because the chicken died instantly, but the octopus died slowly? Having said that, I would like to explain how chickens are killed commercially (excluding chickens for Asian food butchers which still have their heads). First, they are held upside down by their feet with a small electrical current to paralyze them, then their heads are cut off by a machine. Now, I'm sure most of you know that it can take up to a day for chickens to die when their heads are chopped off. So, if you eat chicken, I guess you have no reason to feel any better about the you eat. Also, don't think that cows, swine, sheep or goats are killed any more humanly.
I personally still eat meat, however, I absolutely cannot eat pork due to the conditions that pigs are kept in. I'm sure if you all knew about it, you would never eat bacon again.
I guess my overall point is, is that although I find it disturbing, I really have no right to judge as I, myself, eat meat products, regardless of the fact that I know how they died.