Did you see the livestream with Yu Deshui?  I'm going to watch it, hopefully soon, even if I can't understand what they are saying.

The livestream was held on China's iQiYi, but not on my localised iQiYi. Without a China iQiYi VIP account, I could only watch the first 6 mins. This is the first livestream Envoy Kang's actor 张垒 Zhang Lei had participated in, so he deferred a fair bit to Wei Zixin who plays Yu Deshui. They were doing a live reaction to Ep11, the highlight of which would have been the Yanle-Yong negotiations, which unfortunately, I could not watch... argh! Hopefulyl you're able to watch more.

However, some fun facts. 

Zhang Lei is often called 康师傅 Master Kang, and he revealed that the name actually originated from TJC who called him by that name while they were filming, and the nickname stuck since then. 

When viewers praised Zhang Lei for wearing the Sifang Pavilion t-shirt, Wei Zixin said that in this regard, he is not as good as Master Kang. Zhang Lei said, "Us Yanle people are very well prepared." to which Wei Zixin then responded that Yanle people are scheming!

They talked about the famous roast chicken that Yu Deshui brought to the prison to tempt Yuan Mo. Not only did it have special lighting, but the chicken itself was coated with oil. It was smoked chicken which was extremely tasty - not bought in Hengdian where they filmed, but all the way from Dongyang. Just the filming of the chicken took an hour. Zhang Lei noted that Yuan Mo only got to eat a little, so what happened to the rest, to which Wei Zixin said that they all finished eating it in the end lol.

A lot of comments were asking whether Master Kang was a good or bad person, which he very adroitly responded that he cannot really be determined to be good or bad, and while he seemed to have come to Changle because of Long Beina's death, but behind it, he has his own motives. So he encouraged the viewers to keep on watching.

Well, we have the actor for one Li Rong in the show, so sure, bring in the older guy!  Shao Hao shows up in so many shows.  He actually plays Tan Jian Ci's Daddy Emperor in Twisted Fate of Love!

And Grandpa played Bai Xiaoyu's father in I Miss You. What a tangled web of relationships LOL. Incidentally, Grandpa was also the Flame Emperor in Once Promised - so in this universe, he played the two most wily opponents in the Great Wilderness - Yellow Emperor and Flame Emperor!

There might be a hurdle or two for A Shu and Yuan Mo to overcome in the 10+ episodes we have left. (sob).  But it won't be a 'do they love me or not' hurdle, thank goodness.

Yup. Yuan Mo is already planning ahead for their grandchildren! Xiang Liu, you should have taken a leaf out of Yuan Mo's book instead of leaving a long trail of broken hearts in your wake. Ahh!

I think the diplomatic aspect makes for some crazy situations.  But I also think the comedy aspect contributes more.  Someone said it reminded them of an 80s drama production wise, but I think the production is fine, and better than I expected for the budget.  But there is a simple, pulpy adventure vibe of some 80s movies that this drama has.  Fortunately, I enjoy those movies.

From my understanding, the drama has a very healthy budget. It didn't? Normally I do not gravitate towards comedy, particularly slapstick (which makes me worry about Filter), but while I started watching for TJC, in the end, it is the story and ensemble performances that keeps me really invested. And I love how I don't see Xiang Liu or Fangfeng Bei in Yuan Mo at all, so I am loving his antics for himself. From what I gather, there is great camaraderie on set be it among the cast and also with the director, which is great to see. 

Thank liddi for a summary of the livestream!. I also do not have vip on the china iqiyi app and have not gone to search for it.

By the way, Kang ShiFu is a very famous brand of instant noodles. Hahaha

Thank liddi for a summary of the livestream!. I also do not have vip on the china iqiyi app and have not gone to search for it.

You're welcome! I wish I could have watched the whole thing.

By the way, Kang ShiFu is a very famous brand of instant noodles. Hahaha

Ahhh thank you for that tidbit! The 康师傅 Kang shī fù (Master Kang) probably came about from a play on his title 康副使 Kang fù shǐ (Deputy Envoy Kang). Now I am tempted to go see if I can get any Master Kang noodles in my local supermarket!


You're welcome! I wish I could have watched the whole thing.

Ahhh thank you for that tidbit! The 康师傅 Kang shī fù (Master Kang) probably came about from a play on his title 康副使 Kang fù shǐ (Deputy Envoy Kang). Now I am tempted to go see if I can get any Master Kang noodles in my local supermarket!

Indirect endorsement.  Hahaha

Let us know if u do find it!

The drama just keeps getting better and better... and keeping me guessing, which is really welcome. Ep27 is not good for my heart but I am so relieved that Envoy Kang is still alive, though clearly under the scrutiny of the White-robed Stranger. Right now, I am unsure what he is up to with the latest open declaration of Ah Shilan as the Yanle princess. Either way, I can't wait to find out. The trickle of just an episode a day is killing me, and I can't wait for Thu-Sat with the drop of 2 episodes each day.

Yes, I thought for sure that Envoy Kang was going to die.  And I'm not entirely certain that the Man in White isn't on to him and just playing him.  And yes, WTH with A Shilan!?  So, yes, plenty of guessing on my part also.  lol

We were spoiled by the episode frequency.  lol  Though, I'm cool with one a day.  It makes it last longer.

While intelligent, Yuan Mo is hilariously incompetent - can't imagine how he would transform into the badass character we see in the trailers.

Yuan Mo is just funny to watch flounder around.  lol   I think he is a little ... over confident and inexperienced.  Like that confrontation with Envoy Kang outside of the Yanle embassy with all those fake princesses.  He thought he was so clever, and it would have worked at Si Fang Guan, but he didn't realize Kang would be so ruthless as to just kill them.  But the story is about Yuan Mo growing up, so I'm good with seeing become more experienced and less cocky ... and less of a slacker. ;p

The smell of vinegar is everywhere with Wang Kunwu and Huo Zi'an over Yuchi Hua which brings about its own set of hilarity, which is great to see.

Wang Kunwu should know Yuchi Hua doesn't love that guy.  If she had the least romantic affection for him, Duke Er would have had them wed instantly.  How could he resist a weapons maker as a son-in-law?  lol!

Still, scenes with the White-robed Stranger feels a little strange - running around in broad daylight fully masked and all. While he is in a covered carriage, still it does feel a little incongruous. His real identity is not really a surprise to me, so what I want to know is what kind of real threat does he pose, and how he came by the identity (which I still stand by the fact that it is a position, rather than the same person).

I agree, it's a position.  He's not the same person who killed Yuan Mo's dad.  I've an idea who he is, but it's just a guess, so I'll keep it to myself and not be spoiled.

Chang'le seems to be the sort of international, cosmopolitan place where there's all manner of dress.  A masked guy might be memorable, but not completely out of place in such a busy crossroads of countries.  Not to mention, there are probably places, much like the Lirong casino in LYF, where nobles prefer to go masked to protect their identities.

The real threat of the faceless is not knowing WHO they could be.  It makes one a little paranoid, but rightly so.

The livestream was held on China's iQiYi, but not on my localised iQiYi. Without a China iQiYi VIP account, I could only watch the first 6 mins. This is the first livestream Envoy Kang's actor 张垒 Zhang Lei had participated in, so he deferred a fair bit to Wei Zixin who plays Yu Deshui. They were doing a live reaction to Ep11, the highlight of which would have been the Yanle-Yong negotiations, which unfortunately, I could not watch... argh! Hopefulyl you're able to watch more.

Wow!  His first one?  He's been in so many things.  But then again, usually as a supporting or guest character.

Arrrgh!  I just checked, and I can only watch the first six minutes too!  So. Annoying.  Especially since I do have a VIP subscription,  just not in China.  Suxage!  At least the first two livestreams don't appear to be behind a VIP paywall.  The one with Tan Jian Ci and Wang Kunuw and Yuchi Hua.  Plus the one with Yu Deshi and the two East Court actors.   Hmmm.  Need to check, but I doubt anyone uploaded the Yu Deshi / Kang livestream, like they do with Tan Jian Ci's.  I would have loved to seen their commentary on that episode.  sigh.

"Us Yanle people are very well prepared." to which Wei Zixin then responded that Yanle people are scheming!

LOL!  I knew they would be great together.  sigh.  I totally want a Si Fang Guan t-shirt.  Thank you for sharing these tidbits.

They talked about the famous roast chicken that Yu Deshui brought to the prison to tempt Yuan Mo. Not only did it have special lighting, but the chicken itself was coated with oil. It was smoked chicken which was extremely tasty - not bought in Hengdian where they filmed, but all the way from Dongyang. Just the filming of the chicken took an hour. Zhang Lei noted that Yuan Mo only got to eat a little, so what happened to the rest, to which Wei Zixin said that they all finished eating it in the end lol.

The Magical Chicken!  lol  I suspected it was given special treatment.  I love that scene so much.  Oh yeah.  That cast wasn't going to let that chicken go to waste.

Someone needs to open a good restaurant at Hengdian.  They could make a million off the crews and cast, as well as the tourists.

A lot of comments were asking whether Master Kang was a good or bad person, which he very adroitly responded that he cannot really be determined to be good or bad, and while he seemed to have come to Changle because of Long Beina's death, but behind it, he has his own motives. So he encouraged the viewers to keep on watching.

Very diplomatic of Master Kang. ;p

Yup. Yuan Mo is already planning ahead for their grandchildren! Xiang Liu, you should have taken a leaf out of Yuan Mo's book instead of leaving a long trail of broken hearts in your wake. Ahh!

That was great!  He's picked out the schools for the grandkids, even!  Yes.  XL was thinking about it, as he watched Sang' Tier's kids grow up, and even bought a house for them ... but it all went down in flames when WXL became XY.  Poor guy.  Learn from Yuan Mo.  SPEAK UP!  smh

And Grandpa played Bai Xiaoyu's father in I Miss You. What a tangled web of relationships LOL. Incidentally, Grandpa was also the Flame Emperor in Once Promised - so in this universe, he played the two most wily opponents in the Great Wilderness - Yellow Emperor and Flame Emperor!

Another character that gets around!  That's funny.  It's like he's playing chess against himself.

From my understanding, the drama has a very healthy budget. It didn't? Normally I do not gravitate towards comedy, particularly slapstick (which makes me worry about Filter), but while I started watching for TJC, in the end, it is the story and ensemble performances that keeps me really invested. And I love how I don't see Xiang Liu or Fangfeng Bei in Yuan Mo at all, so I am loving his antics for himself. From what I gather, there is great camaraderie on set be it among the cast and also with the director, which is great to see.

My understanding was the drama had an A budget, so pretty good, but not a S or S+ budget.  I think it's more the cinematographer / lighting or director's choice of camera shots that make it less luxurious and much more clean than I would expect that setting to be.  But then again, the comedy may not have worked well in a more 'realistic' take.

I agree.  Yuan Mo and A Shu are defintely the leads, but it is almost an ensemble, as the rest of the cast is solid and many of them are well developed or have their own story lines.  Yes, all the BtS everyone is laughing and apparently having a good time.


Thank liddi for a summary of the livestream!. I also do not have vip on the china iqiyi app and have not gone to search for it.

By the way, Kang ShiFu is a very famous brand of instant noodles. Hahaha

LOL!  It sounds like Tan Jian Ci might have been making a little joke.  You should add this to your topic on inside jokes.

Ahhh thank you for that tidbit! The 康师傅 Kang shī fù (Master Kang) probably came about from a play on his title 康副使 Kang fù shǐ (Deputy Envoy Kang). Now I am tempted to go see if I can get any Master Kang noodles in my local supermarket!

This is just the sort of wordplay that I think Tan Jian Ci loves ... and doubling down with the instant noodle reference!


LOL!  It sounds like Tan Jian Ci might have been making a little joke.  You should add this to your topic on inside jokes.

This is just the sort of wordplay that I think Tan Jian Ci loves ... and doubling down with the instant noodle reference!

Haha sure!

 Another tidbit: LYF colleagues YangZi and Zhang Wanyi both have KangShiFu endorsements.  YZ for the tomato flavour and ZWY for Beef. 

Zhou Yiran and Chen Xiaoyun truly shone in Ep27 as the drama now takes a serious turn. The brutality of the village massacre, A Shilan's reason for her hatred and her subsequent fate, and A Shu's guilt brought me to tears for the first time in this drama. Now, we see A Shu's character growth as she finally makes the decision to stop running and reclaim her identity, a fate Envoy Kang has been trying to protect her from over the years. Well done.

Ep28-29 preview reveals that Yuan Mo's worst nightmare should be back soon, in the form of Prince Duomi, the one person he clearly wants to see the last of LOL.

But the story is about Yuan Mo growing up, so I'm good with seeing become more experienced and less cocky ... and less of a slacker. ;p

Yes. I love that we are already seeing character growth in A Shu's case, and it shouldn't be long before Yuan Mo follows suit. I think the turning point would be when he sees his father's blood-splattered uniform - a scene we have been shown in the trailer.

Wang Kunwu should know Yuchi Hua doesn't love that guy.  If she had the least romantic affection for him, Duke Er would have had them wed instantly.  How could he resist a weapons maker as a son-in-law?  lol!

Tomorrow's previews also show Yuan Mo giving Wang Kunwu a meaningful nudge as far as Yuchi Hua is concerned. Hopefully the blockhead will finally come to his senses soon. 

The real threat of the faceless is not knowing WHO they could be.  It makes one a little paranoid, but rightly so.

I agree. They could be anyone. I used to suspect Susu as a member of Faceless, but seeing we already know what the White-robed Stranger's female assistant looks like, perhaps she was the one shooting at them during their very first confrontation, and not Susu after all. But still... one never knows with this drama, so perhaps they will pull the rug from under our feet yet.

Arrrgh!  I just checked, and I can only watch the first six minutes too!  So. Annoying.  Especially since I do have a VIP subscription,  just not in China

YES! It's frustrating that my VIP subscription is useless in iQiYi China, because I want to watch the livestreams. Gah.

At least the first two livestreams don't appear to be behind a VIP paywall.  The one with Tan Jian Ci and Wang Kunuw and Yuchi Hua.  Plus the one with Yu Deshi and the two East Court actors.  

Really? The livestream with Yu Deshui, An Xiuyi and Susu, and the one with YJC, Du Chun and Zhou Yiran prompts me for a VIP subscription too. Are you able to watch them in full? Do you know where these are available?

Someone needs to open a good restaurant at Hengdian.  They could make a million off the crews and cast, as well as the tourists.

I think the rest of the cast are envious of those who had close contact with said chicken LOL. But you're right! Any good restaurant would make a killing off the countless cast and crew in the vicinity.

Yes.  XL was thinking about it, as he watched Sang' Tier's kids grow up, and even bought a house for them ... but it all went down in flames when WXL became XY.  Poor guy.  Learn from Yuan Mo.  SPEAK UP!  smh

Sigh. Though now with A Shu reclaiming her princess identity, all the well-laid plans might have gone south. Still, I don't think Yuan Mo would board the noble idiocy train... unlike someone we know. 

Another character that gets around!  That's funny.  It's like he's playing chess against himself.

YES! So ironic! LOL

I agree.  Yuan Mo and A Shu are defintely the leads, but it is almost an ensemble, as the rest of the cast is solid and many of them are well developed or have their own story lines.  Yes, all the BtS everyone is laughing and apparently having a good time.

It does me a lot of good to see how much fun everyone had in the BTS. Even during the livestreams, it is clear that the actors remember their time on set very fondly, which is awesome to see. 

 Another tidbit: LYF colleagues YangZi and Zhang Wanyi both have KangShiFu endorsements.  YZ for the tomato flavour and ZWY for Beef. 

Wow! Have you ever tried them? Wonder if TJC would be asked to endorse a Luosifen flavour if there was one.

I just finished today's episode too. I did not expect ASL to go offline so soon. I thought she might accompany AS back home and stay to help her. 

In the preview, seems like DuoMi is returning to snatch AS and YM is panicking! Im looking forward to seeing XHQ! But maybe not so much his braids.. Hahaha 

Yep liddi i have eaten KSF in the past but not a fan of the brand. Im kinda keen to try the chunky beef one that ZWY endorses.

 TJC also endorsed a luosifen a while back. I tried that too and its not bad. But my family cant stand the smell so i dont eat it anymore. Hahahah


Haha sure!

 Another tidbit: LYF colleagues YangZi and Zhang Wanyi both have KangShiFu endorsements.  YZ for the tomato flavour and ZWY for Beef. 

Oh, I think I've seen ZWY's commercial!  It was like a little story.


Zhou Yiran and Chen Xiaoyun truly shone in Ep27 as the drama now takes a serious turn. The brutality of the village massacre, A Shilan's reason for her hatred and her subsequent fate, and A Shu's guilt brought me to tears for the first time in this drama. Now, we see A Shu's character growth as she finally makes the decision to stop running and reclaim her identity, a fate Envoy Kang has been trying to protect her from over the years. Well done.

Ep28-29 preview reveals that Yuan Mo's worst nightmare should be back soon, in the form of Prince Duomi, the one person he clearly wants to see the last of LOL.

LOL!  I haven't watched the previews, but I remember hearing Tan Jian Ci describing Prince Duomi as Yuan Mo's love rival.  But I thought he had gotten rid of him.  Of course, I think Yuan Mo's bigger problem is his gal has just moved up socially to the point where he may not be suitable anymore.... plus, she will have to live someplace other than Si Fang Guan.   O_O

NGL, I was stunned at the path A Shilan took in prison.  And yes, you could see how torn Envoy Kang was.  Things are getting serious.

The lighthearted, more leisurely pace in Eps28 and the early part of Ep29 is the calm before the storm, slowly building up the suspense as the Lantern Festival approaches. I love how Envoy Kang plays the protective father figure watching Yuan Mo like a hawk, telling him to step up. The scene with the pouring of the tea multiple times until it was pretty much overflowing is hilarious, as is Yuan Mo's relief when Envoy Kang finally drank it LOL.

Wang Kunwu finally confesses his love! Yay! Huo Zi'an's gifts to both Yuchi Hua and Wang Kunwu was truly moving to see, and I love how Wang Kunwu refused the armour because he no longer needed it to give him that extra bit of courage to confess his love. So good to see the two couples in a good place at last, though it is clear that the happy times will be shortlived with tragedy just around the corner. Envoy Kang entrusting the seal to his depository to Si Niang already gave me a premonition of doom and I am now left with such immeasurable dread as the previews for Ep30-31 appears to reveal that:

Envoy Kang dies at the hand of the White-Robed Stranger after all, while Susu dies protecting An Xiuyi, and Ji is now suspected of being in cohorts with the Faceless, enabling them to import belladonna seeds into Great Yong.

The drama appears to be finally taking a serious, tragic turn, and I anticipate more heartbreak, not just from tomorrow's previews, but also the scenes from the ending song. I never thought I would care as much for all the characters as I have done, but here we are. Please continue to be good all the way to the end, even if you have to break our hearts in the process.

In the preview, seems like DuoMi is returning to snatch AS and YM is panicking! Im looking forward to seeing XHQ! But maybe not so much his braids.. Hahaha 

Surprisingly no Duomi in sight tonight, though just his letters (in a green box no less!) has set Yuan Mo into bouts of hysteria. LOL

Yep liddi i have eaten KSF in the past but not a fan of the brand. Im kinda keen to try the chunky beef one that ZWY endorses.

Oh... not that good? Haven't been to the supermarket yet - will see if I manage to find any this weekend.

 TJC also endorsed a luosifen a while back. I tried that too and its not bad. But my family cant stand the smell so i dont eat it anymore. Hahahah

I read that luosifen is like durian - one either loves it or hates it. Would you agree? I love durian, and am curious to try luosifen. There is a luosifen restaurant where I am, but never got around to trying it because none of my family are keen at all! Will see if I do get to try it one day.

NGL, I was stunned at the path A Shilan took in prison.  And yes, you could see how torn Envoy Kang was.  Things are getting serious.

I was already in dread tonight, and if what I fear comes true, I think I'll be in tears (again) tomorrow....