Hi C 

I am now 3 hours ahead of you and I go for my run at at around 5:30am because there’s less people.  There’s usually at least one other person there. Just got back from the park ( picnic) 

I see quite a number of actresses with dimples. 

I watched a bit because it was already too late to finish two whole episodes. 

Which ep they slept together? Must have missed that. I watched until the part where ML rescue FL from uncle so didn’t know where uncle escaped to. 

Yes that orange one , the one she wore went she saw the statues. I like her posing in front of the statue and she’s so kind to Song girl. 

Ok i will have to watch the part where Song brother tried to kill FL.

Hi K

Black sugar ( brown sugar here) is the dark coloured sugar that is added to the milk tea and it’s popular here. Are you talking about brown sugar ginger tea taken during period?  Musang king is a species of durian , a thorny fruit with soft yellow flesh in the inside which is really pungent. It originates from Malaysia. I am sure you’ve tried Mango salad. I made pandan (screwpine leaves) chicken today. 

FL went to the Treasury to look for the arhat and was trapped in there. A Shuang told her to look for the arhat and draw a replica. Only with the arhat First Uncle can take on his position of the Duke, now currently held by ML’s father. 

The Song family is very influential and they try to have a marriage alliance with the Li family to gain control of Li family business-the mines I think. Song brother was trying to prevent FL from escaping. He saw ML keeping an eye on his wife so he took her elsewhere here .

CG was just crazy, she just pretended to be so prim and proper. 

Sparkle Love is ok. You can watch and give it a go. 

I am also interested to see who FL’s parents are. 

Hi M,

Yeah I saw you message around 2am but I couldn't open my eyes anymore... LOL So you run a a park? I went jogging last evening as well.

Oh ya, even the couple from DYLB is known as the Dimpled Couple.

Perhaps you have finished the whole episodes already - the sleep together just before going to find trouble with the FL.

I saw an interview someone posted in the comments section... basically they are cute in real life especially the ML... FL hair a bit too big. In real life the ML seems more chatty than the FL.

Hi K,

As M mentioned, black or brown sugar is actually unrefined cane sugar... very commonly used in Taiwan. Okinawa also has it's black sugar which is similar (Okinawa and Taiwan is close as well). It has a smokey caramel taste to it. Btw, I just ordered a brown sugar milk tea with caramel pearls... hot day in SG. 猫山王 is a breed of durian that is considered premium. The flesh is normally fine and stretchy, taste is aromatically sweet and strong. 

The song guy is not trying to rape the FL, rather trying to stir the ML so that he'll punch him which he did. He probably knows who the parents are and he could be a part of why the FL is abandoned.

Yeah, they slept together... She is the silliest villain, song guy is just making use of her - no one bothers about her even if she dies. In the end, ML's dad just banished the FL and even said good things about her in front of the mom.

Song family is influential in the capital and the Lee family is more in the rural areas. Yes, they just need to gain control of a mineral (or metal).

Yes I finish something about 1% - it is from 2016 I believe.  The leads are cute and no angst in this as well. There is a girl that is exactly like the evil cousin of OMSL. Sparkle love is a light watch... 30 minutes per episode... good if you are waiting for our dramas. I am watching 9 tailed fox as well (kdrama so not for M)

Hi C

I run in the oval in the morning because it’s cooler and I don’t need sunblock. Do you run in the park as well?It has been hot these few days.We also got brown sugar milk tea today.

Now I realized I watch quite a fair bit of Ep 25, skip Song girl scenes, silly girl always bullying the servants. I prefer Song girl to crazy cousin. Yeah what you said about the cousin is so true so silly. The Song brother is not a good chap .  FIL banished FL temporarily .  She’s safer with her mom. 

In real life FL has short hair but I don’t like it. She looks better with long hair.She gets along well with ML. The BTS are fun to watch. 

Not into K-drama. So many choices for C-drama.

SL is indeed very short each episode. I already figured out the culprit. Why would he risk his friendship? 

Hi K

Where are you up to with LIS? The cast is growing on me especially ML. 

Hi M,

I stay very close to a park... I normally do my runs just after work when I work for home. I just finished my brown sugar milk tea. We have 1for1 deals as well.

The Song girl is quite funny with the stepping of the foot LOL. Just that a bit too much on the like-don't like, leave, don't leave... I rather see more of the leads. FL is lucky that ML sent ppl to protect her. I guessed that she'll be fine.

For him, he just needed to get into the provincial team... but I was thinking so what - you will be in the last place of the team...  what good does it do? weird. And of cos jealousy plays a part as he thought ML has everything.


Hi M,

I stay very close to a park... I normally do my runs just after work when I work for home. I just finished my brown sugar milk tea. We have 1for1 deals as well.

The Song girl is quite funny with the stepping of the foot LOL. Just that a bit too much on the like-don't like, leave, don't leave... I rather see more of the leads. FL is lucky that ML sent ppl to protect her. I guessed that she'll be fine.

For him, he just needed to get into the provincial team... but I was thinking so what - you will be in the last place of the team...  what good does it do? weird. And of cos jealousy plays a part as he thought ML has everything.

There will always be someone better than him so is he going to eliminate every one? 

I stay close to Oval but if I don’t do my run in the morning, I don’t have the time coz I still have to cook after work.  If I live in Asia, I don’t even need to cook. The Asian food here is not very palatable. Even their roast pork isn’t good so sometimes I make my own roast pork. 

I find Song girl and the slingshot quite frightful. She’s a menace. Her impending wedding will be dreaded among the servants. 

Hi C

I’ve finished Ep 26 and I see what you mean about Song brother and Crazy cousin. Didn’t Song brother say that he and crazy are in love? That was all an act? The way she fanned herself was so irritating.

Yes, FL is definitely pregnant and I think she reveals her pregnancy in the next episode as I saw the trailer with her foster mom in the background. 

Looks like everyone is happier living with her mom. 

Mei Xiang is so faithful to FL.

Hi M,

For him probably is just because he is jealous of the ML thinking he has everything, even the girls he likes is liking the ML.

I thought some Asian food standard should be okay? Do you like Vietnamese food? But roast pork I know, i had really expensive wanton noodles in Australia and I can get much much better ones in SG for 1/5 of the price.

LOL,with the song girl she is really made for the 3 uncle. He is a menace as well, throwing and breaking stuff.

Oh, that is definitely an act... they have a common goal against the Lees and he is just making use of her. Yah, not sure why just being with the song guy gives her the right to act like that... it is just a bit weird this part.

Yeah the pregnant part is quite apparent when she lose her appetite. I think next episodes will be quite fast since they need to wrap things up in 3 episodes. The pregnancy, FL background, Song plot etc...

I just finished LIS episode 6... still not really convinced yet. The SFL is really irritating here and her hair... she looks like those aerobics video girl from the 80s. I find her more irritating here than my roommate is a detective. That one I am ok.

Hi C

I love Vietnamese. There are a few restaurants that serve authentic Vietnamese and Korean but I am referring to the food in the food court. You cannot convert the price of food here. It’s more expensive.

What is Song’s brother’s motive? His sister will be marrying into the Li family so he should be nice to them .

I like it that third uncle stood up for FL. They are getting on very well now. 

LIS-2FL is irritating and she’s trying too hard to get the  guy to fall for her.

Hi M,

Busy day... 

I had some really good Vietnamese food in Perth, definitely better than what I had in SG. Besides that everything else is good/fine except for the Wanton noodles.

It should have something to do with the lotus symbol. I am guessing this has something to do with power struggle in the capital, which the FL background is also part of it since she is a princess.

The third uncle is just childish, he sees that she always helps him especially on the song girl.

LIS - The way the SFL is acting, is just like trying to be in a non-serious relationship. If I am the guy I'd think so. But one thing how the ML acts is quite like the ML in OMSL... 

Hi C

Just got back from city. Had a lovely Thai lunch and bought Thai street food. 

Got all the things done on my list. Bought some Christmas cards from the church . It had been closed for few months and now open only for 2 hours weekdays. It takes 2 months for cards/letters to arrive overseas. 

The lotus tatoo ?  Looks like the drawing of the jade pendant has lotus as well and do you recall 2ML drew a picture with lotus on the clothes. Is the lotus the link behind whoever who’s trying to kill both ML and FL? Or link to FL background because she’s still being pursued and it’s not first uncle this time. 

Third uncle is a kid who loves mah jong.

Song family is not royalty right?

ML was so worried about FL but here she was having a good game of mah jong .

ML in LIS is not as tough in front of FL. Looks like the tables are changing as she’s having the upper hand now.

Edit: it was so kind if ML to provide for Ning Xin’s bridal gift(OMSL). I hope we see the last of crazy cousin .

Halo M,

Busy Mon and Tue due to release of my K-Dramas LOL. I was contemplating Thai food just yesterday as well (with Thai milk tea).

Now that you mentioned, Xmas is not too far away. I am only busy with quarter 4 and totally not aware. I haven't been sending cards out for a while...

Yes, the SML drew a drawing with the lotus pattern in the Song guy as he suspected he had something to do with it - since on the killings and assassination attempt happened when he was here. He was able to use this to get the ML out of trouble and confirm his suspicion, smart. The lotus is the link behind everything - may have something to do with the royal family since FL could have been a princess.

Song family is not royalty, think they are more like Marquis status just like Lee. Normally these family have prominent forefathers who aided in building the empire etc.

LOL, she is going to get punished again. The previous time she was forced to stand on one leg LOL.

ML is in LIS has secretly admired the FL when they were in school. He actually wrote a confession letter. So she is his weakness that the specs dude seemed to wanna make use of. But guess he got drawn in himself. I think the foster sister is really pretty, looks like a Taiwanese.

The ML is a generous dude, think he doesn't care about the material world coming from the warzones, he cares about pride and love. Well we have only 3 episodes left, we do need to see the cousin come to a more sorry end since she has been given so many chances?

Hi C

I am waiting fir General’s Lady to go on air this week .

LIS gets better. I saw the confession letter. He’s liked FL since school days and even now it’s so obvious he reslly love her, only she couldn’t see it because she thinks he’s deliberately baiting her. He kept using the excuse of his wound  hurting in order to get his own way. 2FK is throwing herself at the guy, so agonizing  to watch and he’s clueless as to her feelings. 

OMSL- FL won’t get punished coz she’s pregnant. She only need to mollify ML a bit . The standing on one leg is funny but she didn’t stand for long. 

Let us not have anymore of crazy cousin. That is horrible to watch. Did you notice how fragile her arms were? Like   they are about to snap anytime.

Hope General’s Lady is good. 

Hi M,

I just finished a shitty episode of the K-Drama I am following, not feeling that bad but just something lacking LOL. I am going to start 9-tailed fox another k-drama.

LIS I finished episode 9, still no urge to bingewatch. The SFL part I just ff and think nothing is missed. The FL and the specs guy plot also a bit perculiar, He is from a competitor and always appears before you, don't you think he is up to something?  And the ML just punches him because of a silly statement? Writers let this pass just for the sake of having a love rival. For me it is farfetched.

I am just looking forward to OMSL, and we will also complete SL this week. :)

The cousin I am sure we will see more of her. She did quite a good job since we hate her so much. LOL

Let me know about general lady.

Hi C

General’s lady will be on air on Friday. I will let you know how it goes. 

LIS yes can ff the 2FL part a bit draggy. I think FL didn’t know the guy is a competitor , he gives her advise. She couldn’t  even figure out that he likes her. 

OMSL maybe crazy cousin will be banished again. Song brother has been a bit too long making mischief. Looking forward to seeing what FL is up to. She’s always very busy. 

Yes will finish SL this week. 

These days I don’t feel like binge watching, except for OMSL. It’s so good and funny. Hope more dramas coming up. Haven’t had the chance to watch Together . 

Hi M,

Feel so tired today. Going straight to bed after this.

LIS I meant when ML confronted them 1st time, FL knows he is a competitor... she should steer clear no matter what. As of now, even he don't know that he like her already. Only the sister knows.

OMSL also ending this week. Lets hope that we can find something to discuss about after that. I started on a c-anime last night... looks okay.. abit like final fantasy.

Together? As in twogether or something like that? I think I will also stop any bingewatch... have been doing it for LAR and now OMSL.