

Agreed though that SDM displayed noble idiocy when she broke up with Do San just so he'd go to the US. But noble idiocy isn't a very bad thing, in and of itself. We're all idiots a lot of the time, it wouldn't hurt to be noble about it sometimes. 

The thing that actually, actually  went downhill in the past episodes is not NDS's character, but rather SDM's. And because SDM is the centre of this entire drama, everything else suffered. 

Personally for me when a kdrama overuses the noble idiocy plot device, I amount this to lazy writing as noble idiocy is just one of the laziest way to use a plot point to extend a show.

Yes, the past episodes SDM's character did suffer a lot, in fact, I would say she has regressed to the point of where NDS is. Prior to the time skip, maturity wise, SDM was ahead of NDS, but after the three year time skip, she has digressed to NDS level of maturity. That is why you'll see HJP fans say that SDM and NDS deserve each other, because at this point in time, their maturity level is at the same level.



You keep saying that NDS displays toxic masculinity. May I ask, when? 

He's the gentlest character in this drama. I just can't recall a time when he was being what you called him. 

I've explained this in the post above in reply to kristance.


Whether it's team DoDal or team MiJi, we all agree that Han Ji Pyeong deserves to be happy in the end. If he's not then this whole drama should just be tagged as a Tragedy. 

And neither does NDS deserves a sad ending. 

No one has ever said that NDS deserves a sad ending. The thing is, the story had enough material, to make NDS successful, and mend his relationship with his mom and dad as his dream being achieved, but instead the show went from NDS having a poor relationship with his parents to all of a sudden making them the closest family in the show without showing how it happened. And all this when NDS has not called his parents for three years. I mean, it's so unrealistic.. I get it KDrama escapism, but still...

The thing is, writing wise, NDS had many avenues for a happy ending, yet the writers forced a SDM endign as his ONLY way to be happy. In comparison for HJP, he has very little avenues to his happy ending. His last chance of a happy ending, Grandma, is going blind, and they already set up SDM's mom as the person who will take care of Grandma, so as you see there isn't much options for HJP happy ending which has most HJP fans worried.

Am i the only one who just sees these two guys the same? Regardless of their height, status, family or initial personality, HJP and NDS are the same.

It's how it's presented to the viewers that it felt like they're different. case in point the "stalking" accusation towards dosan.. when hjp did the same. Also.. some said cringe-worthy moments nds has... but surprise surprise.. hjp did have this kind of moments.

His last chance of a happy ending, Grandma, is going blind, and they already set up SDM's mom as the person who will take care of Grandma, so as you see there isn't much options for HJP happy ending which has most HJP fans worried.

I don't think HJP's chance of happy ending is gone just because grandma is blind and the mom is there to take care. I don't think their relationship will stop because of that. And that would make their familial relationship shallow if that happens.


I don't think HJP's chance of happy ending is gone just because grandma is blind and the mom is there to take care. I don't think their relationship will stop because of that. And that would make their familial relationship shallow if that happens.

A lot of the things in the show has been shown as shallow to be honest.

Also, if dodal is the end, then, I think it's been shown that the tension between HJP and NDS won't just suddenly disappear. To suddenly make NDS and HJP have an ep. 16 bromance would be the most ridiculous thing i've ever seen, and very hard to believe. 

So the only obvious path would be for HJP to martyr himself, set aside his feelings for SDM and just stand aside. Unless a last minute love interest enters the scene, like Itaewon Class, which is basically a hail mary happy ending for HJP.


Am i the only one who just sees these two guys the same? Regardless of their height, status, family or initial personality, HJP and NDS are the same.

It's how it's presented to the viewers that it felt like they're different. case in point the "stalking" accusation towards dosan.. when hjp did the same. Also.. some said cringe-worthy moments nds has... but surprise surprise.. hjp did have this kind of moments.

The devil is in the details. Both male leads are given fast pitches, while NDS has been swinging at every ball, HJP has been pulling off walks. And in the end, his composure and consistency has won over more fans, than NDS constant swinging, regardless of how many home runs NDS hits.


A lot of the things in the show has been shown as shallow to be honest.

Also, if dodal is the end, then, I think it's been shown that the tension between HJP and NDS won't just suddenly disappear. To suddenly make NDS and HJP have an ep. 16 bromance would be the most ridiculous thing i've ever seen, and very hard to believe. 

So the only obvious path would be for HJP to martyr himself, set aside his feelings for SDM and just stand aside. Unless a last minute love interest enters the scene, like Itaewon Class, which is basically a hail mary happy ending for HJP.

Uhh. I'm pointing out his relationship with grandma.. didn't meant or mentioned a nds bromance..

Well, let's see how the writers will end this all. But NDS, HJP, and SDM being one big happy family, seems implausible to me.


The devil is in the details. Both male leads are given fast pitches, while NDS has been swinging at every ball, HJP has been pulling off walks. And in the end, his composure and consistency has won over more fans, than NDS constant swinging, regardless of how many home runs NDS hits.

the point is?

all im saying is, some of the accusations thrown at nds, can also be said to hjp. Or in others words, they're both the same except for the status, height, age, family connections. 


the point is?

all im saying is, some of the accusations thrown at nds, can also be said to hjp. Or in others words, they're both the same except for the status, height, age, family connections. 

If things were truly exactly the same as you are saying, there wouldn't be such a discrepancy on how which side fans are choosing.

There is obviously differences in the way HJP and NDS are handling situations, and those differences, subtle or not, are big enough for more people to side with HJP. Most HJP fans can relate with HJP, and find it hard to relate with the things that NDS has done, well intentioned or not. Doesn't mean I don't understand why NDS does what he does, it's just that I don't agree.

Unless you think people are only HJP fans because he is an Orphan?


If things were truly exactly the same as you are saying, there wouldn't be such a discrepancy on how which side fans are choosing.

There is obviously differences in the way HJP and NDS are handling situations, and those differences, subtle or not, are big enough for more people to side with HJP. Most HJP fans can relate with HJP, and find it hard to relate with the things that NDS has done, well intentioned or not. Doesn't mean I don't understand why NDS does what he does, it's just that I don't agree.

Unless you think people are only HJP fans because he is an Orphan?

I think I've already mentioned that it's how it was presented to the viewers that makes them different. I never questioned why most of the viewers are HJP leaning. what bugs me is the somewhat hyprocritical accusations. Maybe im the only one who just see both as the same and in the end, just concluded that nds is a better match.

Uhh.. and for the record, i did not mention HJP fans love him just because he's an orphan (altho i've read some that they always use this orphan card to make him more the underdog).

Maybe that becomes the fault of the writer then. To create such a strong characterization for HJP, that his flaws, paralleling to NDS, are more easily ignored. And giving NDS such a niche characterization, where his faults are magnified instead.

Yes, that's why Is said, "Unless". I wasn't sure on your views on this.

wait hold up. People saying NDS portrays blind love and toxic clinginess towards DalMi but HJP too is not that far-off though... Rmbr that scene where he said he would trade everything with DoSan to get Dal Mi's attention? Like including his career and his passion??? Yo, that conversation was PROBLEMATIC!! how can SDM (his mentee, and someone he barely knew) be more important than his own LIFE???

Note that that time SDM and NDS were already dating, and for HJP to bare his feelings towards SDM to NDS is actually quite... inappropriate...

wellpppp not trying to start a war... don't @ me lol. I know the same can be said for NDS too. Just trying to bring a different perspective to the table ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 

HJP actually gives SDM a lot of space both physically and emotionally. In terms of blind love, I think both men are blind, as I don't see the appeal of SDM. I see the appeal of both NDS and HJP though.

Yeah that bedroom scene between NDS and HJP was wrong on both their parts. I'm not saying HJP doesn't have flaws, because he does, but they are easier to ignore.

It's been implied in the show that regardless of his money, health, and etc... he is not happy.

When HJP tells grandma how happy he is, she simply replies. Your unmarried in your 30's your not happy. This hits home.

Yeah ofc, both men have their flaws. But as I have told the other posters, because of the characterization of the writer of both Male Leads, the flaws of HJP become far easier to justify and ignore than NDS. And by the time the writer addresses fixing NDS characterization, it had become too late, there were too many people on HJP's side, and would thus root for him until the end of the series.

In the end, the character messed up her character arcs.