Back in 2016, when briefly joining in the sharing of baby-years/childhood pics here on MDL, before deleting the couple of posts I shared, I saved the url of one of the pictures uploaded, before deleting it, out of curiosity as to how long until the photos would be wiped from MDL's server.

However, unfortunately, what we think are deleted posts, turned out that the photos never got removed. And although many pics hosted on MDL on profiles and in articles, automatically got deleted with the 2017 MDL update, leaving blank boxes where pictures used to be; unfortunately the pictures I manually deleted back in 2016, still remained, and just discovered the one I saved the url of is still there.

I don't want to share the link publicly, so please can one of the admins contact me via p.m. to arrange to get that personal/private couple of photos removed (unfortunately I didn't save the url link to the other pics shared, but at least if we get this removed).

Just tested an old 2015 profile html save, which included 14 pictures/screenshots from dramas and of bands/actors, which I uploaded and saved on MDL at the time, which should have been removed when I changed my profile later, but they're still there also.

It would clear up a lot of bandwidth/server space, if deleted pictures not currently linked to any post, would be deleted from the server, as well as it being a privacy issue when what we think are deleted, in fact aren't and are still there.