Who put this ???????? together!!!!
It captures the essence of how he's putty in her hands.
I wish I had the savvy to make such clips...that way we could show all those people who saw him as "toxic" could get evidence of just how "loyal - just - fair" he is in his dealings.
Yes he is sometimes rude impatient in your face aloof doesn't like to interact when he is busy picky about who to hang with etc etc..
But that's a personality thing...and we know many who are like that...
However his generosity and putting himself out there for others and slogging until his body collapses (when his team isn't able to he takes up the lax) his empathy his ability to put himself in danger of losing everything he has built and sweated over.. His honesty with people his ability to trust...those are giantific things which completely wash away the character quirks.. Teeny blips ZY and his buddies see right past