Exactly as the title - I don't get notifications for messages, not all, but majority. 

I have a similar problem. I do get majority of notifications, but not all. Many times I visit an old post and notice that I have messages I never got a notification for.


I have a similar problem. I do get majority of notifications, but not all. Many times I visit an old post and notice that I have messages I never got a notification for.

I have a similar issue to yours.

Not getting all notifications for messages or comment replies.  Having problems when I try to make comments or even make a post with error messages popping up.  Sometimes the messages eventually show up, sometimes they don't.  Also not getting a lot of forum notifications.  Been going on for a longer time than usual.  At least a couple of months this time.

Edit:  “Not found” is hitting hard in both messages and comments this morning. 

Facing the similar issue as @TheButterfly.

For me the most often is the game in the forum. At one time it's just completely stop give me notification

I don't know why failed comments/posts/messages gets posted. If there's an error everything should fail instead of just notification.

That makes more sense

Not getting notifications for comment replies and messages. And the 'not found' and 'something is wrong 'error while making a post(comment/feed post) still persists.

Admins, please look into this issue!

I don't have any messages; I went there after seeing this post. Lol.

Aoi Community Manager

Exactly as the title - I don't get notifications for messages, not all, but majority. 

It seems to be working from my end.

Same problem sometimes : when I go back, I see old messages that I did  not get notifications for.

Aoi Community Manager

Same problem sometimes : when I go back, I see old messages that I did  not get notifications for. 

What is old messages? Are we talking about DM, forums, comments? For forum you will need to subscribe to them.

Once I received a DM 72h late. And I was talking about comments.

To clarify where I’ve had issues:

There are many messages (DM) that I never received notifications for.  This was rampant for a while, happening routinely.  

I am subscribed to two forums and for a long time (months) was not receiving all notifications. I have a friend who had the same problem for a forum she started.  I would sometimes receive notifications when she wouldn’t .

I have run across responses to my comments on the feeds that I never received notifications for. 

And lately whenever making a post in feeds, submitting a message in DMs, or making a comment on a feeds post I receive error messages. “Not found” being one of them. 

In the past week the lack of DM notifications hasn’t been a problem for me but it was a consistent problem for at least two months.  The people I regularly message with were having the same problem. 

Let me take a look at it, but so far everything seems to be working on my end too. I'll need to investigate the 'Not found' issue further.