
I cant remember exactly but I think she only figured out after the Luo and Wang families fell from grace. She heard stories about LBY, the Crown prince and 3rd prince when they were young and figured out about their relationship. She confronted LBY about his plan but after what happened with the Crown princess, she herself also realized that the Crown prince while was a good person, had terrible judgment when it came to people close to him.

  1. When exactly did the queen abdicate and be replaced by empress yue ? Is it true that css ever asked the crown prince to marry ??
  1. When exactly did the queen abdicate and be replaced by empress yue ? Is it true that css ever asked the crown prince to marry ??

CSS proposal is described on chapter 144 of the novel. The novel has been google translated  in English therefore it not accurate but you can get the sense of things. She admitted that she ask him in front of the emperor, empress Yue and third prince, they were amused and third prince was horrified.  I think CP ( he has a new title now) was shocked and ran away. 


CSS proposal is described on chapter 144 of the novel. The novel has been google translated  in English therefore it not accurate but you can get the sense of things. She admitted that she ask him in front of the emperor, empress Yue and third prince, they were amused and third prince was horrified.  I think CP ( he has a new title now) was shocked and ran away. 

Do you know how css forgive hby again after 5 years??


Do you know how css forgive hby again after 5 years??

He pursues her openly and also admits that he was wrong ; he regretted the way he  carried out his revenge, but at the time all the years of suffering and obsession took over. She also found out that during his banishment he kept an eye on her and helped YS family, he did this because he knew by deduction that YS wanted to marry and so he didn’t want CSS future to be ruined and to suffer should YS family be discredited.  Originally he didn’t intend to rekindle the relationship he was going to stay single and watch her from afar but then once he sees her he changes his mind. She doesn’t forgive him easily but I think she is only able to forgive him because she still loves him and in the end I think she realises that she cares about him more than herself. In the Epilogue YS said that in his life he loved her vigorously  but the one with the surname Huo loved her even more and so we understand why the title is Love like the galaxy. ❤️

@Nana57 thank you sist ?  what happen about yuan family??

This is where it gets confusing because the google translation is bad, I also skipped some parts because it’s boring; I think what happens is that YS father was tricked into killing someone the name was Weng (I think) and in order to minimise his crime LBY  pursues and kills  the instigator pretending it was done by YS family so that the Emperor will be lenient with his punishment.  LBY also gets hurt in the fight.  Anyone correct me if I am wrong.

I would not dare to phantom, to think, that anyone could gives soul and life to Ling Bu Yi and Cheng Shao Shang characters as brilliant as Wu Lei and Zhao Lushi.

Both characters itself based in excerpts shared generously here in the forum had been written and described so beautifully and enchanting. 

Wu Lei and Zhao Lushi have nailed each scenes and goes beyond imagination. The way this couple would stare at each other from being stranger, crush and then the love of their life. Definitely adorable and wonderful.

When they fought, it dragged sadness with anxiety. When they put down flames and console each other is like the warmest Summer. When they’re in love, it is so intense and passionate that the seconds they’ve appeared on-screen was beaming with piercing adoring gazes and giddiness joy.


I would not dare to phantom, to think, that anyone could gives soul and life to Ling Bu Yi and Cheng Shao Shang characters as brilliant as Wu Lei and Zhao Lushi.

Both characters itself based in excerpts shared generously here in the forum had been written and described so beautifully and enchanting. 

Wu Lei and Zhao Lushi have nailed each scenes and goes beyond imagination. The way this couple would stare at each other from being stranger, crush and then the love of their life. Definitely adorable and wonderful.

When they fought, it dragged sadness with anxiety. When they put down flames and console each other is like the warmest Summer. When they’re in love, it is so intense and passionate that the seconds they’ve appeared on-screen was beaming with piercing adoring gazes and giddiness joy.

Your description is so lovely almost like poetry ?

@Nana57, I thought YS’s father has passed away.( episode 40 YS knelt before the memorial tablet )


@Nana57 thank you sist ?  what happen about yuan family??

Yuan Shen and his family retired from the court, following LBY's advice. Since LBY already covered up his father's mistake, his father wanted to use the chance to advance in court. However, LBY adviced him not to, to pacify the emperor, since the emperor wouldn't allow a family extending their power too fast. If they were willing to withdraw then, Yuan Shen could one day come back to the court.

The Yuan family were supposed to go back to their hometown but Yuan Shen wasnt willing to withdraw silently. He went on a trip to earn merits for the Yuan family and got trapped. It opens to another act where LBY, CSS, Cheng Shao Gong and Luo Yao helped to rescue him.

The Crown Prince (current 3rd prince) felt guilty about helping and cheering LBY to steal his fiancee (CSS) so he made a vow to himself that he would help Yuan Shen advance when he returned to the court.

Towards the epilogue, it was said that Yuan Shen had a glorious career in court, highly-respected with lots of connections.


@Nana57, I thought YS’s father has passed away.( episode 40 YS knelt before the memorial tablet )

I think it was his mother's previous husband which also was his uncle. He was his mother's true love. When he passed away, his mother became a living doll without soul. She married his father because of political reasons, and his father also had a sweetheart who he had to give up for the marriage with his mom. 

Both of his parents were in love with others and their relationship was cordial at best. His master was also in pain for years because of CSS's aunt. Therefore, Yuan Shen was really guarded about love and wanted only a beneficial marriage. Well, until he met CSS, that is.


@Nana57, I thought YS’s father has passed away.( episode 40 YS knelt before the memorial tablet )



@Nana57, I thought YS’s father has passed away.( episode 40 YS knelt before the memorial tablet )

Not in the novel;  YS mother was married to the brother of YS father and she loved him dearly, when he died she had to marry YS father, but they never really got on with each other at all, that’s why the family is so dysfunctional and YS has a very cynical view of married life. Women in ancient China didn’t have many choices. 


I think it was his mother's previous husband which also was his uncle. He was his mother's true love. When he passed away, his mother became a living doll without soul. She married his father because of political reasons, and his father also had a sweetheart who he had to give up for the marriage with his mom. 

Both of his parents were in love with others and their relationship was cordial at best. His master was also in pain for years because of CSS's aunt. Therefore, Yuan Shen was really guarded about love and wanted only a beneficial marriage. Well, until he met CSS, that is.

You explained it much better then me. Thank you 


I think it was his mother's previous husband which also was his uncle. He was his mother's true love. When he passed away, his mother became a living doll without soul. She married his father because of political reasons, and his father also had a sweetheart who he had to give up for the marriage with his mom. 

Both of his parents were in love with others and their relationship was cordial at best. His master was also in pain for years because of CSS's aunt. Therefore, Yuan Shen was really guarded about love and wanted only a beneficial marriage. Well, until he met CSS, that is.

Told lou ben wife will take revenge with lby . What kind of revenge ? Looks like css was dragged too and how did louben's wife end??

i like the fact that YS  is stil close with CSS after so many years in the epilogue but each are married with others people