Hello, mydramalist is not working on my Chrome. Working on IE though.

Anyone else with the problem?

Seems fine here. PC/phone both versions working

I checked the PC now. Working fine. I guess it's just my tablet...

That's odd; we're receiving reports of this issue. Did you encounter a 502 error?

I get this message:

Web server is returning an unknown error Error code 520


I get this message:

Web server is returning an unknown error Error code 520

Yup, we mostly receive a 520 from the EU for some reason. Could you please try it again? We've made some changes.


Yup, we mostly receive a 520 from the EU for some reason. Could you please try it again? We've made some changes.

Not working

Had the same issue and after deleting the cookies specifically for this site, it's now working


Had the same issue and after deleting the cookies specifically for this site, it's now working

Will try this out!


Will try this out!

Problem solved! Tnx