
I have a tiny request about a very minor thing, which I use several times each day, though:)

When in drama's page, after clicking "add to list" or the five stars next to "your rating", the pop out window appears and you can select "currently watching" and then update which episode you are currently on with these arrows. Since the day MDL was experiencing some technical problems, these are no longer clickable. I have to manually replace the number (or the hitting the keyboard arrows works, too).

If anyone has a time to solve this, thanks in advance. 

Have a nice day.

Have you try it on a different browser or incognito to see if it works for you? 

I have the same problem, but I just noticed that it happens only when I'm using Mozilla Firefox, other browsers (I tried Chrome and Opera) are working fine.

Er.. No. As I use google login with MDL, I never use it "incognito".

Nor different browser than Firefox:) 

I need it to work when I am logged in my favorite browser, else I don't care for it:)


Okay, resolved by new version of Firefox.


8392225 closed this Jun 2, 2021 07:39 pm