So basically it would be better if the watchlist was organized in the time you added the drama to either your plan to watch, currently watching, dropped or on-hold instead of alphabetical order. This would be easier than having them organized in alphabetical order as you could find the drama easier.  For example say you have a crowded currently watching because you don't keep up with editing your watchlist and someone wants to see/check on your currently watching, it would be easier as it would show the one you added last. Also say you are looking through your plan to watch and you remember adding a drama but you just can't remember the name, but you recently added it. Wouldn't it be easier if you could just tap a button and it sorts all the dramas from latest to earliest/earliest to latest.

Example of how the sort button could look: 

and when u press on it: 

P.S. I don't know if they have this on the mobile app


This is an option, I’m looking for. For example, it would be nice to be able to see in order the dramas I’ve watched. May need another date field for actual date completed. 🤔 

I think this goes into the broader category of we need more columns and more customization of our watchlist.  There have been a lot of similar suggestions over the years to have more options in watchlists. 

Here are a few, but there are many more:

In fact, it would be nice if all these were somehow able to be consolidated into one large thread and their points combined to bump it higher in the priority list.