Dear all,

Here is what Hessa, the MDL volunteer staff, said concerning what is relevant:

"Relevant things are about the characters, plot, directing, writing, filming sets, so anything that is about the series. Answering questions about the series, such as where to watch, what happened on episode #, and sharing interpretations are all okay also."

I will say pretty much nothing has changed. There is no necessity to post everything in the Recent Discussion. The format here is not user friendly for many of the kind of exchanges that we wish to do.

The Comments section is still the go-to place for exchange of view, etc. The Discussion Section is mainly for more substantive discussion on certain topics that may require lenghty posts. The main objective of putting stuff there is to make sure that they do not get lost, and that those discussion may not turn too long and choke up the comments section.

So, you have a very serious lengthy topic you wish to discuss, you can just start a thread here, choose an appropriate title and those who are interested will join you. Alternatively, you can still choose to do it in the comments section, and risk getting those discussion lost after a few days. Another option is to do it in the comments section, leave for a few days, and then transfer it to the Recent DIscussion section, when the thread gets too long.

If you just wish to drop a BTS, provide some short updates, ask questions concerning TLB, etc., you can just do it at the comments section and more people will get to see it. After all, Hessa has said, anything related to the series is legitimate.

Admins don't want us to play games in the comments section. If you have any games you for everyone to play, please do it in the Recent Discussion section. Just start a new thread here.