After the update, all the images and pictures are broken or not working

same here  when I use google chrome on my computer but on my phone it's just fine

I have the same problem, but only when using google chrome. I checked different bowser and it's fine, though.

Mine aren't loading either. Also on Google Chrome :(

Could you provide the broken links?

I'm not sure which links you need. No Images on the entire site are loading for me, including my profile picture.

it's not about particular links but any MDL page on google chrome

okay selected this one at random. Not sure if it's what you need or not. (forgive me I'm old and not so computer savvy)

The site images are loading fine for me in firefox, so it just seems to be my chrome that doesn't want to play ball :(

Are you able to view this link 

No. I'm getting a chrome error message.

This site can’t provide a secure connection uses an unsupported protocol.


Thanks, that's helpful.

Hessa Volunteer Staff

Could you provide the broken links?

I'm sorry to be a pain Ji-N, I used to get the secure connection message about 6 months or so ago too. But it cleared itself after a time.  Back then it wouldn't load MDL at all :(  It was because I am stuck using a Chrome unsupported op system at the mo (XP pro) . I wonder if it's that causing this issue now?  If so I can always go back to firefox for MDL till it clears itself again :)


Every Image link is broken Hessa.  Asked my daughter and she thinks it's probably because I can't use the latest Chrome browser so the fault is at my end and not with the site itself :(

Thanks for trying to help Ji-N and Hessa.  I'll just use firefox till I can get my pc op system updated :)


No. I'm getting a chrome error message.

This site can’t provide a secure connection uses an unsupported protocol.


Could you check that link again in now or in a few hours.