

xxmai Volunteer Staff

Report in this thread any duplicate pages of titles or people.

When reporting pages, please use this format: [Keep] [Delete]

  • Please remember, when reporting pages for deletion, whenever possible, report the new page for deletion, and keep the old one. You will notice which page is the older one and which one is the newer one by looking at the number ID in the URL. 
  • From the above example:
    > 30895-abe-masakazu [OLD]
    > 79917-abe-masakazu [NEW]

  • In case the newer page is more popular (i.e. more watchers, comments, reviews, cast, crew, etc.), you can report the old one for deletion.

Before reporting the page for deletion, transfer all the data (i.e. cast, names, crew, network, etc.) to the old page and empty (remove all cast, crew, relationsgenres, and tags) the other page. 

  • All reported duplicate pages will be listed in the posts below, until the admin deletes them. After the admin deletes them, the list and all posts will be deleted, so as to keep the thread clean and uncluttered.
  • Please do not make duplicate posts (making a new post for every new report). Just edit your primary post if you found more pages to report.
  • The staff reserves the right to delete your post if you're reporting the same title/person that has already been reported beforehand.
xxmai Volunteer Staff
Rules on sending edits and submissions for transfer/removal of data:

  • Always mention in the Notes box at the bottom of your submission what you’re doing.
    i.e. I’m transferring the cast roles from this duplicate page [Link]
    i.e. I’m deleting the cast roles, because this is a duplicate page. Here is the correct page [Link]
  • Always include the link to the duplicate page in the Notes box.
  • You do not need to list other sources when transferring/deleting info from a duplicate page, unless you’re adding something completely new that isn’t already present on the duplicated page.
xxmai Volunteer Staff



Please compare those two titles, and if needed, correct it accordingly 

but it seems it's 小厨娘的少主夫君  . Also  eps are more shorter if you compare them. ,on youku, but for sure it's the same material. So dunno what to do with those two.  Different name, lenght of episodes, for sure the same material. So don't know if it's like alternate versions and it can stay, or what happend here 





When I added "Yi Biao Ren Cai" they was 2 different movies in the list of the screenwriter "Zhang Ji", but now Douban has merged them into 1 single title. Which one to Keep? Do aas you wish :)

Found a duplicated idol profile



Same person, one profile lists his stage name and the other his given name. The delete profile has only 3 credits which have been transferred to the keep profile.

xxmai Volunteer Staff


These are two different titles, produced by different companies. They just share the same native name for now. So both pages will stay.


These are two different titles, produced by different companies. They jut share the same native name for now. So both will stay.

Ok. The photos added in the drama produced by Youku "Ding Feng Bo" are the photos for the drama produced by iQIYI "Calming Waves". 
