Hello! Im looking for dramas & movies where the girl has  introverted personality. Like in japan movie close range love, id like if she is shy or introverted. I watched 2 eps of just between lovers and i can say that it also has a girl who doesnt open up easily to others. So in precise i need a drama with the girl shy/introverted/refuses to open up to others. Im tired of seeing same kinda loud female leads. So im looking for a change..:)

Thanks in advance..:)

In Heart To Heart the woman is afraid of others and always has to disguise herself if she needs to go outside but the male leads a therapist and tries to heal her phobia.

Additions recommendation for Dramas that have introverted/shy female lead that has trust issues:

●Flower Boy Next Door

●Kingyo Club

●Kimi ni Todoke


●Because its my first life

●ToGetHer (taiwan drama)

●love me not

●that winter the wind blows

●personal taste

●individualist Jiyoung

●autumn concerto

other dramas that you might try to check out:

●Shy Boss - male lead is the introverted one

●Monstar - more on the introverted type of person but she does make friends

●Capital scandal - very wary type of person that doesnt trust easily but she is very outspoken

●9 seconds eternal time - a loner type of female lead

●My secret romance - shy and introverted and has major hang ups

●Meloholic - very introverted.. or is she?

●Cheese in a Trap - not really introverted but she does have a hard time opening up to people especially the male

●Fated to Love you - female lead is introverted butshe is too kinda hearted and opens up fast to people or she is actually very trustung type of person

Kimi wa petto 

Kimi ni todoke 

Because this is my first life

Ab ruk online

Autumn's concerto 

Flower boy next door

Yamato nadeshiko shichi hence

My secret romance


The pursuit of happiness 


Nobuta wo produce

When a snail loves

Not all of these fit your exact description but they are more introverted than most female leads. 

  • Today's Kira-kun
  • Flower boy next door
  • Cat street
  • Nodame Cantabile
  • Fated to love you
  • Mars
  • Taiyou no kisetsu
  • The K2

My Sunshine - She is pretty introverted and quiet, also has a hard time opening up to people.

Autumn's Concerto - Another introverted person the drama doesn't really focus on it though, but you can tell by the way she interacts with people.

Love O2O - This one has a group of friends and is somewhat popular, but her core behaviour is timid, introverted and cool. 

The happy loner has a really introvert female lead and a cute, endearing male lead. Just two episodes

Oh my Ghostess

Age of youth (One of the  Main girls has introvert personality)