I just finished watching the Chinese drama Age of Legends and it was very good. I’m looking for more dramas  where the mc can stand up for himself (ie fight) and I think it would be cool to see him grow stronger. I want there to be romance but only if you guys think the main leads have good chemistry. Idk about the romance of City hunter but I liked how he was trained from a young age. So in conclusion any action/romance dramas with a good plot if possible.

I can just think now of my only love song...

Not exactly the same, but in general it works

You can try it: it’s good the female lead had to come back in her “real life” but she felt in love...

Thank you but I’m looking for something with more crime and I would prefer it to be in modern day

Have you tried the currently-airing Kill It? it finishes this week, so there's not a lot of waiting, but the ML was trained to kill people (and he's good at it.) There isn't really much romance and whilst the chemistry is good, I feel like if it was developed further, it would detract from the story. It's fun, it's good at setting up atmosphere and there's crime/mystery. The action scenes are particularly good.

You may also like The K2. I wasn't enamoured, but that's personal opinion, as a lot of people hold it some high regard. There's action and romance, with a mysterious and capable lead.

I also noticed that you have Healer in your PTW list. It's a must-watch and though not without it's faults, I loved it. An elite, highly trained and morally grey (he's a thief) protagonist, with mystery, action and satisfying romance.


  •  Ever Night - just the one you are looking for
  • The Disguiser - very little romance
  • inspiring genration - promising start but when they changed the writer, the story got weird  

I have watched kill it but something about the protagonist didn’t let me like him.

K2 I liked a lot

I will also rewatch healer 

Ever night is alright-I read the book and didn’t like it too much

I will try the other two