Awww.. no DuoMi! I haven't watched tonights episodes.

Hahaha actually i dunno what it's like to dislike durian or luosifen. Cos these smells have been around since i was young so i dont feel anything about them. But i cant stand smelly tofu or blue cheese. So i guess it should be the same.  If u take ramen with bamboo shoots, luosifen smells very strongly of the preserved bamboo shoots.

U should just walk into the luosifen restaurant and try it alone. Lol..

Hahaha actually i dunno what it's like to dislike durian or luosifen. Cos these smells have been around since i was young so i dont feel anything about them. But i cant stand smelly tofu or blue cheese. So i guess it should be the same.  If u take ramen with bamboo shoots, luosifen smells very strongly of the preserved bamboo shoots.

Hm. I tried smelly tofu years ago and didn't mind it at all. Preserved bamboo shoots? Don't really remember whether I have had those. I do enjoy fresh bamboo shoots - they go well with curry, or just simple stir fried.

U should just walk into the luosifen restaurant and try it alone. Lol..

I might... we'll see!

Hahaha actually i dunno what it's like to dislike durian or luosifen.

Omg hahahahaha I almost died when I tried to eat it. Seriously, how can Tan say that luosifen is his favorite food? It smells like a subway station toilet lololololol

Cos these smells have been around since i was young so i dont feel anything about them.

Wow, that would be the kind of preparation I'd need aaaaahahah


Hm. I tried smelly tofu years ago and didn't mind it at all. Preserved bamboo shoots? Don't really remember whether I have had those. I do enjoy fresh bamboo shoots - they go well with curry, or just simple stir fried.

I might... we'll see!

Ooo i like fresh bamboo shoots too!   Hmmm.. if u can take smelly tofu, i guess u can handle luosifen! 


Omg hahahahaha I almost died when I tried to eat it. Seriously, how can Tan say that luosifen is his favorite food? It smells like a subway station toilet lololololol

Wow, that would be the kind of preparation I'd need aaaaahahah

Hahahah  just wondering, would u eat if he fed it to u?  

So what happened to the bowl of luosifen? U ran out of the restaurant?

The flood of tears as death after death unfolded, the outpouring of grief of those around them, and the reveal of their backstory. Eps30-31 shatters my heart over and over, already knowing it would happen, and yet could no more stop myself from wishing time would slow down, and that those who love them, and by extension myself as a viewer, would have them with us for that much longer. The sight of fireworks had me in tears - the festivities a stark contrast to the loss that I feel; and the narration of each entry in Susu's diary breaks my heart all over again, It is a testament to the actors' on-point delivery that without even realising it, they have carved a place in my heart, and it hurts so much to lose them. 

My suspicions were right with regards to the White-robed Stranger, though I don't think it was really ever any real surprise there. We now know about his relationship with his mother, and are given an inkling as to his actual plans, which has to do with Yanle itself. I suspect that he is actually another long-lost descendant of the Yanle royal family, and the meticulous plot over the years is to enable him to take the throne in the end. Still, just my conjecture for now... we shall see if I am barking up the wrong tree.

Love how deftly Advisor Ma is dealt with - especially by Yu Deshui, and later by A Shu. He is simply a small pawn in a massive chess game, and I don't think he is of any real threat, at least none that cannot be dealt with. The real threat would be as and when A Shu returns to Yanle. From the previews, 

she has determined she would stop running and go back. A Shu has slowly come into her own, and is living up to her identity, her position - be it out of guilt, or to honour those who died protecting her. At this point in time, Yuan Mo is still not seeing any real character growth -even his decision to properly compete for the position of Sifang Envoy is very much rooted in his desire to be able to accompany A Shu back to Yanle, which is a disappointing development. From the previews, he came in 2nd place after An Xiuyi, so there goes his plans. I only hope that we will see him choose to rise up to be the man he can be, not because he cannot be parted from A Shu, but because he finally embraced a vision beyond his personal hopes and dreams, and cared for the greater good of the people.

6 more episodes left. I'm not ready for it to end.

The flood of tears as death after death unfolded, the outpouring of grief of those around them, and the reveal of their backstory. Eps30-31 shatters my heart over and over, already knowing it would happen, and yet could no more stop myself from wishing time would slow down, and that those who love them, and by extension myself as a viewer, would have them with us for that much longer.

Liddi, you're scaring me a bit, that's incredibly dramatic of you  hahahaha

Hahahah just wondering, would u eat if he fed it to u?

Low blow. Maybe. Yes.

So what happened to the bowl of luosifen? U ran out of the restaurant?

Nope, I gave it to my friend and went to find something else for lunch :D


Liddi, you're scaring me a bit, that's incredibly dramatic of you  hahahaha

Definitely didn't expect to cry this much over what is widely advertised as a light-hearted comedy! Which makes me concerned that there is more heartbreak down the road as the stakes get even higher and more are sacrificed.

Ooo i like fresh bamboo shoots too!   Hmmm.. if u can take smelly tofu, i guess u can handle luosifen! 

Okay. Will find an opportunity to try it one day.

I'm only on episode 22. Too many deadlines + I don't like watching on my laptop. Urg!!

I've read cmts that it's not doing well and it's not a "hit". Frankly, this series wasn't going to be some kind of blockbuster. It doesn't have any of the elements that typically makes for a "hot" series so I don't know what some people were expecting. Of course there are always inter-fandom shenanigans that motivate some of these cmts.

Daily dose of extremely talented TJC ❤️ his voice....oooof

I just started watching today

And I must say it's wayyyyyy out there, not particularly something I'll normally watch

but it's quite entertaining, the characters are so exaggerated lol

The ending song is beautiful 

I love that the characters are "common" people and not the regular high class and imperial stuff

It's fun to watch n very down to earth 

One episode left.  :(

I love Yuan Mo and certainly appreciate him helping to alleviate my heartache over XL.  What a talented actor Tan Jian Ci is.