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Rudeness can't be tolerated when it occurs, of course. But I'm seeing these vast numbers of posts from Mecherie as compulsive behavior and kind of sad. I have no idea what to make of the name changes. (A side effect of the name changes is that her profile page is a non-existent URL.)

Bluebells seems to be the primary attacker, sometimes at random in games she doesn't even participate in. The most annoying is when she rejects the game posts of people she doesn't like and proceeds as though those posts don't exist by quoting the previous posts.


There is a high chance that bluebells and yerin is actually Mecherie ( also known as Momochan and Frieolla ). Bluebells/yerin seems to pop up to spread negative comments randomly or back up mecherie.

I also agree you with you that the user either is sad or pretends to be sad. she messaged me once to stop accusing her of spamming and that she is becoming depressed because of how I post on forums. I automatically felt bad but then she kept on accusing me of falsely accusing her of spamming and copy and pasting and that actually I was the one doing all these things and I was deleting my posts. I felt like she was blaming me for her depression - this made me pissed off. 

i am sure that many people have experienced how forums sometimes trips you up because despite how many times you refresh the page, a persons post on a comment does not pop up until you have posted - which makes it seem like you have skipped someone intentionally. this would happen To me all the time and naturally I would delete my post quickly because I don’t want to come across as rude. This obvioulsy triggered Mecherie and she would always rudely demand of me not to delete my posts  :/

@emaureeng that's only for Myanimelist.net forums, here our profile link stays the same as our original username unless you specifically request to change it in the support forum. The funny thing is that their spamming tactics won't work over there since there is a minimum character limit you have to type and your username disappears from the discussion if you delete your recent post, plus the thread isn't bumped up anymore. 

other useless comments not contributing to actual discussion:

I was suspicious for a long time Bluebells/Yerin were Mecherie's alts since they were always playing those last letter animal/food games (+ Last list updates) at the exact same time almost everyday (and pretty fast too like there's no tomorrow) these players consistently play with each other so fast but make no mistakes skipping each other and constantly posting in the last list updates games right after each other even though they already saw each others' profiles once so why do they need to keep posting in it? It is definitely not a coincidence and most likely planned ahead of time, as they have the tendency of spamming many threads together for attention. https://mydramalist.com/discussions/forum-games/58355-last-letter-animals-game 




Just ask anyone on the forum games, they always like to bump up their own games to the top for everyone to notice them. I highly doubt it is a coincidence that these 3 users always show up at the exact same time like this doing the same thing everywhere and are the first ones to pop up to defend herself while trying to appear as a nice Japanese girl on her main. The 2 last letter games do get repetitive over time as they just keep saying the exact same stuff everyday which forces me to look up new things so I'll  thank them at least for making me look up more types of animals and food, plus there is already an Alphabet food game and Word game where you make a word with the last letter. This here seems like it was done on purpose by posting 5 words just so she can keep posting her favourite word "Kawaii" in one of the games when people normally only post one at a time. 


Bluebells or Yerin usually makes immature comments like this: Mecherie always deletes their posts when you don't agree with her in certain games (I'm the type to.. Like, dislike, ehh or no opinion, Kiss or Dismiss, etc.) making it look like we are talking to ourselves   https://mydramalist.com/discussions/forum-games/51153-guilty-or-innocent-2?pid=2094521&page=57#p2094521 

  likes to copy/paste other people's posts often just to spam faster, playing/bumping up over 6 pages of games almost everyday even the less active ones (as related to DmXas' original spam report in this thread where a lot of FG threads showed up on the side of the forums).

Similarly with the watch challenge, I remember emaureeng was once subscribed to the "10 dramas/movies with" game, wondering why they got false notifications from them. IIRC she also blocked someone else because of this when asked politely to stop that.
 I've been active daily on the forums (particularly the games) for a few years so I always see what is going on, emaureeng being the 2nd active user besides me. Usually when other users are just saying something simple to point out their mistakes they get easily annoyed/offended and block people out of petty reasons, no one is trying to be mean to them but they always act like the victim and think other people are attacking them. This has been going on ever since those secondary accounts were created in 2020-21. I saw multiple chances to report them before but I have put up with them for a long time, hoping they would be a better person however I doubt they will ever change their attitude no matter how many times they get a warning. They always like to change their names/pictures but we can still tell who they are by their odd behavior in the forums. Plus they always point out other people for being "negative" but it always sounds like they are the negative people hanging around here. If our posts are still not convincing enough I don't know what else to say.  

 Vintage Stamp:

I have had many negative experiences with this user and their minion Yerin/Bluebell - spamming, copying and pasting, posting negative comments in my and my friends forums…

They attacked me many times in Messages. I can provide screenshots for evidence


"They attacked me many times in Messages. I can provide screenshots for evidence "


I am curious to see these screenshots. The more proof we can bring out the more we can see this as a serious matter. Frankly I didn't really care about the spamming at first since I don't subscribe to any topics but it's their behavior towards others that is putting people off from posting when the forums here is already not that active anyways. 


I am curious to see these screenshots. The more proof we can bring out the more we can see this as a serious matter. Frankly I didn't really care about the spamming at first since I don't subscribe to any topics but it's their behavior towards others that is putting people off from posting when the forums here is already not that active anyways. 

I would like to show the screenshots (although some I wount be able to put here because they where either deleted by my ( I felt bad that the creator of the forums would have to see our argument) and her side)  - but I don’t know how to post pictures from my gallery here - I only know how to do that from the internet…TT

 Vintage Stamp:

I would like to show the screenshots (although some I wount be able to put here because they where either deleted by my ( I felt bad that the creator of the forums would have to see our argument) and her side)  - but I don’t know how to post pictures from my gallery here - I only know how to do that from the internet…TT

 You can upload photos to some online photo sites for free if you Google search for them, then insert the direct link of those images here to MDL since they don't host pictures here besides from uploading stuff to the feeds. You don't need to feel bad when they are the ones are being rude and don't think they're doing anything wrong. 

I don't know what happens if I delete my messages from/to people, if it only disappears on my side or theirs too. Maybe we can test that with each other in our inbox if you want. 

Whether or not they saw us talking about them already they are still continuing to post in the watch challenge thread. I even caught them showing up as usual to play right on time posting close to each other in seconds. Notice how they don't even care about that Last List Updates game anymore ever since Ji-N locked the old one that she created and I took over the new 5th version under my name, they stopped the constant posting in it/not bumping it up like they used to now that it's not made with their name anymore which proves their narcissistic behavior as Dashing pointed out. They just want to spam their name everywhere regardless of what the topic is about. 

*edited my other post for more screenshots/info*

Exactly my thought. Mecherie aka Floriella and Bluebells are the same person. 

When someone in the Last letter Animal game, posted "Yak Butter", I assumed that this was an error and was supposed to be posted in the last letter food game as both ended with the letter "Y" at that time. So I crossed out butter in a quote and continued with the K of Yak . This somehow triggered Bluebells who wrote me a PM, accusing me of being rude and to ignore the post of others and stated:" Thats why we have skipped you. Yak Butter is a valid animal name google it". Indeed I was skipped by Bluebells and Floriella, who both continued to use Yak Butter as an animal name. Lol

I replied in a PM, that I did not ignore anyone but corrected, which I thought, was an error and asked her for a weblink to a description of this Yak Butter animal, because I am curious and want to learn. Further I asked why Bluebells used "we", plural, in her reply as if she represents a group of persons.

The result was, I was ignored (lol) and blocked by Bluebells.

I took it as a fine example of hypocrisy. Unfortunately I deleted this PM after some time.

EDIT: Just for the fun of it I searched the Last letter animal Game for the old posts and fortunately found them with just 10 clicks. So here the screen shots :

1   2   3  4

@Slim Xtra I don't even know what a yak butter is until now. Maybe they have played these games so much that it got to their head/is confused lmao. And they referring to "we" maybe because "they're" always online together everywhere. If they actually wanted more people to play their games they should be nicer about it instead of doing the opposite. Most of the forum post count of those food/animal games is from themselves spamming everyday since they’re the only ones who’s obsessed with those games.

Earlier this year Yerin also messaged me 8 months ago like with Bluebells (one of my other posts here). Subject: "it's not all about you" message: "why did you quit playing the animal game" then blocked me. I also noticed them switch pictures/names with each other while looking at my inbox and got confused but I didn't take a screenshot for proof (although that screenshot of them posting the exact same 5 words proves my point), this was when their usernames were different - I didn't keep track of all their different usernames that they keep changing into. One of them used to tell Rainbow (another user) many times to stop spamming the Last list updates game, at that time they sounded quite annoyed that's why I still remember it even now. Here's another old message I talked to with someone else referring to Mecherie (Momochan) and B/Y (sweet roll).  and I'd like to also share Dramalover's post/complaint here about Mecherie sending a rude PM https://mydramalist.com/discussions/forum-games/50059-which-drama-from-the-above-user-s-last-list-updates-would-you-pick-4?pid=2084671&page=1659#p2084671 

So I decided to take screenshots of anything that I could find, set my posts to friends only and I am going to make a post on feeds with all those screenshots - anyone who wants to see just friend request and you’ll find it on my profile when you click on feeds - I tried using imgur who was recommended by moonchild - but am sorry my pea brain is just unable to do that TT - here is the link: https://mydramalist.com/profile/AnythingAsian/feeds

Anymore stuff that I manage to find I will make sure to edit it in to the post - so keep an eye on it!

I don’t know what to make of this so, I’ll just leave it here.


I don’t know what to make of this so, I’ll just leave it here.

My guess would be that this user created multiple accounts, one for Korean, dramas/movies, Thai, Chinese, Japanese etc?