
Oh??? What happened?

I'm only up to ep 18

The bathtub kissing scene.  The bed kissing scene.  And Poppet's Attack!  LOL!


Did the bathtub scene push up the heat index?

I am beginning to suspect the mysterious uncle is Envoy Kang...

Maybe a little, but not even up to the high of 8300.  SMH.  I don't know what's wrong.  His fans are missing out bigtime.

I'm loving the show, and Tan Jian Ci is adorable!  But not super sugary, (or closet serial killer) like Dr. Mo.  Yuan Mo and A Shu are so cute together.  I love how she just introduced him without hesitation as her lover.


Maybe a little, but not even up to the high of 8300.  SMH.  I don't know what's wrong.  His fans are missing out bigtime.

I'm loving the show, and Tan Jian Ci is adorable!  But not super sugary, (or closet serial killer) like Dr. Mo.  Yuan Mo and A Shu are so cute together.  I love how she just introduced him without hesitation as her lover.

I read disparaging posts on Weibo that compared Are You the One to Go East, saying that Go East suffers because of the FL's visuals, which are not suited for period idol dramas. The poster feels that AYtO'S Wang Churan is far prettier and fits the visuals of a period drama FL compared to Zhou Yiran. I personally feel that to be unfair because I think ZYR embodies A Shu's up to no good persona well, and I feel that the romance buildup is less on mere physical attraction and more on companionship, support and a feeling of home, two lonely souls who found each other. Still, am not very pleased with how careless the whole setup of hiding A Shu was done, knowing that the White-Robed Stranger was after her - with her still running around openly and being discovered by so many people so quickly. Feels not very Yuan Mo to be so careless.

Ahhhh! I was right! And now we're left with a cliffhanger and Ep26 preview is not helping. 

Please let Envoy Kang survive....

The drama is getting better and better, the suspense and intrigue intensifying, leaving me at tenterhooks.

Meanwhile, Wang Kunwu you idiot. Stop pulling a Xiang Liu!


Ahhhh! I was right! And now we're left with a cliffhanger and Ep26 preview is not helping. 

Please let Envoy Kang survive....

The drama is getting better and better, the suspense and intrigue intensifying, leaving me at tenterhooks.

Meanwhile, Wang Kunwu you idiot. Stop pulling a Xiang Liu!

I was totally surprised.

I think we need to worry about Ah Shu right now.  lol

IKR?  I was like noooooooooooooo!  She just said she was tired of eating snow lotus soup!

I read disparaging posts on Weibo that compared Are You the One to Go East, saying that Go East suffers because of the FL's visuals, which are not suited for period idol dramas. The poster feels that AYtO'S Wang Churan is far prettier and fits the visuals of a period drama FL compared to Zhou Yiran.

To me, that's not a valid complaint, at all.

First, Are You the One and Go East are two different types of dramas.  I'm enjoying both, but it is an apples to oranges comparison.  In fact, I think there's a faction of its watchers that don't care for the humor (which I love) in Are You the One, and of course, Go East relies heavily on humor.  Go East is a Silk Roads adventure dealing with a variety of other countries, while Are You the One is your typical period drama romance with a backdrop of Chinese political infighting.

Second, Zhou Yi Ran is perfect as A Shu!  The character is not the usual period costume idol FL.  She's a refugee from a desert kingdom -- a cute, scrappy heroine who hasn't had much to do with the upper classes.  Wang Churan is beautiful and aristocratic looking, from a fairly well off family, who dealt with people from all social standing.  They both fit their roles fine, though, if anything, I would say Wang Churan is too elegant for the bandit assassin transport owner.


I personally feel that to be unfair because I think ZYR embodies A Shu's up to no good persona well, and I feel that the romance buildup is less on mere physical attraction and more on companionship, support and a feeling of home, two lonely souls who found each other.

I agree.  For me, it also seems there personalities complement each other.  Yuan Mo needs someone to give him a kick in the pants and take him in hand, and A Shu needed someone who understood and appreciated her independence, while smart enough to keep her on her toes.  And I love how openly they share their affections.  They are such a joyful and fun couple.

Still, am not very pleased with how careless the whole setup of hiding A Shu was done, knowing that the White-Robed Stranger was after her - with her still running around openly and being discovered by so many people so quickly. Feels not very Yuan Mo to be so careless.

I wonder if some of that was editing down the episodes?  I think it originally was supposed to have 40, and I'm wondering if they cut down to 37 for censors (I can't imagine why) or if they edited / filmed less, for pacing?

I think we need to worry about Ah Shu right now.  lol

I'm not worried about A Shu because we still have 12 episodes to go!

Envoy Kang on the other hand.... who knows when he kicks the bucket, if he does. Arghhh..

IKR?  I was like noooooooooooooo!  She just said she was tired of eating snow lotus soup!

Exactly! She says your pigeon soup is delicious! Can Ru Shou give him a decisive knock to the head at the same time that he knocks out all nine heads of another stubborn, thick-headed fellow, and drag both of them to their respective altars? Gosh!

I'm not worried about A Shu because we still have 12 episodes to go!

Envoy Kang on the other hand.... who knows when he kicks the bucket, if he does. Arghhh..

The actor has another livestream ... today, I think.  I hope it isn't like Walking Dead, where everytime an actor was announced for the after show, people got nervous, cause it was often after their character got killed off.  O_O

Good point, on A Shu. :)  Also, there should be NO tragedy for this drama!!!

Exactly! She says your pigeon soup is delicious! Can Ru Shou give him a decisive knock to the head at the same time that he knocks out all nine heads of another stubborn, thick-headed fellow, and drag both of them to their respective altars? Gosh!

LOL!  I'd LOVE to have Ru Shou on this show.  He's be perfect!

In fact, I think there's a faction of its watchers that don't care for the humor (which I love) in Are You the One, and of course, Go East relies heavily on humor.

There are viewers that don't enjoy the humour in AYtO? I thought that is very much a part of the drama itself? From what little I watched, I am actually rooting more for the emperor and his empress, since it's already a given that CXZ and LMT will end up together.


Second, Zhou Yi Ran is perfect as A Shu!  The character is not the usual period costume idol FL.  She's a refugee from a desert kingdom -- a cute, scrappy heroine who hasn't had much to do with the upper classes.  

YES. She ticks all the right boxes for A Shu. Not to mention being smart and sassy, though she (and Yuan Mo) feels dumbed down in recent episodes.

Wang Churan is beautiful and aristocratic looking, from a fairly well off family, who dealt with people from all social standing.  They both fit their roles fine, though, if anything, I would say Wang Churan is too elegant for the bandit assassin transport owner.

LMT gives me the vibe of being unflappable. CXZ is far more insecure compared to her!

And I love how openly they share their affections.  They are such a joyful and fun couple.

YUP. For once, the main leads have very little hurdles to overcome in terms of their romance, whereas the second leads... *shakes head* Did they switch scripts by mistake?

I wonder if some of that was editing down the episodes?  I think it originally was supposed to have 40, and I'm wondering if they cut down to 37 for censors (I can't imagine why) or if they edited / filmed less, for pacing?

I don't know. I love that the tension is escalating, but I feel that there are situations that stretches credulity, while I get frustrated with other situations where the characters' behaviour leave me with disbelief, especially in the face of clear and present danger. Hopefully these issues are ironed out in future episodes. It still remains the drama I look forward to the right now, my happy (and healing) pill. Please stay strong!

The actor has another livestream ... today, I think.  I hope it isn't like Walking Dead, where everytime an actor was announced for the after show, people got nervous, cause it was often after their character got killed off.  O_O

He does? I thought he had a livestream with Yu Deshui on 28 Aug. Does he have another one scheduled? Either way, fingers crossed he survives.

LOL!  I'd LOVE to have Ru Shou on this show.  He's be perfect!

Great idea! Heck, can we have all the LYF CP nemesis along too - Grandpa, Tushan Grand Madam and the Lirong old donkey meat seller, as well as Shao Hao!

He does? I thought he had a livestream with Yu Deshui on 28 Aug. Does he have another one scheduled? Either way, fingers crossed he survives.

Oh, you are right.  I just checked the page with the recorded livestreams and he doesn't have one.  He had a poster, but it must have been for being in the 'barrage,' when the episode aired.  I'm guessing that means he was watching and commenting? when it aired.   That's another activity / promotion that iQiYi is getting the actors to do.

Did you see the livestream with Yu Deshui?  I'm going to watch it, hopefully soon, even if I can't understand what they are saying.

Great idea! Heck, can we have all the LYF CP nemesis along too - Grandpa, Tushan Grand Madam and the Lirong old donkey meat seller, as well as Shao Hao!

Well, we have the actor for one Li Rong in the show, so sure, bring in the older guy!  Shao Hao shows up in so many shows.  He actually plays Tan Jian Ci's Daddy Emperor in Twisted Fate of Love!

There are viewers that don't enjoy the humour in AYtO? I thought that is very much a part of the drama itself? From what little I watched, I am actually rooting more for the emperor and his empress, since it's already a given that CXZ and LMT will end up together.

IKR?  The humor is what hooked me into watching it as it was airing.  I love CXZ's cousin, the doctor.  He and CXZ are so much fun.  This is one of the few Cdramas I've watched where I'm totally invested in all the couples.  I love them all, including the emperor and empress ... every since she ordered the pork knuckles.  lol

LMT gives me the vibe of being unflappable. CXZ is far more insecure compared to her!

Yes!  Though CXZ is pretty unflappable when dealing with most others and while fighting.  But with  LMT he's pretty emotional and insecure.

YUP. For once, the main leads have very little hurdles to overcome in terms of their romance, whereas the second leads... *shakes head* Did they switch scripts by mistake?

There might be a hurdle or two for A Shu and Yuan Mo to overcome in the 10+ episodes we have left. (sob).  But it won't be a 'do they love me or not' hurdle, thank goodness.  But yes, what the heck, Yu Chi Hua and Wang Ku?

I don't know. I love that the tension is escalating, but I feel that there are situations that stretches credulity, while I get frustrated with other situations where the characters' behaviour leave me with disbelief, especially in the face of clear and present danger. Hopefully these issues are ironed out in future episodes. It still remains the drama I look forward to the right now, my happy (and healing) pill. Please stay strong!

 I think I would love the show for the humor regardless, but after LYF S2, it definitely has been a healing and welcome relief.  I felt the same about AYtO to also, but for CX, of course. 

I think the diplomatic aspect makes for some crazy situations.  But I also think the comedy aspect contributes more.  Someone said it reminded them of an 80s drama production wise, but I think the production is fine, and better than I expected for the budget.  But there is a simple, pulpy adventure vibe of some 80s movies that this drama has.  Fortunately, I enjoy those movies.

LOL, I still have Xiangliu in my heart.  Finding it hard to transition to Yuan Mo - that's why I'm surprised he got his girl here and doesn't know any martial arts.  Such a good performance by TJC acting the exact opposite here!  Some prefer the strong silent type and some the chatty funny types and we're treated to both.

The drama just keeps getting better and better... and keeping me guessing, which is really welcome. Ep27 is not good for my heart but I am so relieved that Envoy Kang is still alive, though clearly under the scrutiny of the White-robed Stranger. Right now, I am unsure what he is up to with the latest open declaration of Ah Shilan as the Yanle princess. Either way, I can't wait to find out. The trickle of just an episode a day is killing me, and I can't wait for Thu-Sat with the drop of 2 episodes each day.

While intelligent, Yuan Mo is hilariously incompetent - can't imagine how he would transform into the badass character we see in the trailers. The smell of vinegar is everywhere with Wang Kunwu and Huo Zi'an over Yuchi Hua which brings about its own set of hilarity, which is great to see. Still, scenes with the White-robed Stranger feels a little strange - running around in broad daylight fully masked and all. While he is in a covered carriage, still it does feel a little incongruous. His real identity is not really a surprise to me, so what I want to know is what kind of real threat does he pose, and how he came by the identity (which I still stand by the fact that it is a position, rather than the same person). 


LOL, I still have Xiangliu in my heart.  Finding it hard to transition to Yuan Mo - that's why I'm surprised he got his girl here and doesn't know any martial arts.  Such a good performance by TJC acting the exact opposite here!  Some prefer the strong silent type and some the chatty funny types and we're treated to both.

Xiang Liu will always be there.  Even with Go East, there are certain places where I'm reminded of him or Fang Feng Bei.  There's some cute mash up videos out there also.  I need to find the links.

But seeing Yuan Mo's relatively trouble free romance of A Shu is exactly what the doctor prescribed.