
If you're looking for films/dramas that deal with male victims instead of female you can check out this list;

Most of the movies on there deal with male victimization. It's definitely a subject that's not talked about enough. 

Thank you. No it is not talked about enough and I need that change in scenery.

I looked through the list. There were a few. But most on that list were also Female leads... which I'm not looking for. 

Only 43 of the 223 titles on the list deal specifically with female victims. The other 180 titles all deal with male victimization in some way. Sometimes they deal with both male and female like the very sad film 'Silenced'. 

What I noticed is that they don't make a lot of films where the story revolves around the male lead's abuse. It might be a main part, but is usually used as a side plot. Anyways, happy hunting! hope you find the movies you are looking for :)  


I looked through the list. There were a few. But most on that list were also Female leads... which I'm not looking for. 

Yep.. that's the sad part of  it... I wish it was the build up for main plot like in some japanese dramas and mangas. With flashbacks and not hid like a dark secret....