Any movie or series where the fl and ml hate each other but its not like the cute rivalry , but like they are seriously disgusted of each other to an unfathomable extend? but eventually fall in love.

One example would be Kleun chiwit , : where the FL kills the bride to be of ML and he literally does anything to make her life hell, which is pretty much justified for what she had done. i dont exactly want the toxic alpha male ML but just the trope of extreme hate to love

Secret - ml thinks fl killed his fiance/lover so he wants revenge, fl doesn't like the ml but the ml extremely hates the fl


Secret - ml thinks fl killed his fiance/lover so he wants revenge, fl doesn't like the ml but the ml extremely hates the fl

seen this one before. didn't really like but exactly matches my description. thank you , exact recommendation 

Hua Jai Sila

Jam Loey Rak (check the triggers warnings in the tags for this before)