Drama where the lead objectively seems to have "stolen" the second lead's fate. Like for example, the prince ML shows up at a burning building and is told there's only one person inside, which is a Princess, because they simply don't count her servants, and he saves the servant. Or where one of two twins decide to play their twin counterpart only for the other lead to fall for them and not the one they where officially supposed to meet/marry or whatever.  Or where the other lead wins because of continous unexpected accidents everytime its supposed to be the second lead's limelight. 

also agree with

  • Who Are You: School 2015
  • Bride of the Century

(had weird internetproblems that resulted in duplicate posts, deleted them, sorry for the spam alerts)

Oh, i didn't watch, so i'm not sure, but check Fake Princess.

And Switched, if you are ok with body swap.

Keun Ruk Salub Chata: this one.

Encounter has a bit of that trope with the ML always being a step ahead. For example: the 2nd ML finds out the FL is encountering trouble in another city, he runs to be with her, only to find her laughing with the ML, problem having been solved.

Lady and Liar: FL gets Amnesia, ML pretends to be her fiance, while real fiance is abroad. There's actually two fates stolen in this drama.  

Eternal Love is the quintessential example of this. 

Last Cinderella

Nakark Kaew : both leads stole someone's fate

Sud Sai Pan