"The Woman Who Still Wants to Marry" "Soulmates"
I Need Romance has a similar feel to Sex and the City so I would try that. I think City Hunter may have too much action in it for someone who is into girly dramas (at least to begin with but Lee Minho is a definite for the future). Maybe Queen Inhyun's Man, that's the most romantic drama I've seen to date :) and so far it's my favourite!
Maybe another idea can be showing her movies first (so she can see whether she likes all the asian cheesiness? and it's shorter :X) then slowly move towards dramas? ^^
I can't believe Coffee Prince or Pride wouldn't get her into them! Possibly if she is 25 she might like something geared toward a more mature young woman... City Hall Dal Ja's Spring Chuno is sort of a Sauguk with a western feel. Lots of action. those are my recs!
rad_lisette wrote: I'd suggest :

I Need Romance (2010) (kdrama) - a fun, romantic comedy, comparable to Sex and the City but it is substantial and original enough on its own.

Flower Boy Ramyun Shop - funny, cheeky, Jung Il Woo is a delight, colorful characters and plot.

The Woman Who Still Wants to Marry - funny rom-com that has a foundation on female friendships.


I second these :) don't do Secret Garden no matter how much you love it, my daughter couldn't handle the first twenty minutes..but she giggled along to Flower Boy Raymen Shop
Arigatou mina-san ^_^ Although I would to have watch most of those dramas first, before I recommend it to someone else ;) I sent her links to City Hunter eventually (well... she usually complain about corrupt politicians, so it may be a satisfying theme for her ;)), also for Love Shuffle and Skip Beat, very different dramas maybe something will suit her, who knows.. so far she is in state of bewilderment due to kpop, we'll see where it goes from there and will she like it or not, or will she watch anything at all. But I got my husband (her brother) to watch 3 episodes of Bridal Mask with me yesterday! And he is willing to continue! Yuupii!!!
I've had a lot of luck getting people into kdramas by showing them Queen In Hyun's Man! Since it's shorter than most kdramas with the 45 minute episodes instead of the hour and five minutes, it moves so much faster (and much more like what we have over here in the US on TV). And the romance is so sweet, my friends, who are very much girly girls, absolutely adore it :)
I'm in trouble !!!! Until now my mother was in a good path to become a dramaddict, but I made the huge mistake to start Faith with her...but now we finished episode 9 and she is starting to tell me that this drama will be the last and all ! After Moon/Sun she was completely into it, but Faith distroyed eveything ! I wanted to show her TBDW or K2H, but how can I get her to accept it ? If only drama were well represented in trailers...I have nothing to make her want to watch a drama...fanmade MVs contain often a lot of spoiler...
My sister says she is addicted! I've been staying at her house for a month watching dramas on her computer. She finally said I want to watch a funny one. (She also requested I play Lets Go Crazy the other morning) lol Anyway, I sat her in front of The Greatest Love :D I made her stop watching at midnight.(I sleep in computer room) when I got up the next morning she was streaming Viki on her IPad (hahaha) saying I can't stop watching...her eyes were red! lolololol
Maybe you should let your sister in law watch movies first :3 And recommend your favorite movies/dramas. I have a friend and now she's addicted with dramas :)) But before she got addicted, I gave her a list of my favorite dramas. And there goooo. She watched it as well and it effectively worked ;D
The second drama I ever watched was My Girl and that's what got me hooked. I've lost track of the amount of times I've watched it. I would also suggest that if she likes cloths maybe she might like Baby-faced Beauty, if she likes strong females with some comedy i'd say Starts Falling from the Sky, she starts out flaky in the first episode but changes her life around. I would also suggest Bad family, which highly amusing.
I made some of my realtives to watch dramas after showing them 1 or 2 good movies and after wards I showed them like 4-5 different first eps...they liked City Hunter (after I forced them to watch the second eps too^^), because it was interesting, so they said
the thought Boys Over Flowers was funny, especially because of the curly hair of Jun Pyo, they liked A Gentleman's Dignity, because the main lead didn't look too young, they also liked Chilling Romance (actually it was my first time watching the movie too and I was forced to watch a horror movie), they thought Love Rain was amazingly boring and King2Hearts was a little bit unlogical because there are some fictional facts between North and South Korea...

in the end, I watched City Hunter and God's Quiz with them...they liked it and now my brother likes dramas too^^
So this is what my family thought about different dramas, I hope it helped, but my family is quite hard to persuade to do something....
Thanks for more suggestions, for now I didn't hear from her, whether she watched anything or not. But we're planning to meet so I will ask her. Or maybe watch something together. Our friend whom I already converted to k-pop probably would be there too. So chances are high. But getting other to watch dramas is tough ! I'm watching Bridal Mask with Tom (my love) and he is ok with that - but while I would dramathon the whole thing, I'm forced to watch it one episode at a time, along with 5 other western shows we are watching ( I love them all, but I'd rather immerse myself with Gaksital). It's funny though, because the thing he appreciate most is the fashion ^_^ He goes on and on " Why they are dressed so well?! They look too good!" Slim-cut suits are something he always liked. So when we become rich ;) we will go shopping to Korea.
I know what you mean. At first my brother was like: I can't watch anything which didn't happen in the real history, so he couldn't watch most of the historical dramas, since there was either some supernatural things or like in Bridal Mask, where Gaksital didn't really exist...now, it got better but at the beginning it was quite hard to find some dramas he would watch... Ahhh, it's really annoying to watch one eps and then wait for the next (because someone doesn't want to make a dramathon...^^) but in the end the excitement gets also a little bit bigger, so it's bearable...sometimes ;)
Gah! I'm trying to get my English friend into dramas as well, she usually watched stuff like Vampire Diaries and The Tudors, she pretty much up for anything but so hard to get her into it...I've managed to get her to watch a korean film, Blind, don't know if thats a good choice but I thought a good thriller could help her get into a drama. Dont want to throw her in the deep end straight away! Even though I suggested Bridal Mask its too heavy for a complete beginner!