Chapter 2

HJP and NDS are orphans at Yong Sils, an orphanage being run by two former orphans themselves. There is a sweet story being told around the orphanage about how one of the founders finally met his first love after fifteen years. The details of the story changes with each excited whisper among the orphans, but the ending is always the same; the owner through his selflessness, wins the heart of his first love.

The lobby is NDS favourite spot in the orphanage as the owner has left copies of the letters he wrote his first love encased in a glass case for all the orphans to read. The lobby is usually filled with the girls of the orphanage, whose heart flutters, when they see the purity of the love between the owner and his wife.

With wide eyes, and bright smile, NDS is seen reading the letters. NDS, has a wistful look about him, as he hopes to one day have a love story as epic as the owners.

HJP approaches him.

 ”I told you it's not good to fill your head with hopes and dreams, reading those letters will not help you get adopted any sooner or help you fall in love, it’s not real, it’s just a fantasy. The only thing you can count on in this world is me. Never forget that. I have been here for almost 18 years, and no one has adopted me, in one months’ time I will be 18 years old, and the orphanage will kick me out, to make way for younger orphans” HJP says testily.

NDS looks at HJP sadly.”Hyung, what will I do if you are not here, can I go with you?”

HJP says “you still have your whole life ahead of you, don’t follow my path. I deserve all this bad karma coming to me, now let us go, I heard from Mr. Yong Sil that you have some possible adoptive parents coming from the US to see you”

 As NDS and HJP walk away, we see a flashback scene.

When HJP was younger, the lobby was his sanctuary, like NDS, he loved feeding his mind with morsels of hopes and dreams.. As the year passed, and he remained un-adopted, he went less and less to the lobby, until one year, he just stopped going. His heart grew steely, as he no longer gained sustenance from the letters