Hi folks, I've been advised that if we want to chat about the show generally, not to do it in the comment section. Also I can't even load the comment section because its size freezes my equipment. So how about we chat here and leave the comment section for the newcomers or unanswered questions if that's remotely possible? It's hard for ppl to scroll through 30K plus comments to find an answer. Especially if they, like me only use phones or iPad/notebooks not laptops or computers. Sound fair? 

It is difficult. Not many people come here. And the format here does not allow us to start a new thread easily, to discuss about the drama. The format in the comments section is more user friendly 

And why can't we talk generally about the drama in the comments section? I see people doing that all the time. Even now, in the comments section of Start-up, they still talk about the show generally.

I read your comment Enigma and I'm here :D

I actually have nothing to say right now, but when it does, I'll come here. But if the other cute dwarves of our forest don't come here, my progress won't make much sense, I don't like playing alone :D we can check here and keep in touch. Although, I can't remember clearly as the explanations about it are too long, can we do that on this page? What can we do here? A place for games, a place for additional conversations and another place for our long discussions... I think there are other places open for all of them, but I don't think I can be that divided. It's very difficult for me to go from page to page for each different thing and keep track of which one of you is posting what and where... none of us can sustain that, and so that means we will completely dispersed in the clearest sense. So if we can continue all this here, it is quite reasonable for me. 

Hi Enigma05,

I saw your post so here I am as well. Hope everyone is doing well. Like biri_biri said, if it’s in one location I mind coming here.

I just want to make a note that it’s a lot quicker to type on my iPhone/iPad on this discussion thread than compared to the main comment page.

I miss TLB community.


I read your comment Enigma and I'm here :D

I actually have nothing to say right now, but when it does, I'll come here. But if the other cute dwarves of our forest don't come here, my progress won't make much sense, I don't like playing alone :D we can check here and keep in touch. Although, I can't remember clearly as the explanations about it are too long, can we do that on this page? What can we do here? A place for games, a place for additional conversations and another place for our long discussions... I think there are other places open for all of them, but I don't think I can be that divided. It's very difficult for me to go from page to page for each different thing and keep track of which one of you is posting what and where... none of us can sustain that, and so that means we will completely dispersed in the clearest sense. So if we can continue all this here, it is quite reasonable for me. 

Hey, so we can as you can see, quote each other and keep track of everything that way. We can chat, play games, talk TLB and not worry about getting buried or burying others with our comments. Long conversations without the threat of our equipment failing lol. 

Dear Hessa,

Here is my reply to your post.

1. We did not actively sought to be the drama with the most of comments in MDL, though it will definitely  appear that way to an onlooker. We enjoyed ourselves so much exchanging various views about the various characters and the plot that the number just kept going up. Being number 1 was the consequence of those discussions, and was never our intentional goal.

2. We are now getting a hang of what you mean by irrelevant, and will certainly make the necessary adjustments, although there are still things we do not fully understand. For instance, are you saying all kinds of games cannot be played? We played one game called what would you do if you are so and so in the modern era. It is to connect the character to the modern age, and what we think that person will do. Our creative way of showing how much we truly love that particular character in this drama.

If there is a blanket rule that says No, we cannot play any game in the comments section whatsoever, then, it is ok. We understand and we will abide by that rule. No problem at all. We will bring all the games here instead.

3. You mentioned those modern Kdrama that have such high number of viewers, even though the comments section does not have that many comments. That is totally understandable. Modern Kdramas are highly popular overseas. They are part of the legacy of the Kwaves that started in the 1980s. Millions and millions of viewers worldwide already got hooked on to Kdrams for years and years. Chinese dramas are lagging by  at least 10-15 years. Especially modern Chinese dramas. They are no match for modern Kdramas. 

But, I must say that over the last 10 years or so, historical Chinese dramas have caught up. If you are to compare Historical Chinese dramas with Historical Korean dramas, the number of viewers are about the same now. And I do believe, given time, historical Chinese dramas will overtake historical Korea dramas. Why? The set. Hengdian world studios and other big Chinese studios will kill historical Kdramas. With the space that China has, historical Kdramas will be no match for historical Cdramas. After watching historical Chinese dramas, with all those huge production sets, watching historical Kdramas will be like watching miniature copies of historical Chinese dramas. 

And many overseas Chinese will prefer historical Cdramas to historical Kdramas, because they can connect to their roots. I am sure overseas Chinese far outnumber overseas Koreans, so it is just a matter of time more people will watch historical Cdramas compared to historical Kdramas.

Which will bring me to my final point.

4. Why so many comments in the forum page of The Long Balled? I do not think it has anything to do with spamming. Even if we remove all the games and irrelevant posts there, it will still be very high. And it is high because of the plot, and the characters of in the drama itself. 

It is based on a Chinese comic that got stuck, because of legal issues. That comic is very popular, hence lots of people were really curious if the plot in the drama follows the comic. Regardless whether it follows the comic or not, the plot itself is also complicated because part of it is intertwined with history. This complication resulted in many people not understanding the storyline. Hence there were lots of discussion generated, just for those who do understand to explain to those who do not. 

And the two main characters in this drama are also truly unique. Lots of our comments were centred around our fascination with these two characters, what aspects of them were unique and why they turned out to be like that. And also their very unique love relationship that is so uncommon in historical Cdrama or even unique, when compared to historical Kdramas. 

Finally, the high comments number is due to the people in the forum. There are many many dedicated members who keep encouraging others to come forward with their views and not stay silent. There are two couples in this drama, so it took a while before most people in the comments section agree that the main couple outshine the secondary couple. 

Why so little comments in modern Kdramas despite higher viewership? I have a very simple explanation. Modern dramas tend to have very simple plots. The storyline is very simple, so there is very little to discuss!! High viewership is totally due to excellent acting by Korean actors and actreses, and maybe even due to the simple plot. People like to watch a simple drama where they do not need to think so much about the storyline, but just enjoy the good acting. But The Long Ballet does have more complicated plot, hence many people are turned off because maybe they do not understand the plot. 

 I do feel that every forum is unique, due to the unique individuals who are in the forum. MDL should not force every forum to be identical to each other, or the various forums will lose their uniqueness. Yes, we agree, we can do certain things to be more efficient, like putting stuff in the Discussion Threads, so that we need not answer the same questions over again and again. But baring those kind of matters, each comments section should remain unique. We are human beings. We are not robots. So, the forum page in The Long Ballet will never be the same as the one in The Untamed. What they like to do there in their comments page may not be what we like to do here and vice versa. Forcing us to behave like them is like trying to force a square peg into a round hole. 


Hi folks, I've been advised that if we want to chat about the show generally, not to do it in the comment section. Also I can't even load the comment section because its size freezes my equipment. So how about we chat here and leave the comment section for the newcomers or unanswered questions if that's remotely possible? It's hard for ppl to scroll through 30K plus comments to find an answer. Especially if they, like me only use phones or iPad/notebooks not laptops or computers. Sound fair? 

Hi Enigma!  I'm game.  :)  I love reading others' opinions of this drama and if this discussion thread is the best place to share our opinions, then so be it!  I hope others will follow suit and we can maintain lively discussions as before.  

I'm still trying to get over the drama and currently on my second rewatch.  I hope the upcoming dramas from Dilraba and Leo will help me get over the hump.  It's been really tough to finish a Chinese drama these days.  Does anyone have good recommendations?  I started Imperial Coroner but is stuck on episode 20 and have no desire to continue.  I will probably get back to it sooner or later.  In the meantime, it's always good to read comments from this page.    It's a good group here and I hope the regulars will migrate to this section of TLB.  

Hi Enigma!

I am here after reading your comment.. I agree with what biri_biri said that it will be difficult if its all over the place. If we can meet here and continue as before then I am game.. Conversing here and not on the comments place will take a while to get used too.. Also hopefully the other regular commenters connect here as well.. I don't know about the others but I am a little bummed out; I feel like I am losing touch with a lot of the TLB enthusiasts and I feel sad about that.. Coz the comment section was the most fun and engaging place to be.. Lets hope we can all reconnect here..

I'm here too! Will soon read things you all wrote here.

We can def have multiple threads going; I think I just felt the need to start the first one after chatting with the staff member. But by all means, start more and on other topics. :)