Any where the male and female lead like each other, and the 2nd male lead likes the female lead. Well, she becomes friends with the 2nd male lead. The 2nd male lead is continuously pursuing her and helps cause many misunderstandings between the 2 leads. The 2nd lead generally is shitty about going after her. Maybe at some point the male and female lead begin dating, but then the male lead catches the 2nd male lead kissing her. Maybe she chooses not to tell about something that happens between her and the 2nd male lead like a kiss that he didn't see. Maybe at one point he thinks she's cheating on him. Typical misunderstandings. Eventually maybe they break up for a bit, but in the end get back together. 

Like Good Morning Call especially the 2nd season. Fuck Natsume.

Not exact fits, but maybe try:

  • A Love So Beautiful
  • Attention, Love!
  • Sungkyunkwan Scandal
  • The Eternal Love

Not exact fits, but maybe try:

  • A Love So Beautiful
  • Attention, Love!
  • Sungkyunkwan Scandal
  • The Eternal Love

Seen them all, but thanks.

Definitely Loving Never Forgetting. 

Smile, You has something that's pretty much exactly like that, although.....its also...kind of different, but the shows a great one and it does have a situation....well, actually, it kinda has that same situation 2 or 3 different ways lol.