I know I have shared this in the comment section but I also want to add it here because it did a pretty good job explaining the heaven burden Bai Jue had to carry and the silent sufferings he endured:  https://weibo.com/ttarticle/p/show?id=2309404659886461157803&luicode=10000011&lfid=2314757441290348

These lines stand out the most:

"In the battle of the gods, Bai Jue was the only one who shed tears on the battlefield" (this was the last battle with Xuan Yi

"Until the gods fell, the starlight was dim, only the brightest star was left shining lonely" (That star is the only living Bai Jue who bears everything)

My favorite line from this artice: 

"As for Bai Jue, if there is no chaos, if there is no Wuhuan's desire to kill Qingmu, why bother to wake up in advance and carry the charge of killing Qingmu.

       How cruel destiny is to him, he loses his brother, his lover, his partner, and finally even his innocent nature.

       Hei Jue after merging with Qing Mu is actually not as tough as Bai Jue. He is like a rope that has been broken to the limit, which may break at any time."

*Update: I realized that the link doesn't work for some people so I copy&paste the entire article into a word docs on google drive. I created two docs, one is the auto-english translated version and the other in chinese

Here are the two docs:
1) English translated version: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ykCkxkvUy-fxz39puqv6zdPuDUqmcpfllVt-vSDCTcU/edit?usp=sharing

2) original version: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1XPxJzFSlNlKWEDSkBH6PiQqZD61zwqL7lIFr5NEIC5o/edit?usp=sharing 

 dark pheonix:

Bai jue is a complex character and is really misunderstood. Both Shang gu and Bai jue suffered a lot but all their fate was cruel. I love the story and characters, its a wonderful story with soo much pain and suffering. I m really happy to be able to watch such a wonderful story after a long while. As for Bai jue he is the most pitiful character, He did all that knowing that he would never end up with his love of his life and he was alone while doing it all. He did what he could but could not control what happened and in the end had to huet houchi/shang gu. For me both houchi and shang gu were the same person just without the memories of the other. Although many said that they were different and houchi had to dissapear for shang gu to come back was a misunderstanding. Just like Bai jue and qing mu both shang gu and houchi were one but i don't know why shang gu did not remember houchi they are definitely the same person.    

Yes, although the misunderstanding part would have been cleared by now if they paid attention to these conversations and details. 

Qing Mu and Hou Chi are just an extension to Bai Jue and Shang Gu respectively, where they are free from their responsibilities and memories of their past. They are both still a part of Bai Jue and Shang Gu. When they became one again, they are ONE, and honestly to me, I also see them as the same person. Bai Jue and Shang Gu are just the COMPLETE version to Qing Mu and Hou Chi, with complete memories. 

Tbvh, the only reason I hate Bai Jue comeback was because he came at such a moment. Like Tianqi said it's a bad timing. It's not like we don't expect him to comeback but our Qingmu-Houchi didn't meet each other for a decade and Qingmu still doesn't know about the news. From what I read, if Bai Jue didn't come at that moment Qingmu will died?  As If I'm not mistaken he only recovered 40% of his power while rushing to coming back. So I understand that he never want to appeared that soon without reason.

He's pitiful character like can you imagine changing your habits? He never like black but to move on and pretend he want a new life he start to wear black, let girls serve him. I know he's not that comfortable while doing that. Though, I think he deserve that stabbed by houchi  because he won't died anyway. He just look at his dying pregnant wife pitifully and only took action after Gu Jun give her the power of chaos back? In conclusion, he's such a complicated character. He's hurting himself, his love one and his son but I'm never going to judge his plan. that man already suffered so much for that.

@Baberog, I can't quote your post, so I will reply to you here. Instead of blaming Bai Jue for coming back early, you should blame Wu Huan, because Wu Huan was planning to kill Qing Mu, and she have every intention to, even at that time, if Bai Jue didn't rushed back, Qing Mu would have been dead. It was thanks to Bai Jue that Qing Mu was saved, although in the end, it was inevitable for him that he have to become one with Bai Jue, because it needed to happen at that moment. Bai Jue wouldn't have come back that soon, like he said, him rushing back have cost him, because he only regained 40% of his powers. 

If you see that Bai Jue deserves that stab, then that's on you, for me, I don't, because instead of stabbing Bai Jue, right there and then, even after Bai Jue was trying to help her regain control, expressing his concern, if anyone was rational in that moment (I know Hou Chi wasn't, since she was hurt...), they would know that Bai Jue was very concerned about her, and wanted to save her, the same way Tian Qi wanted to save Hou Chi in that moment... If I was Hou Chi, I would have stabbed Wu Huan on my end, because she was the one who attacked her, which caused Gu Jun to sacrifice himself to save her... 

Bai Jue stood there and let her stabbed him, with the same sword he forged for her 60,000 years ago, with his spiritual powers, while he was already injured, is rather very hurtful from a viewers perspectives who understand Bai Jue, and why he is doing what he's doing. He let her stabbed him, so that alone, she already dealt him physical pain, although her words hurt him more, because that counts as emotional pain for him. Yes, they both were hurting here, but you can't deny that Bai Jue's pain isn't hurting here, it hurts him just as much, if not more than Hou Chi, if anything, he have to bare the pain of hurting her, which he never had the intention to, that's why he didn't want her to leave Qingchi Palace, because if she didn't then none of this would have happened. He have to make adjustments to his plans, which involves him now being cold to her, because he didn't want her to know what he's plan, and he didn't want her to be involve with the danger. Bai Jue is a complicated character like you said, but his reasons is understandable in my eyes. Hurting her was never his intention if there's a choice, but if I go into this whole topic again, I will feel like I am repeating myself, since I already made that post on the first page in here.

 KiKo Tsukino:
you should blame Wu Huan, because Wu Huan was planning to kill Qing Mu, and she have every intention to, even at that time, if Bai Jue didn't rushed back, Qing Mu would have been dead. It was thanks to Bai Jue that Qing Mu was saved, although in the end, it was inevitable for him that he have to become one with Bai Jue, because it needed to happen at that moment

yess at first I hate how he come back at such a moment but I accepted it after reading the reason behind it. I understand all burden he carries since 60,000 yrs ago; losing his love one and everyone in god realms in front of his eyes he must don't want to repeat it again. I once comment how Qingmu is another version of Bai Jue who's free from responsibility for the world. 

hehehe it's okay I understand all your point and agree with it. This is just some of my thought. When you said she should stabbed Wuhuan I also agree but I think she want to just end everything with Bai Jue. She never once move her eyes from Bai Jue since the start so you could see at that moment she is ready to end it all. Though, at first she only intended to get the divorce letter and leave but banned by Wuhuan you could see from here she lose all her motivation and just want one thing which is "go back home" she already lose her pride when coming to see his husband's wedding in front of all the immortals, getting slap by Wuhuan, get divorce, lose her father and almost died. Sure Bai Jue is suffering, I won't denied but at that moment Houchi get hurt here and there which lastly end by her stabbing Bai Jue who's ready to receive the stabbed and that's hurt both of them. That's why I said he deserve it and he know it. Only in that way she could escape from there with her dying body. Only in this scene I feel like this, in other scene I come to really understand from his perspective . I'm sure this is the only way he could do to not lose everyone again.

@Baberog, I won't touch on other things you said, since we seems to be seeing it a bit differently when watching that scene, but I will just say, if you go back and watch that scene again, when Hou Chi asked Bai Jue to divorced her, so they can have a clean cut, it actually hurts Bai Jue when she suggested that, it is subtle, but you can tell he was reluctant, because deep down, he didn't want to cut ties with her, he wanted to still hold onto that marriage with her, because it's something he cherish, in his time when he was Qing Mu, which is evident that he still loves her, although all this he cannot show her because of the path he's walking on, so the whole divorce thingy, it didn't only hurt Hou Chi, but Bai Jue too... But he did it in the end anyway, because this is what Hou Chi wanted... Sad really... 

Some article in Weibo make me remember that Bai Jue's plan actually :
1. Raise up Houchi, get Chaos power, and silently sacrifice himself. This scenario surely won't make Houchi hurt whatsoever. She's just a carefree lively Goddess who know nothing about tribulation/her responsibility.
2. Plan B is after Qingmu derailed his plan. Stay away from Hou Chi, make her hate Bai Jue, then silently sacrifice himself. This scenario surely hurt HouChi but not as much because Hou Chi doesn't know her responsibility too. At best she's still live, and hate Bai Jue. Whether he live or dead isn't her concern anymore.
3. Plan C since Gu Jun sacrifice himself and Shanggu awake. Stay clear away from Shanggu, make her hate him, take away her memory so that she didn't know why he died. That way she will live and let go / move on. She will love him still, but doesn't blame herself because she doesn't know why Bai Jue is dead. She's on the right track of forgetting everything, but its not what the destiny want. Destiny make the bracelet broken and Shang Gu got her memories back.

Summary he has best plan but its derailed. The plan is halfway already and he doesn't wanna give it up. The only thing he can do is making adjustments, trying to keep it low profile as possible, while trying to soften the damage for Shanggu ( make her forget). Its just fate that disrupt it making her get the memory back and ruined his 3rd plan again.

So its not Bai Jue's original plan to make Shanggu hurtful, just that he tried to do damage control and at the end even fate doesn't go his way.

What Bai Jue's planned is for Shang Gu to live. While what destiny plan is for Shang Gu to know how much he has done for her in the last 60k years. The destiny doesn't make her remember to torture her. It just the fate's way of telling her, Bai Jue has done his part of protecting you, so now it's your turn. The pain and heartbreak isn't for her to wallow in pain, but to give her strength to make the impossible possible. The fate always fair. It will always give the most hardworking one the best reward. So i see it the memory is a push needed to make her do her part in this relationship. To prove that she loves as much as Bai Jue and never give up untill the end.

Someone wrote that this tribulation is their love trial and also to prove their worth as True God, the leader of Three Realms. I couldn't agree more.

I understand his suffering but I hated the way he went about it. I couldn't stand that bitch Jingzhao being able to stay with Bai Jue and pretty much getting what she wanted. She was obsessive with Qing Mu to the point where even though he told her outright he loved Houchi and didn't give two craps about Jingzhao, she just kept trying to push her way in through manipulations. And for her to get her wish to stay with Bai Jue after he was resurrected didn't sit well with me throughout the last part of the drama. Jingzhao is such a bully to Houchi that she didn't deserve to be beside Bai Jue. Even though using Jingzhao was his way of pushing Houchi away, it pissed me off so much! I get that he didn't care about Jingzhao but allowing her to be with him and hurting Houchi so much was unforgivable to me. And even going to marry that wench was ridiculous! I was so glad Tianchi stopped the farce of a marriage. I felt every single hurt that was heaped upon Houchi by Bai Jue and I didn't like it at all! I didn't hate him...I just wished it didn't have to be done this way because I understood completely how much he was sacrificing to keep her happy. So I understand but at the same time....grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!

In episode 39 when Gu Jun and Bai Jue had that talk, it also explained that Bai Jue spent 40,000 years to put together her spiritual sense, which was still in the form of an 'egg-shape', and she haven't been born yet, and Bai Jue spent half of his power to draw the god-reincarnation spell, so she can be reborn, it was also revealed that it was his last chance, if Shang Gu is not born this time(on that day), then it will disappear the next day, and when that happens, Bai Jue literally wasted all that for nothing. Can you imagine the feeling of uncertainty, and how Bai Jue must have felt back then, not knowing, yet he tried all he could plus him having to wait 40,000 years to get the result/answer he wanted. All he have was his belief in Shang Gu. Talk about how much he put into this, believing that Shang Gu will be reborn again, without knowing the certainty that she will. Lucky for him, Shang Gu was reborn again.

So, looking at this information given, I don't think Hou Chi is 60,000 years old, because at the beginning of the second life, there was a time skip to 60,000 years later, and then we saw Hou Chi grown up.

I think she's 20,000 years old, because Bai Jue spent 40,000 years to put together her spiritual sense, so she can be reborn again, and he spent 10,000 years by Hou Chi side under the identity as "Bo Xuan", and for the next 10,000 years, Bo Xuan disappeared because he needs to cultivate the power of Chaos. That's when she and Qing Mu met (although it was never in Bai Jue's original intention for them to meet and fall in love, because it complicated things for him). While, it was never in his intention for Qing Mu and Hou Chi to happen, but I can see that he really cherish the time they spent together, even when he have to act indifferent about it in front of Hou Chi/Shang Gu. I actually find that sad to be honest, but I know why he did it.

Bai Jue was the one who named her "Hou Chi", he could have named her "Shang Gu" again, but he chose to name her "Hou Chi", because he wants her to live this life of hers, away from her destiny as Chief God, that's why he sealed her God Veins, because that was Shang Gu's wish before she sacrificed herself, in her next life, she don't wish to be a god. Bai Jue only respected her wish for that. You can literally see that he completely gave up the chance to be with her again(in this life). That's why he kept things platonic between Hou Chi and Bo Xuan, because he knows that he's going to die eventually. He gave her the bracelet, because he knows that she couldn't cultivate properly, but that bracelet can protect her in times of need. To him, he only wanted her to be safely protected inside Qing Chi Palace. To live a care free life. These were his plans to have her safely protected away from her destiny, and then him just 'silently sacrificing himself' for her instead.

All this hurt would have been avoided if she stayed in Qing Chi Palace and not venture out, but then ofcourse it will not go that way, since all Xianxia will have these kind of angst that pulls at our heart and will hurt us... But what I am trying to say is, it was never in Bai Jue's intentions to hurt Hou Chi/Shang Gu... Remember as Bo Xuan, he was so kind to Hou Chi back then.... So him, having to be cold, and did what he did is because these were last minute changes and honestly, it isn't only her hurting, but he was hurting too....He didn't want to do this to her. Do you think it pleases him to see her suffer/hurt like this? He can't directly comfort her, so he can only use 'indirect ways' to comfort her and minimise her pain. For me, I actually feel that Bai Jue hurt more to have to do this to her. Some of the things Hou Chi/Shang Gu said to him really does hurt him. You can see it in his expression, and just like Tian Qi said to Shang Gu: "He's been enduring this 'very painfully'". No one understands the pain Bai Jue felt, aside from Bai Jue himself, and if Tian Qi knows, then he really do understand Bai Jue. Well, I understand the pain he felt, that's why I felt sorry for him, and don't hate him, because I know why he did what he did.

If people tried to even put themselves in Bai Jue's shoes and look at what he's experienced and paid attention to the story, and see it from his perspective and not simply judge this from 'black and white', then they would know that what Bai Jue did was to ensure Hou Chi/Shang Gu isn't in too deep, and then later being hurt when that time comes i.e. when he sacrificed himself. There's no point for Bai Jue to tell Hou Chi he's Qing Mu, despite that he was, because it will not only complicate things, Hou Chi will not give up on him, and if she found out what he's planning to do, she will stop him, and that's not what Bai Jue want. This is why, everytime when Hou Chi and then later Shang Gu tries to dig into the truth, he have to be cold to her, because he's afraid of her finding out the truth and what he's planning. In other times, honestly, he never did go to the extremes to hurt her. But there are also times Shang Gu have said hurtful things to Bai Jue, like she even went as far as poisoning the wine and then said those hurtful things to Bai Jue... So honestly, it isn't her hurting alone, Bai Jue is too, if not he's enduring this silently on his end... I actually felt for him when Shang Gu poisoned the wine, because Bai Jue never expected she would, but she did....

Bai Jue knew that the short term bliss will lead to a long term suffering, because he's been through it, just up to the last moment before Shang Gu sacrificed herself, they had fun together, and they didn't want to say goodbye, but in the end, it doesn't change the fact that Shang Gu, cruelly left him and sacrificed herself, despite Bai Jue begged her not to. I don't blame Shang Gu back then, because I saw where she's coming from, but it doesn't change the fact that her decisions and how she ignored Bai Jue's feelings when he told her not to, have hurted him in the long run, and people keep saying that Bai Jue should have stayed with Hou Chi, so she can be happy up to the moment, before he sacrifice himself, but I am like "????" Yeah, that would be sweet and all, but wouldn't that be a repeat of what happened in the past??? They can't change what is pre-determined... And if they look at it: "A short term bliss will lead to a long term suffering", "The deeper you love, the more it will hurt later, when they say good bye"... So it makes sense why Bai Jue wanted to end it now, and they got their short term bliss, since it is already evident in Qing Mu and Hou Chi, their short term bliss, lead to a long term suffering for Hou Chi, and it is already hurting Bai Jue because of it, since he would never have hurt Hou Chi, be cold to her like this, if there's another choice. He didn't wish for Qing Mu and Hou Chi to be together, not because he doesn't cherish those moments, to me he showed me he did, one of the example was how he questioned Gu Jun why he didn't do anything to stop Hou Chi from going to the hidden mountain because of what happened she and Qing Mu have to separate for 100 years after they are married, because Bai Jue after merging (combining into 1) with Qing Mu, he understand the pain how Qing Mu felt, no one understand it better than him, because they did become one, so he is not as indifferent as he himself make him to be when he's in front of her, but because of what happened, this short term bliss between Qing Mu (a part of him) and Hou Chi, it has complicated things for him now since he never wanted to hurt Hou Chi/Shang Gu, he just didn't want Hou Chi/Shang Gu to go through the same path(pain) he's been through, this is why he did all that. In the end, with how things turned out, he can only make adjustments to ensure Hou Chi/Shang Gu stay out of his plans, and away from the danger. This is all he could do, to ensure she won't have to know about what he's planning. So from Bai Jue's pov, I don't hate him, because I understand why he did all that, and heck I still love him after all this!

Ok, with that all said, I am not dismissing my love for Qing Mu and Hou Chi and their short term bliss, because I love every moment of it, I will always do, since I love them, however, from a logical standpoint, I can see why Bai Jue would not want to enter into a futile relationship with her, because it will only end up hurting her in the long run when that time comes (to him, the deeper you love, the more it will hurt later when the one you love is gone, so I understand his way of thinking, since it makes sense to me, I can empathise with him here). That is not to say that he doesn't love her, because he does, otherwise he wouldn't be hurting now when he sees her hurting. He was also the only one who called her 'Hou Chi', not once but three times expressing his concern when, just before she stabbed him, Tian Qi called her Shang Gu, but Bai Jue was the only one who called her "Hou Chi", so this was more than enough to show me that he cared for Hou Chi, under her own identity as "Hou Chi", the same way how Gu Jun come to care for her as "Hou Chi", despite they both know that she is Shang Gu.

Bai Jue didn't want Hou Chi/Shang Gu to go through the same path he's been through, this is why he did all that. In the end, with how things turned out, he can only make adjustments to ensure Hou Chi/Shang Gu stay out of his plans, and away from the danger. This is all he could do, to ensure she won't have to know about what he's planning. So from Bai Jue's pov, I don't hate him, because I understand why he did all that.

And if you are honestly going to play with the 'who waited longer for their soulmate to return' card... Bai Jue waited 40,000 years for Shang Gu to be reborn again... Before all this, he was not certain that she could be reborn, but he put his belief in Shang Gu could be reborn. Imagine she couldn't be reborn, then he would have waited 40,000 years for nothing! Even if she were reborn, he already gave up the idea of being together with her in this life, because he's going to die anyway (take her place in this tribulation), that's why he kept things platonic between the time he spent with her as Bo Xuan....

And Shang Gu? Well, she waited 503 years without knowing if Bai Jue can return to her, but compared that to 40,000+ years for Bai Jue having to wait for Shang Gu to be reborn again, Shang Gu only waited 503 years, and after 503 years, she gets to have her happiness with Bai Jue right away, while Bai Jue waited 40,000+ years for Shang Gu to be reborn, and then having Bai Jue endured all this of being misunderstood, which he wouldn't need to have her misunderstood him, if Hou Chi did not leave Qing Chi Palace, since originally, he wanted to sacrifice himself silently...But it's not her fault for leaving Qingchi Palace, since if she didn't then there wouldn't even be a story to tell.

Bai Jue never wanted to hurt Hou Chi or Shang Gu. He only wanted her to live a carefree life, away from her responsibility and live happily. But in the end, the story needs to have angst to build on it, because that's Xianxia for you. It always happens. Bai Jue really have suffered a lot of setbacks because none of it went according to his plan when Hou Chi and Qing Mu meet, and them falling in love. People hate Bai Jue and only sees how much Hou Chi and Shang Gu suffers, but hello???? She's NOT the only one suffering, Bai Jue is too, just like Tian Qi said to Shang Gu: "He's been enduring this very painfully". And some of the things Shang Gu said to Bai Jue is very hurtful too, but people only just keep seeing that Bai Jue have hurted Shang Gu, and never tries to see the pain that he's enduring on his end...

Thank you KiKo Tsukino for writing your thoughts about Bei Jue. Now I got better understanding of how Bei Jue would choose to do all those decisions. He indeed no less sadder than Hou Chi and Shan Gu. No eonder Xu Kai had deep appreciation for Bei Jue. Luckily he came back ?

 Feby chan:

Thank you KiKo Tsukino for writing your thoughts about Bei Jue. Now I got better understanding of how Bei Jue would choose to do all those decisions. He indeed no less sadder than Hou Chi and Shan Gu. No eonder Xu Kai had deep appreciation for Bei Jue. Luckily he came back ?

The ending? 

Yeah he came back. Although that was a 'miracle' that he could though. I won't spoil the details for the ending,  you will see when you watch it. And I'm glad I can enlighten you with that ending there. 

Yes!!! He came back!!! I love the ending. But I really want a sequel ?

 dark pheonix:

Bai jue is a complex character and is really misunderstood. Both Shang gu and Bai jue suffered a lot but all their fate was cruel. I love the story and characters, its a wonderful story with soo much pain and suffering. I m really happy to be able to watch such a wonderful story after a long while. As for Bai jue he is the most pitiful character, He did all that knowing that he would never end up with his love of his life and he was alone while doing it all. He did what he could but could not control what happened and in the end had to huet houchi/shang gu. For me both houchi and shang gu were the same person just without the memories of the other. Although many said that they were different and houchi had to dissapear for shang gu to come back was a misunderstanding. Just like Bai jue and qing mu both shang gu and houchi were one but i don't know why shang gu did not remember houchi they are definitely the same person.    

Thankfully, someone realized it. Houchi is indeed Shang Gu, just without her memories of the past. She was like a rebirth Bai Jue at the ending. But for Qing Mu, I disagree. Qing Mu was a separate entity that came from Bai Jue. In a sense, Qing Mu is not Bai Jue, but the same time he is. We knew that Bai Jue did split himself to acquire dual cultivation to collect Shang Gu's soul fragments and to stop the forthcoming tribulation that could endanger Shang Gu's life once again. Bo Xuan is the original Bai Jue, but Qing Mu was a clone made of half of his life force.